

The young first year now pointed at him. We had a street match when we were much younger, you are....The floater! Neo sighed. The floater..... I used to be really cool. the young first year smiled an everly reassuring smile. And you can be cool again. **** After their first defeat, A high school soccer team, Marbles, experienced a major rift which caused it’s members to disperse. these players were a rare collection of prodigies known as the soccer’s bloodline. Neo was another player that had the potential to join the soccer bloodline, but after a terrible accident that he had when he was six years old, Neo quit soccer. in his third and final senior year as a high schooler, Neo met Eric who pulled him back into the world of soccer. joining the not exactly weak team of the crystal college, Neo meets other players with outstanding talent. this is the story of how Neo grows from an ordinary high school soccer player to become the greatest of all time. join him, and don’t miss out on anything as you watch Neo Austin grow into the GREATEST OF ALL TIME

Krystal_george · กีฬา
81 Chs

Looming danger

Jeremy was plain stunned by this. You mean…? He knows about…Dark Physics?

I thought you always kept it a secret and only your teammates knew?

Omar nodded. That's true, but it couldn't rumors from leaking. That first year wasn't too sure, but he probably didn't want to take any risks, that why he stopped Neo from telling me his name.

Jeremy's brows went up in shock. W-wait a minute, you knew his name!?

Omar was surprised that Jeremy found that surprising. Really? Who doesn't know the Floater? Slayer of the superhuman?

Jeremy's mouth was agape and his face was frowned. If you know his name why do you still need him to tell his name?

Omar sighed. Cause it reflects his personality, the way he tells people his name says a lot about who he truly is.




Omar and Jeremy turned around, a little tears in the corners of their eyes and a massive headache coming up.

What are you two chatterboxes saying to yourselves!? The game has started!!

Y-yes S-senior…

Adrienne was surveying the match right now, the possession of the ball was currently with their opponents.

Actually they had been with the ball for quite a while now, but they hadn't done anything special, only passing amongst themselves, their attack wasn't anything to be scared of too.

Derek Ali, The left back of Heroes Fc crossed the ball in, but it was easily cleared by Bice. Omar controlled the loose ball and passed it to Jeremy outside the Box. Jeremy passed the ball quickly to their striker, Tate Marcus. Tate was quick to return the pass because Krystal Fc players had made a mad dash in his direction.

Lida stared in disbelief. Is this it? How did this team make into the quarterfinals? They are extraordianrily ordinary!


Adrienne apeared from behind jeremy and stuck his leg towards the ball, while nudging Jeremy forward a bit, making him lose his footing and losing the ball.

Without turning around, Adrienne used his heel to give a back pass towads Eric. He didn't need to turn around, the Grid saw it all.

Eric passed the ball to Cai who passed it to Neo before turning around and running forward. Neo didn't relish the possession, he was quick to find Eric who set Mark loose. Mark controlled the ball along the flanks when he as faced with Jax Cohen.

Jax moved slowly, he and Mark had come to a stop and they were now trying to read each other's movement. Suddenly, Jax stuck his foot towards the ball very fast, but he was ever faster than Mark. Mark pushed the ball forward and he lost Jax, racing forward madly.

Mark crossed the ball in, his intent for the ball to swerve around the inner part of the box and find the man on the other edge.

Aesop ran towards the ball at full speed, he thought that it was an overhit pass and so he struggled to meet up with the ball. Aesop stretched his leg towards the ball, he was never going to make a clean touch, if his leg even managed to touch the ball, it was going off.


Aesop heard this voice as a familiar boot hit his own, knocking his leg off course. Aesop was surprised by this and he immediately looked up, seeing Adrienne in front of him.

Just then, Aesop saw Cai running towards the ball from the other end and that was when he realized that the pass was never meant for him, it was meant for Cai right from the start.


Cai released a well placed shot that swerved to the top of the post, finding the back of the net in a beautiful splash.

Cairo Ellis, Heroes Goalkeeper dived and stretched his limbs to it's limits, but the save was just too far out of his capabilities.


The Goal was a quiet one, it didn't even elicit much uproar from the fans, the only thing that surprised them was the stuff that Adrienne pulled off.

Omar walked up to Adrienne. That was an ominscient play you just executed there. Adrienne smiled softly. Thanks.

Omar smiled brightly and extended his hand. I'm Omar Kash, What's your name. Adrienne. Adrienne said as he shook Omar's hand.

No one saw this, they were all preoccupied with the celebrating the Goal so no one bothered to look in Adrienne's direction.

But they were bound to soon realize that something had gone terribly wrong.