
The Guide Games

Having borrowed for his late mother's treatments and subsequently failing to repay, Isaac is forced to repay his debt by playing a unique game. The catch? Players are unable to exit the game until their demise, all while forgetting they are engaged in a virtual world and instead believing they are dead. Follow Isaac's journey as a World Guide, he will build worlds, create magic systems, design species, and all kinds of things that the Guide Games has to offer. ------ Update: 1 - 2 chapters a day ------ Additional tags: Video Game, World Creation, World Guide, World Wars, Creating Systems, Creating Races, Administrator, Magic, Cultivation, System, System Adminstrator, Fantasy.

UnCultured_Daoist · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

First World

Looking at the beautiful catgirl he had created, Isaac did his best to suppress the drool that was subconsciously released.

Business first, fun later! Lots and lots of fun later!

"So, Sara, what can you tell me about all of this? The option said you would have the information…?"

Right, Isaac, get your head together, gotta figure out the rules first. Don't want to do anything that would end this heavenly afterlife early. He thought while asking her.

"Hmm? Oh, you mean the World Guides, Master?" She looked at him inquisitively.

"Err, right. But just call me Isaac, okay?" While being called Master was certainly appealing in its own way, it was way too distracting!

"Uh, alright Isaac! I have all of the necessary information that the system deemed important, as well as archived files regarding the last three iterations of Andromida ." Sara said with a broad smile.

Huh, what was that?

"Wait, last three? And what's Andromida? " Isaac asked.

"That's right! Every time the Guide is dead, a new one will inherit his position. "

"Also, Andromida is the name of this world "

"And since each world is bound to a Guide, the loss of The Guide means the end of that instance." She said.

Unbeknowest to Isaac, the last three iteration were people like him, they played the game and forgot there memories, and now he has taken there spot.

"Guides create and oversee a world of their design, and guide it to prosperity. "

"Once a world reaches a proper level of power, it is entered in the World Guide Games. "

"In these games, you send your forces to fight against other worlds, or defend against such invasions yourself."

" The goal of the attacking team is to defeat the supreme existence of the other world, The Guide."

"If a Guide dies during the game, any worlds they control are given to the Guide managing the winning army, and they are able to bolster their forces by creating and managing these new worlds. "

This is one of the features of the game... Which is if a player dies during the Guide games... He dies in the real world.

"During the invasion, a Guide is forced to descend, and can only use the powers or technologies which exist within there world. "

"For instance, the last instance of this world had the potential for instant-disintegration weapons. "

"However, the technology level had not reached the required amount yet. So, if the world was invaded, the Guide would not have access to that technology."

Isaac felt his brows knit together as he tried to absorb this new information.

"Now, as long as you are in the Administration Room, which is where you reside by default, you are functionally immortal. You will neither age nor get sick, and nothing will be capable of hurting you. "

"However, once you descend, your body becomes more normal. While you still cannot age, you can be killed normally by other means." Sara explained calmly, sitting down cross-legged in front of him and assuming an almost teacher-like attitude.

"In the Administration Room, you can change almost any aspects of your worlds, as long as you can afford the points to do so. "

"You could even entirely reset your world to start from scratch, if you decided that you did not like how it was developing."

When she mentioned points, Isaac raised his eyebrows curiously, which she apparently noticed.

With a smile, she continued her speech. "Points can be gained through benchmark achievements, or participating in the games. You can also choose to descend to your world and work for points as well. "

"To start with, you have five hundred points to spend to start your world."

"What kind of world could I make?" Isaac decided he better find this out early on, otherwise he might be in for an even bigger surprise.

Hearing his question, Sara grinned broadly. "Theoretically, you could make any kind of world you wanted. "

"The first iteration of this world was one in which the Guide tried a random-mutation path. After humans evolved, they began developing random powers. "

"While the Guide wasn't able to determine what powers would appear, this was still a valid strategy. After all, when he descended, he would gain all of those powers at once. "

"His record in the game was three successful invasions defended, before a power mutated that killed him. One of the humans was born with the unfortunate ability to be a living bomb…"

"The second iteration was created as a futuristic one, complete with space travel and alien civilizations. "

"Although the Guide never won an invasion, he was able to create additional worlds thanks to the theme he chose. "

"Sadly, he ran out of points trying to enhance his extra planets, and had to descend to try to earn more. It was at that time that the ship he was on was drawn into a large war, and he was killed."

"As for the third, and most recent iteration, The Guide simply installed additional AI assistants as local administrators to manage the world while he waited for the entertainment industry to advance far enough, then spent the rest of his days as a shut-in." Compared to the first two Guides, who she seemed to speak about with admiration, she used a much harsher tone for the third.

Sara was not like other system companions, she had previous memories of the past iterations... Giving her additional knowledge and a level of experience .

"Ah… what about magic?"

She didn't mention anything about a fantasy world in that. Surely, such a thing would be possible, right?

Sara nodded with a delighted smile. "Of course, magic is possible! You could choose to create a fantasy world fueled by mana, or even a world in which the inhabitants are able to increase their lifespans through martial training. "

"Would you like me to pull up the basic packages for you to look at?"

Isaac thought about it, and then nodded to accept her proposal.

Almost instantly a window appeared describing different options available to him.

[Technological World :

~World Size 5 - 40 points

~Technology Affinity- 20 points

~Education - 10 points

•Package - 70 points ]

[Cultivation World :

~World Size 7 - 60 points

~Martial Affinity- 10 points

~Pseudomagic Affinity- 10 points

~Longevity- 30 points

•Package - 110 points ]

[Fantasy World :

~World Size 6 - 50 points

~Magic Affinity- 20 points

~Extra Sapient Races- 30 points

•Package - 100 points ]

[Mutant World :

~World Size 4 - 30 points

~Randomized Mutation - 100 points

•Package - 130 points ]

[Custom World :

~World Size 1 - 0 points

•Package - 0 points ]

These packages don't seem very extensive… Isaac looked suspiciously at Sara, who simply smiled.

"Don't worry, there are way more options to choose from after you pick a starting package. These are just here to help you get started."

Isaac nodded slightly, and selected the Fantasy World package.

Magic has always fascinated him, and watching a real world evolve with magic would be really cool.

Suddenly, the scenery around them changed. No longer were they in a grey landscape, but instead they seemed to be standing miles above the surface of a lush, green planet.

Down below, Isaac could faintly make out trees, lakes, and mountains in the distance.

"Alright, that's step one!" Sara called out happily, raising her arms in triumph.

Must not look . Must focus!

"Now, since this package included [Extra Sapient Races], you can design up to ten species to place as the sapient races of this world. "

"Each one starts with base human abilities, which can be increased or lowered to effect their point total. If the total is a positive amount after adjustments, then you will need to pay additional points to finalize the race."

"Don't worry, because you don't need to create all ten right away. "

"Any race slots that you don't use will be saved for later." Sara explained with a quick nod, so Isaac got to work on another window that appeared in front of him.

[ Race Name | _______________

~Comprehension | 7

~Agility | 5

~Strength | 5

~Lifespan | 75

~Luck | 5

~Awareness | 4

~Male:Female ratio | 1.06

~Example Adult Male [Image]

~Example Adult Female [Image]

~Racial Abilities | ]

For the first one, Isaac decided to just leave it at default, filling the race name as [Human].

No matter what world you go to, humans are definitely the staple race.

As for the second one… naturally it had to be [Elf], Isaac tried to fine-tune it for the elves, and had to adjust some things.

Of course, an elf's lifespan can't be as low as 75 years, so he increased that to 600.

This brought the point cost of the race to 10, so he reduced their Comprehension to 5, and raised their Agility to 6.

This should, hopefully, make them learn more at the pace that their bodies develop, while also making them faster than humans.

Next, Isaac gave them the second level of Magic Affinity for another 20 points.

He made a few more adjustments, until finally he came up with this.

[ Race Name | Elf

~Comprehension | 5

~Agility | 6

~Strength | 5

~Lifespan | 600

~Luck | 5

~Awareness | 6

~Male:Female ratio | 0:89

~Example Adult Male

~Example Adult Female

~Racial Abilities | Magical Affinity 2 ]

Okay, that should be good for that race. Isaac nodded to himself, before he got to work on the other races.

Aside from the Elves, most of them balanced out fairly well when he tweaked their stats.

In total, he made [Dwarves], [Halflings], and [Beastkin] (Cats, Dogs, Bears, and Foxes).

That left him with two extra race slots, which he decided to save for later.

Maybe he would make demons and dragons once the world developed more?

"Ready now, Isaac?" Sara asked curiously, to which Isaac nodded without fully understanding what she meant.

"Okay! Now, we're going to fast-forward the planet by a few millennia until your world has a population of about eighty-thousand. That will be a good time to start developing culture, and choosing your magic system!"

Before Isaac had a chance to react to that, the scenery below them began rapidly moving.

The tiny figures that dotted the ground ran about at high speeds, with day and night passing in the blink of an eye.

"Wh-what? What do you mean magic system?" Isaac asked after he managed to compose himself.

The shock of the world suddenly going at high speeds had startled him for a moment.

"Hmm? Oh, there are various types of magic you can [install] on the planet. " Sara said

"For instance, you could go with a rune language that rewrites the fabric of reality. "

"You could install adminstrators that manage certain aspects of the world, and grant their followers power related to their domains. "

"You could even choose to have the magic work either through imagination or geometric formulas!"

"Ah…" Wow… there were way more options here than I had expected. Isaac thought

Then again, he didn't really know what to expect in the first place. "What about culture?"

"Same thing." She replied with a shrug.

"Though, with culture, you can just choose to leave it at default and let them develop naturally. "

"If you wish to guide them down a specific path, that will cost additional points."

Isaac nodded his head slightly, and took a look at his remaining points.

350 left… I could probably afford some pretty cool things with that? Though, judging by how expensive some things have been, I should probably spend sparingly. He thought

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