
The Hero of Nowhere

In a world where dangers constantly threaten earth, and monsters lurk just beyond.. Heroes rise up, and stop these calamities from happening. Gifted with special powers, these Heroes defeat evil beings called 'Hazes.' and protect the world total destruction and the evil that lurks. Max, our protagonist, has been cursed from the beginning, he was born with no powers and yet always dreamed of becoming a hero, yet he was super smart, so he got into a gifted school. there he was bullied, and ridiculed. Max gets a vision about a place that could get him what he wanted, upon arriving he was caught by a strong entity. Giving up all hope, he h uttered his last words. "I curse this existance." Now Max has the power to protect those he love and show what It means to be a true hero, but what's a hero without hardship? Read more to find out what happens to our protagonist, and how he overcomes his problems. 4 chapters/week Saturday or Sunday

VioletBliss · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

Getting Accustomed

"Haha.. I knew that would happen" Max said.

The guard holding the staff backs away and the guard holding the papers sat the short stack of papers on a small table by him and began one by one pulling papers up to Max's face, to identify him and see if he is a criminal, after several minutes Max is let go. And guided to the nearest guild,

"Here you can get an ID and more." He said opening the door.

"Thank you!" Max said as the guard was walking off.

As Max walks up to the front counter he can't help but look around at the medieval styled building and the oddly dressed people, people with broad armor, cloaks, Mage robes and even some vulgar clothing.

"This place must be a fantasy world.." Max thought.

He walked up to the front desk there sat a lady with big breasts, dressed in an all back shirt with a white. and the lady asks in a chipper voice,

"Hi! How can I help you?"

"Oh, hi, I am here to.. get an identification license?"

"Of course! One moment."

She got up and went into the door behind her,

"This place sure does like to make you wait." Max thought leaning on the desk, looking around.

He began looking around and noticed that the room felt off, people were staring at him and murmuring things seemingly scared of his presence. They seemed to keep their distance and avoid his gaze, whenever he would look at them the would shift away or avert thier eyes.

"What's going on?" He thought

The lady comes back from the door in the back,

"Right this way sir." She said with a shaky smile.

As Max entered the room and closed the door, everyone in the main room took a sigh of relief, even the desk lady took a small breath of relief.

In the room was a single chair infront of a white wall, and a camera pointed at the white wall and chair. It was furnished with a small table and a few more chairs. On the small table lied a quill and a paper with some information questions on it.

"I'm assuming I fill this out" Max thought

Max sat down in the wooden chair, however, as soon as he sat down the quilt began to move on it's own, seemingly powered by magic. Putting down his weight, Height, name and even his appearance. Max was befuddled, he's seen powers before but not of this caliber.

"Interesting hm?" A man said, entered the room, Max is startled.

The man was dressed in a casual white collared shirt with brown slacks and a black belt with black shoes. His name was Voss,

"Yo. I'm Voss, I'm the guild master for this guild, and might I say, you have quite the aura."

"Huh? Aura? I don't have one of those."

"So it seems you can't control it, let me try something. Tell me if you feel this."

Voss stops talking and the room goes silent.

"Did you do it yet?" Max asked, confused at what he was attempting to do.

"Hm, I see. You don't even have control of your own mana, I would attempt to show you, but I'm pretty busy so let's get on with the identity card."

After a few questions Max took a picture with a big smile, and got his card, it was a white and gray, card with his picture located in the top left corner with all the other information spread out on the card.

"This card will help you accept guild quests, let you in to inaccessible areas and much more." Voss said.


Voss left the room through the door on the left, Voss left the room through the original door he came through on the right.

Voss walks down a long hall way, his once friendly face drops and becomes super serious,

"I believe we've found him boss." Voss said to a stone.

The stone replied with a male voice,

"Good. Keep an eye on him. He is the most precious person on this entire plane."

"Understood, sir."

Max goes back into the main hall and as soon as he took a step into the main hall his stomach began to growl loudly.

"I must be hungry.. I guess I have to go find some food.."

Max leaves the guild office, when he steps outside he realizes that it is night-time, deapite that, the main street is buzzing with people and small market stands filled with fruits,vegetables and different local foods. The handing lantern lights up the market strip so people may see.

"This place is pretty lively huh?"

Max walks down the market strip looking at different food stands, and as a smell passed by his nose, he seeming floated towards the smell, it led him to a stand that was cooking what looked like chicken, but despite the other stands having an abundance of customers this one had none.

"Hello there!" The old man said excitedly

"Hey, what are you selling?"

"Roasted gyung."

"What's that?"

"Its a ferocious beast, only found deep in the woods, my son caught it for me so I just decided to cook it and sell it."

"Oh, well how much us it? It smells really good!"

"Oh? You like the smell?"


"What does it smell like to you, son?"

"Uhm, something like chicken..?"

"Hm. Interesting.. Well, it's 2 red gems per plate."

"Red gems..? Oh!"

"If this costs so little, then that means that I'm practically rich."

"I'll take 2 plates."

"But how do I access red gems?" He thought, racking his brain.

"Oh! That associate did tell me that I can access them by thinking of the amount I want and then thinking, deposite?"

Suddenly 4 red coins appeard in his pocket, and he paid.

Max took the food and walked further down the market strip, walking away from the stand.

"I have a second conformation. He is the right one." The old man said into a stone.

The stone replied,

"Good job, now for the last test."

Max noticed that people were crowding a certain area and he was wondered what was going on, so he investigated..