
The Heir of Khaos

IkariHeron · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
12 Chs

Chapter 10

"My sincere apologies my lord, but these lower lifeforms should be grateful to lick where you've step. For your prior question, it is in the outmost importance for me to take every life you've taken., for your evolution to be possible. You shall not fret once the soul has served its purpose, it'll go back to where everything goes. It shall have the honor of meeting they're creator, Khaos, so they can be reborn again. For the spell you've casted, yes, in theory is a simple spell, but once mastered it can do more than just cut through simple matter. When utilized properly, it can even cut through time itself and even kill the spirit of an individual. I must say, I'm an utter disappointment my lord, I can't help you revegetating the forest. Although, I have heard of an individual who can help, my lord. His name is Silvanus, you can summon him, we're all here to serve you."

The dryad had a dumbfounded face when Anubis referred to me as his master. She could not comprehend how a kid who seem to be 4 years old could have such a creature.

"[Unique Skill Ept Ark] Life of the land Silvanus heal what once was gone."

Anubis paid his farewells since I could only bring one summon at a time. As he disappeared, a green life full of light, shined in the dense fog. A gigantic tree-like man was seen as soon as the light disappeared. I was amassed with how powerful and big the giant was. His body was an old wooden brown color, there were green vines that cover his body that resemble an armor. Two huge branches adorned his head like a crown, and golden bright eyes. He gave the impression of a great wise ruler. The dryad feeling a great power once again, put her head on the scourging soil, not wanting to disrespect this new powerful being.

"How may I assist you, my lord?"

"I need you to bring the land back to life, leave it as it was. I must amend and take responsibility for what I have done."

"As my lords commands I'll heal the forest, and no need to bring fault to you. I understand you would like to make amends to the dryad and her people, I'll make a great monument where they can do their job of caring and protecting the souls of the land. Any who chooses to step inside with ill, will get lost and forgotten."

The giant summoned a great white flute, putting it to his lips. When he started playing the instrument, a beautiful voice came out of it. Singing with love and care, it was Gaia's voice, there was no mistaking it. For a mere mortal or low-level god, the sound was just a warm and sodding melody. As for a true primordial was that of mother earth herself. As for the surroundings, the fog was dissipating. The hot lave turned to the most fertile soil I've had seen. The smell of wet dirt shocked my nose, flowers started growing everywhere. The ground stated shivering for this new spring, grass grew relentlessly. Huge ancient tress that block your sight, where back with a healthier glow. You could feel the love and care of Gaia. The dryad couldn't believe her eyes, so much beauty and love grew relentlessly.

"Who are you are you?"

"My name is Raseryx Domus Khaos, that's all you need to know. Whats your name?

"Monsters or creatures don't have a name, therefore, I have none."

"I see you've witness my power and what I can do. I'm sure you know a lot about this world and have all the knowledge I can acquire. Therefore, I want you to join me and tell me everything you know about this world. I don't have much to offer to you but maybe a name. If I have the sufficient magiculs to do so."

"No, no, I can't accept. Someone like me can't receive a name."

"How dare you refuse the offer of the heir to all! You must pay with your life." Silvanus yelled.

"Silvanus, stop! Must all of my summons react like that?"

A voice interrupted "host Raseryx Domus Khaos has level up. Host went from level 1 to level 60. Host's abilities have improved greatly and magiculs level went from 150 to 11,550. Each time you level up 77 magiculs will be added.

How and why did I level up, it must've been because of the demons I accidentally killed. Suddenly, I felt how a bright light attacks my peripheral vision. It was Itzumi's body morphing and moving like if it was about to exploded.

"The host Itzumi Domus Khaos has leveled up due to master's bound. Host level is equals to masters, subordinated has met the level requirement for evolution. Since host is connected to Raseryx Domus Khaos, host doesn't need to complete or reach other requirements."

[ Would host like to commence evolution?]

[YES] [NO] … awaiting for response…

Everything had gone blank in a second and the same voice as before, spoke to me. Why can't I see or hear master? Should I say yes?

[response confirmed, starting evolution]

"Because of [Intrinsic Skills, absorb, dissolve, and self-regenerate.] the host has unlocked several branches for new skills which will be acquired once the evolution is complete. Congratulations host has evolved to Khaos slime, host has received common skill mimicry which has evolve to the unique skill Doppelgänger."

Unique Skill Doppelgänger

• Able to transform yourself to anything or anyone. (From a leaf to a spec of dirt to a low-level demon lord or arch angel. Not changing the host level.)

• Chance of stealing a skill from others, permanently. (Only if host absorb either a limb or blood from opponent.)

• Able to transform objects around you to a desired form.

The bright light started dying down, showing Itzumi's new form. He was the same shape but now his blue color changed to a spectacle of lights. Now he it seem like he had eaten a nebula, it was breathtaking of how much he resembled mothers eyes.

I turned to look at the dryad and told her I wanted her to help me find an end to all this bloodshed. I tell her I've been sent to stop the war. Her eyes opened wide, realizing I wasn't here to bring more bloodshed like she initially thought. She turned to look at Itzumi and the one who seemed like the great wise ruler, feeling intimidated by their gaze. I instructed them not to hurt her if she refused, its only normal for her to be doubtful. I explained to her that if she accepted she would have to keep Silvanus identity a secret. I didn't want to be a target for anyone who was much more powerful than him.

After taking a few minutes, she was about to give me her answer, but suddenly a blue circle appeared about 4 kilometers from us. It was the general ogre's soldiers accompanied by a hobgoblin and some goblin soldiers. They were approaching fast, and I had four huge problems. One and the most obvious of them all was Silvanus, what if they had seen him already. Even if they couldn't see him, they would be able feel his huge aura. My second problem was Itzumi, he didn't seem like a regular slime. He was an entire new species of slime and if they see him, they will certainly want to take him and experiment on him. Although, he can try to change his form, but to what? He can only transform to anything he has recently seen. All we've seen were a few monsters and I'm pretty sure if the see the tiger cub or the spider, they would attack him. My third problem is me, what am I supposed to say if they ask where I came from? Or how I survive such a huge blast?. And fourth, the dryad. What will she say if they ask her what happened and who we are…

"My lord, I see your worries. I'll help with some of them. As for me, you can just say I'm an ancient guardian of the forest and made it come back to life. For master Itzumi, here's a creature he can consume and transform to, I found it while healing the forest. For you my lord, you mustn't hide your existence from these lowly creatures, but I know that's not what my lord wants, therefore, if you must hide your identity, you can say you and master Itzumi were a prisoner of the demons, and you were able to escape. As a consequence, they started chancing after my masters. You can also blame the act of the attack on me. This lowly creature here (the dryad) can support the story that I sensed the ill will of the demons and came to see what has happening. When I saw them chasing two little boys and a dryad, I decided to stop them. When I attacked, I ended up making that big commotion. I'm sure that tale will be sufficient."

"Yes it will, thank you Silvanus"

"No need to thank me, my lord. We're here to be of use. Now, time to put on a show!"

As he finished explaining, he begins to play the white flute. The earth started trembling and more trees grew out of the ground. A lake appeared a few feet away from us, obstructing the path from the soldiers heading towards us. The earth sunk while crystal clear waters appeared with a huge waterfall. The soldiers stopped confused, not knowing what to do next. Meanwhile, Itzumi hesitated to consume the creature Silvanus had provided. Seeing how he wasn't comfortable consuming the creature, I told him that it was no different than drinking water or eating, at the end of the day, it was the cycle of life. He hesitantly activates his unique skill and consumes the golden fox into his body. I also decided to make changes to myself, I can't go around with my galaxy eyes and my aura going wild. The dryad stunned, finally noticing my eyes morphing to a light violet color.