
The Great Swordsman Of The Shinobi World V.2 (Paused)

It’s on pause until it’s worth continuing ----- This fanfic is identical to the other one, but with two additional beings. Every time I read an isekai and the main characters get a system, I always wonder why they receive one. What is the reason behind granting them strength through a system? In this version, I attempt to answer one of the many possibilities. I will mark additional chapters that differ from the other fanfic as 'D' for different and 'V2' when the entire chapter is different. ------ Hayashi found himself reincarnated into the world of Naruto, where he discovered the Template System, which granted him the skills of the Greatest Swordsman from the One Piece universe. As he honed his abilities, Hayashi surpassed even the legendary White Fang of Konoha in swordsmanship, earning recognition in the ninja world. ------ ------ Story is AU and modified. I don't own Naruto or One Piece. Kudos to Masashi Kishimoto and Eiichirō Oda. I am only translating this work of Fanfiction. If you want to read the original version without alterations: 火影世界的大剑豪 ------ ------ This is my first time translating a novel. I appreciate all your feedbacks. If you find errors, do not be kind - just be truthful. I can guarantee a minimum of 3 chapters per week. If you just want to support for writing: ko-fi.com/malphegor

Malphegor · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
63 Chs

Resolve and Swarm

The battlefield hummed with tension as Hinata and Temari faced each other, their eyes locked in a silent yet intense confrontation. Both shinobis stood poised, ready for the impending clash.

Hinata, with her Byakugan activated, scanned Temari's movements with keen precision, analyzing every twitch of muscle and flicker of intent. She could sense the raw power emanating from Temari's fan and knew she couldn't afford to underestimate her opponent.


Temari, on the other hand, gripped her fan tightly, the metal edges glinting in the sunlight. She had faced many formidable opponents in the past, but there was something about Hinata that irked her. Nevertheless, she steeled herself for the battle ahead, ready to unleash the full force of her Wind Style jutsu if necessary.

"Hyuga," Temari remarked with a bit of disdain.

"Don't think for a moment that I'll go easy on you."

"I wouldn't expect anything less," Hinata replied softly, her voice carrying a quiet strength that belied her gentle demeanor.


With a sudden burst of speed, Hinata darted forward. As she closed in on Temari, she feinted to the left before seamlessly shifting her direction. Her strike aimed directly at Temari's chest.

But the Sand ninja was quick to react; with a flick of her fan, she deflected Hinata's attack, the clash reverberating through the air.

"Not bad," Temari scoffed, a smirk tugging at the corner of her lips.

"But let's see if you can keep up with this!"


With a powerful swing of her fan, Temari unleashing a fierce gust of wind that sliced through the air like a blade, sending it hurtling toward Hinata with deadly force.

Hinata's eyes widened in surprise, but she managed to sidestep the attack at the last moment, the wind ruffling her hair as it passed by.

"You're still not fast enough," Temari remarked, her voice carrying a hint of amusement.


With a swift motion, Temari twirled her fan once more, creating a miniature tornado that surged toward Hinata with frightening speed. Hinata's heart raced as she braced herself for the impact, her muscles tensing in preparation for the inevitable clash.

But just as the tornado was about to engulf her, she planted her feet firmly on the ground, channeling her chakra to unleash her own jutsu.

"Eight Trigrams Vacuum Palm!" She exclaimed, her palms striking out with precision.


The force of Hinata's attack collided with Temari's tornado, creating a powerful shockwave that sent debris flying in all directions. 

Temari, caught off guard by the sudden turn of events, struggled to maintain her balance against the onslaught. She gritted her teeth and poured more chakra into her fan, pushing back against Hinata's attack with all her strength.

For a moment, it seemed as though the two shinobis were evenly matched, their powers locked in a fierce struggle for dominance. But then, with a final burst, Hinata pushed through Temari's defenses, her Vacuum Palm tearing through the tornado and landing a decisive blow on Temari's abdomen.


With the Sand shinobi reeling from the force of her attack, Hinata saw her opportunity to finish the battle once and for all.

Gathering her chakra, Hinata surged forward with blinding speed, closing the distance between herself and her opponent in the blink of an eye. Temari struggled to rise to her feet, her chest heaving as she gasped for breath, but it was too late.

With a resolute cry, Hinata unleashed her technique.


"Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms!"


Hinata's palms moved in a blur of motion as she struck out with unparalleled precision, each strike landing with the force of a sledgehammer. The first two strikes struck her chest and abdomen, knocking the wind from her lungs and leaving her reeling.

Temari's eyes widened in shock as she felt the full brunt of Hinata's assault, her body wracked with pain as she was pummeled from all sides.

Before she could even recover, four more strikes hammered into her shoulders and arms, sending shockwaves of pain rippling through her body.

"Wha-what is this?" Temari gasped, struggling to fend off the relentless barrage. 


Eight more strikes landed with pinpoint accuracy on Temari's legs and hips, causing her to stagger under the onslaught.

"You Hyuga brat!" Temari growled, desperation creeping into her voice as she attempted to mount a defense.

But Hinata was already in motion, her hands a blur as she unleashed sixteen strikes in rapid succession, targeting Temari's vital points with deadly precision. With each strike, Temari's resolve wavered, her body screaming in protest as she fought to stay upright.

"No... this can't be happening!" Temari gasped, her voice barely a whisper against the onslaught.

"I won't... be defeated!" she gasped, her voice strained with effort.


Thirty-two strikes followed in quick succession, each one finding its mark with unerring accuracy. Temari's vision swam as she struggled to keep pace with Hinata's relentless assault, her strength waning with every passing moment.

With each strike, Hinata felt the weight of the battle lifting from her shoulders, replaced by a sense of calm determination.


Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the final blow descended—a flurry of sixty-four strikes raining down upon Temari with the force of a thunderstorm. She cried out in agony as her body finally succumbed to the overwhelming onslaught, collapsing to the ground in a heap of bruised and battered limbs.

As the echoes of their battle faded into the distance, Hinata stood before Temari, her chest rising and falling with ragged breaths but her resolve unbroken. She cast a solemn glance at her fallen opponent, a pang of regret tugging at her heart.


"Forgive me," she whispered, her voice heavy with sorrow.

"But I cannot afford to show mercy in times like these."

With that, Hinata turned and walked away from the battlefield, her victory secured but her mind heavy with the weight of the battle. For in the world of shinobi, victory often came at a steep price, and Hinata knew that she could not afford to let her guard down, even for a moment.



Meanwhile, on the other side of the battlefield, Kankuro and Shino confronted each other, their gazes locked in a tense standoff. Kankuro's puppets cast ominous shadows at his side, while Shino exuded a quiet intensity, his insects swirling around him in a menacing cloud.

With a swift motion, Kankuro's fingers danced in the air, commanding his puppets to rush forward in a synchronized onslaught, their movements fluid and precise as they closed in on Shino.

Each puppet bore a menacing aura, their eyes gleaming with the intent to strike. Yet, despite the impending threat, Shino remained composed, his gaze fixed upon the approaching puppets.


"Your puppets are impressive," Shino remarked, his voice calm and unruffled amidst the chaos.

"But they cannot deter the outcome."

Kankuro narrowed his eyes, his lips curling into a smirk.

"They are more than enough to deal with you."


As the puppets closed in, he made no move to evade them. Instead, he stood firm, his hands poised at his sides. With a subtle gesture, he unleashed a burst of chakra, causing his insects to swarm around him in a swirling vortex of black and red.

Kankuro's puppets lunged forward with deadly intent, their blades slicing through the air with precision.

But Shino was unfazed; he watched with a cool detachment as his insects swarmed around him, their numbers multiplying with each passing moment, forming a shield around him.


Kankuro's frustration boiled beneath the surface as he watched his puppetry fail to reach Shino. The strings of his puppets strained against an invisible barrier, unable to breach the wall of insects surrounding the enigmatic shinobi.

He gritted his teeth, his grip tightening on his puppet strings.

"Impossible... How can your insects be so resilient?"

Shino's expression remained impassive as he observed his insects intercepting the onslaught of his adversary.

"Insects adapt. They evolve to survive."


Shino's insects moved with a precision that bordered on the supernatural. With every flicker of his hand, Shino orchestrated their movements with an eerie charm, their swarming forms weaving a deadly dance in the air.

In a calculated move, Shino unleashed a wave of chakra-draining insects, their tendrils snaking out towards Kankuro's puppets. As the tendrils made contact, a subtle draining effect began. 

With each failed attack, Kankuro's irritation grew, his movements becoming more desperate as he attempted to break through Shino's defenses. But with every strike that missed its mark, Shino's insects subtly continued their relentless assault, draining Kankuro's chakra and sapping his strength.

Kankuro's eyes widened in shock as he felt his strength draining away, his movements growing sluggish as the insects closed in around him. But even as he struggled to break free, Shino remained silent, his expression unreadable.


"You think you can defeat me with insects?" Kankuro taunted, his voice laced with defiance.

"I've faced worse than you before!"

But Shino remained unmoved; he watched as his insects continued to drain his enemy's chakra, their relentless assault wearing down his defenses with each passing moment.

As Kankuro's attacks grew weaker, he felt a surge of panic rising within him. With a desperate rush, he launched all of his puppets at Shino, its blades gleaming with deadly intent.


With a keen eye, Kankuro seized the moment when Shino was preoccupied defending against his puppet onslaught. Swift as a shadow, he closed the distance between them. Then, an opportunity emerged, and with a sense of relief washing over him, he unleashed a devastating strike aimed directly at Shino's lungs.

With a triumphant grin, he watched as his attack connected, sending Shino flying backward with a cry of surprise.

For a fleeting moment, it appeared as though Kankuro had gained the upper hand. But as the dust settled and he approached what he believed to be his fallen foe, a sudden burst of movement shattered his confidence.

Shino's form dissolved into a cloud of insects, leaving behind nothing. 


Kankuro's eyes widened in shock as he realized his mistake, but it was too late. With a rustle of wings, the real Shino emerged above him, his insects engulfing Kankuro in a writhing mass of chitin and venom.

As Kankuro's strength waned and his struggles became feeble, Shino finally broke his silence.

"This was inevitable," Shino murmured, his voice barely audible over the buzz of insects, as he observed his opponent's futile struggles. 


Kankuro's efforts to break free from the suffocating grip of Shino's insects were relentless, but ultimately futile. With each passing moment, his resistance waned, his movements growing weaker against the overwhelming force of nature that Shino commanded. 

As Kankuro's last breaths of resistance were swallowed by the relentless tide of insects, Shino remained a stoic figure, his expression unreadable.

And when Kankuro's struggles finally ceased, when his spirit was broken and his body lay defeated, the silence that followed was eerie.

At that moment, Shino's voice sliced through the stillness, devoid of any trace of emotion


"Victory is mine," he stated simply, his tone as calm and measured as the steady rhythm of a heartbeat.

It was not a statement of triumph, but rather an acknowledgment of the natural order of things, spoken with a quiet confidence born of understanding.