
Father's Message

As we crossed the bridge towards the city gates, a courier approached us. He had a letter for me from a woman named Cassia. She said that she and her brother had discovered an ancient Dwemer legend about a forgotten city. Cassia's brother entered the city but hasn't returned. She heard about my relationship with Jarl Ulfric and wants the Stormcloaks to rescue her brother. Unfortunately, we are too preoccupied with the war to send aid.

Kaidan and I entered Windhelm, and I asked if he wanted to have a drink with me. I need to know if I can trust him. We grabbed a seat in Candlehearth Hall, and I asked for his take on the civil war. He says that the fact Ulfric Stormcloak killed the High King and started a civil war shows that he doesn't have the foresight to rule. He also mentioned that the Empire is weakened and can't even take care of its own. I appreciate his honesty. I asked Kaidan if he would help me fight, and he said that he would never let me face down an entire army alone. At least I know I can count on him. He also said I could call him Kai from now on. We finished our drinks and left Candlehearth Hall.

When we got close to the Palace of Kings, a weird priestess stopped us. She said that she preaches the word of Mara and helps lost children. I didn't have time for her rambling, so I walked off. Then, out of nowhere, Mara herself started to speak through the priestess. She spoke in riddles, but the message's gist is that trouble is brewing in the Reach, and someone needs to stop it. Then the goddess disappeared. The man traveling with her asked me what spell I placed on her, to which I responded that I don't know the slightest bit about magic. I asked him about this place in the Reach Mara spoke of, and he told me of a merchant that might know the way. I thanked him and continued towards the Palace. I don't know what's going on, but I should report it to Father right away.

Kai and I entered the Palace of Kings. I kneeled before my father and handed him the Jagged Crown.

Father: You have done well, my son.

Me: Thank you, Father. I also have something to report.

Father: Go on.

I told him about the priestess and Mara's warnings.

Father: One of the Eight spoke to you!?

Me: Yes, I am as surprised as you are.

Father: Far be it for us to ignore the plea of a goddess. Still, the Reach is controlled by the Empire, so it is their problem for now.

Me: Understood.

Father had another mission for me. I am to deliver his axe to the Jarl of Whiterun, Balgruff. When one Nord gives another their weapon and they accept, then that means all is well. However, if the weapon is returned, then that means they have business to settle. It's time to find out which side the good Jarl Balgruff is on. Before I left, Father asked me who this man is with me. I told him about the report I received on the abandoned prison and what came of my investigation.

Father: You cleared out a Thalmor prison all on your own? Well done, son!

Me: Thank you, Father.

Father: Welcome to the Stormcloaks Kaidan, and take good care of my son. If anything happens to him, I will hold you personally accountable.

Kai: Yes, yes, I understand, Jarl Ulfric.

Me: I can take care of myself, Father.

Father: You don't have to tell me.

We departed for Whiterun.