
Helgen Destroyed

When Kai and I arrived at Whiterun, one of the guards stopped us. He said the city is closed because of dragons. Dragons!? They have been extinct for decades. I asked the guard what he is talking about, and he told me there is a rumor that Helgen got hit by a dragon. That's when I remember the report about the mission at Darkwater Crossing. Father and his platoon were ambushed by Imperial soldiers. A few of them were captured, including Father and Ralof, and taken to Helgen for execution. They managed to escape when a dragon suddenly appeared and attacked the town. The facts seem to line up.

Kai: Do you believe the rumors? That a dragon had attacked Helgen:

Me: Father wouldn't lie about something as huge as dragons coming back. It wouldn't hurt to check for myself, though.

Helgen is over by Fort Pale Pass, just a ways from Riverwood. Kai and I made the trip there by foot. Riverwood is a nice little town. I should come here more often. We walked the path up the hill to Helgen, and as we approached the settlement, you will never believe what we saw. A large black dragon came flying out of the town. It's true! Dragons really have come back. This is not good! Kai and I ran to Helgen's gate to check for survivors. All we found was a corpse. Poor fella was burnt to a crisp. I reached for the body, and it turned to ash. Inside the ash was a journal that managed to stay intact. The journal detailed the adventurer's travels up until his death at the hands of the dragon. I can't believe he was on the same cart as Father when the Imperials brought them in. Shame he didn't make it.

Kai and I ran back to Riverwood to warn the residents about the dragon when we saw Ralof, who had come to visit his sister. I reported the dragon sighting to him.

Ralof: By the gods! You saw it!

Me: Yes! I couldn't believe it! The dragon flew right over our heads in this direction. Who knows when and where it will attack.

Ralof: I knew it! I'll go tell my sister and the others about the dragon. As Jarl Ulfric's son, you should be the one to speak with Jarl Balgruff. Try to work out a plan of action; Riverwood needs protection.

Me: Understood, I had a message to deliver from Father anyway.

Kai and I made our way back to Whiterun. I told the guard to open the gate immediately. I saw the dragon with my own eyes and need to discuss a way to protect Whiterun should it attack. The guard rushed over, unlocked the gate, and told me to hurry towards Dragonsreach. When Kai and I entered Whiterun, we saw an Imperial soldier begging the local blacksmith to forge weapons for the Legion. Have they no shame? We stopped by Belathor's general goods to sell some unnecessary items, and when we left, that same Imperial soldier was standing there with an older man. This time they were pestering an old woman. She asked where the Battle-Borns were holding her son, and they told her he died a Stormcloak traitor. The older man even said she would do the same if she continued to pry. The Imperials truly have no honor.

When they finally left, I asked the woman if she was alright. She told me her name is Fralia and she is so worried about her son Thorald. Fralia is sure that Thorald is alive somewhere and that the Battle-Borns are hiding the truth.

Fralia: They're in with the imperials. I just know it.

Me: The fact that the Imperials are covering up a missing person doesn't surprise me, especially if they sympathize with our cause.

Fralia: Are you a Stormcloak, son?

Me: Yes, Jarl Ulfric is my father, after all.

Fralia: Really!? I had no idea the Jarl of WIndhelm had a child. And you're such a cute young man too.

Me: Mam, please. Anyways, as a fellow Stormcloak, it is my duty to discover the truth about my brother in arms.

Fralia: So you will help me then? How wonderful! Please come with me.

Fralia escorted us to her home. When we went in, her other son Avul came running out with a Battleaxe. He thought I was a spy for the Battle-Borns.

Fralia: Put that away, Avul. That's Ulfric Stormcloak's son; you're are holding a weapon too.

Avul: What!? The Jarl of Windhelm has a child?

He looked me up and down.

Avul: Are you really the son of Jarl Ulfric?

Me: He adopted me two years ago when the Thalmor killed my mom in front of me.

Avul: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Those damn elves do as they please.

Me: You don't have to tell me.

Avul: Right. Well, it's an honor to have the Jarl of WIndhelm's only son in our home. I take it this is your bodyguard?

Me: More like I'm his bodyguard. I did save his hide from a Thalmor prison.

Kai: You're never going to let me live that down, are you?

Me: I'm just messing with you—no need to be serious all the time.

Avul: Ha Ha, fair enough.

Me: Now, let's get down to business. Tell me what happened to Thorald.

Avul explains to me that Thorald was fighting for the Stormcloaks when he disappeared. Everyone assumes he is dead, but the Grey-Manes believe the Imperials hold him captive, and the Battle-Borns know where.

Me. I have no doubts that those Imperial puppets are hiding something. So what's your plan?

Avul: Ha, you truly are Jarl Ulfric's son. I'm sure the Battle-Borns have proof Thorold is still alive. I would search their home for it, but that's what they would expect. Then I would be captured too.

Me: On the other hand, they don't know me or that I am Jarl Ulfric's son.

Avul: Exactly. Smart one, ain't ya. You might be able to sweet-talk them into giving up Thorold's location.

Me: Seems easy enough. However, there is a slight problem.

Avul: What is it?

I tell Avul about the dragon and Father's axe.

Avul: I see. Sounds like you have your hands full.

Me: I'm sorry. I want to rescue Thorold, but his life isn't the only one at stake with the dragons coming back. Don't worry, though. When Father is in control, we will get that proof whether the Battle-Borns like it or not. You just have to wait a little longer.

Fralia: Thank you.

Avul: But Ma!

Fralia: Are you going to argue with Jarl Ulfric's son?

Avul: No.

Fralia: If he says the Stormcloaks are going to save Thorold, then I believe him. I am worried sick, but we have waited this long. We can wait a little longer.

Me: Thank you for understanding, mam.

Fralia: No, thank you for hearing us out. As the Jarl of Windhelm's son, I'm sure you have more important matters to attend to.

Kai and I left the Grey-Manes' residence and headed towards Dragonsreach.

Kai: Well, you handled that pretty nicely.

Me: Sometimes, my status comes in handy.