
The Hero of Nowhere

In a world where dangers constantly threaten earth, and monsters lurk just beyond.. Heroes rise up, and stop these calamities from happening. Gifted with special powers, these Heroes defeat evil beings called 'Hazes.' and protect the world total destruction and the evil that lurks. Max, our protagonist, has been cursed from the beginning, he was born with no powers and yet always dreamed of becoming a hero, yet he was super smart, so he got into a gifted school. there he was bullied, and ridiculed. Max gets a vision about a place that could get him what he wanted, upon arriving he was caught by a strong entity. Giving up all hope, he h uttered his last words. "I curse this existance." Now Max has the power to protect those he love and show what It means to be a true hero, but what's a hero without hardship? Read more to find out what happens to our protagonist, and how he overcomes his problems. 4 chapters/week Saturday or Sunday

VioletBliss · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Getting Accoustomed (2)

Max approaches the crowd and squeezes through, he asks someone in the crowd,

"What's going on?"

"It seems there's a fight between 2 people, but it's super one sided.."


Max forces his way through the large crowd. The man he just talked to, talks to a stone,

"He's making his way in, initiate phase 4."

"Copy." The stone said.

Max forces his way through the crowd, and sees what looks like to be a kid his age being beaten by an adult.

"This will teach you not to mess with our gang!"

The grown man throws a punch a the tern, and Max rushes in and catches the punch.

"What do you think you're doing?" Max said in a cold tone.

"Eh? Who're you?" The thug said snatching his hand from Max's grip.

"This kid has a debt to pay, he has to pay 200 Red gems! And he agreed that if he cant pay it, i get to take his life!"

Maxs face drops and his once worried expression changes into cold anger. Max looks back at the helpless teen, and the teen shakes his head no subtly, Max waves his hand signaling for the teen to back up and the teen quickly moves away. Max uses his skill {Hunters Authority} instantly a wave of aura and immense pressure covers the circle, people in the crowd struggle to stand up, but the thug cannot stand at all,

"W..hat..is that...powe..r?"

The teen feels no pressure at all, but as he looks up at Max he us reminded of a hero that saved him long ago with black hair and a brazen smile.

A mysterious man in the distance notices the aura and begins to smile.

Max releases the pressure and throws a sack of red coins on the ground,

"With this, his debt is paid." He said standing over the unconscious thug.

"Now screw off." Max puts his hands in his pockets and walks away.

Max walks to a place withal sign hanging that says [Dreamy Inn]

"Welcome to the dreamy Inn! How long will you be staying?"

"How much are the rooms per night?"

"15 Red gems."

"I don't have a definite time, so can I just stay here?"

"That's fine. Please pay 15 Red gems up front."

Max places 15 Red gems on the counter and the man behind the desk Hands him a key.

"Enjoy your stay!"


Max looks at his key number and looks for a door with that exact number.

"23..24..25..Ah! Here it is, 27."

Max unlocks the door, and enters his room, the room is a small room, with a bed a dresser.

"Such a small room... with no bathroom?"

Max let's out a long, tiring sigh,

"This is going to be a long night.."

Max flops on the bed staring at the ceiling,

"I wonder what my mom is doing? I hope she's okay.."

Max drifts off to sleep, and wakes up with a jolt, in the morning.

"So it wasn't a dream.."

Max sits on his bed and thinks about what he should do,

"I need new clothes..and food."

Max smells himself,

"Augh, and a shower..."

Max goes leaves the inn and begins searching for a clothing shop, and notices something familiar, articles of clothing that are hung up on a clothing stand that looks like his outfit. Max approaches the stand, and the young lady running the stand prepares to meet her new customer.

"Hello there, would you be looking to buy?"

"Yes, however, I have some questions."

"Ask away!"

"Where did you get this white suit from?"

"We bought it!"

"Oh, from who?"

"Well, I don't know I just work here."

"Hm.. how much is it?"

"50 red gems."

"Such bland responses!" He thought.

Just then Max remembered that he left his Heroes ID in his left pocket.

"May i?" Max signals to touch the clothes.

"Of course!"

Max reaches his hand in the left pocket of the suit and feels a thin square shaped object, he pulls up out and to his suprise its just a thin piece of glass,

"We keep those in there to keep the pockets square."

Max sighs and begins to walk away defeated, but then he remembed,

"Wait, mom would always leave her signature in the collar of any of my shirts she made. "

He rushed back to the stand and checked the collar of the suit and he was right,

"Hah. I knew it!" Max thought.

"I'll take this one."

Max places a small sack of red gems on the front and takes the suit and rushes back to the inn, takes a shower In the public bath and puts on the suit in his room.

"Alright, time too.."

Before Max could continue his sentence, his stomach began to growl.

"Well before I do anything.. I need to eat."

Max travels down the crowded market strip, looking at different markets, looking for food, when he passed an alleyway he noticed something. He walked pasted it the first time but came back and peeked into the alleyway and noticed something glowing, it was a purple stone. Max felt like something was calling him, and luring him to the stone. He grabbed the stone and instantly began to felt nauseous and the world around him began to warp, and change.

Blegh.. Max threw up from the nausea and sudden change of locations,

"Ugh.. what happened..?"

Max notices that he isn't standing in the alleyway anymore, but is standing in a grass field,

"What?! No no no no no.. not this again.."

Max looks up and looks around, and notices he is standing just off of a dirt road that leads to a home on a hill.

"What the..?"

Max ventures closer to the house, notices the flowers in the front yard, the roses, daisy's, and buttercup's. The path is lined with stones and the home itself is pretty big. Max enters what seems to be a force field, and instantly the mysterious person inside notices his presence.

"What's going on?" Max though as he approached the house.

Max approached the door and before he could knock a male voice called out from behind the door,

"Its open. Just come in."

The voice sounded very familiar but Max couldn't put his finger on who it was so he opened to door and it turned out to be..