
The great Inferno system

Tek_Mfulwane · วิดีโอเกม
16 Chs


' Analysis eye '


Name : Evan Smith

Level : Rank 1

Race : Human

Hp : 150 / 150

Strength : ???

Ability : ???

Intelligence : ???

Skill : Metal nature

Technique : ???

battle force : ???


Looks like the actual information I get is limited atleast I know that his a Rank one which means his battle force Is between 1000 and 2000 .

" Daily challenge accomplished , User has earned 5 potential points . Total of 15 potential points."

System add 10 points to strength and 5 to ability.

" level up "

"All users Wots increased by 2 points "

"New skill unlock lightning bolt

( lightning bolt is a skill that increases your speed , strength and regeneration )

' Woah I actually leveled up so fast statistics '


Name : Ryan ???

Level : 2

Age : 10

Exp : 10/100

Race : Inferno

Hp : 70 / 70

Strength : 17

Ability : 17

Intelligence : 27

heart : 0

Skill : Analysis eye

Technique : moon harvesting

Battle force : 100

Potential points : 0


Ryan could already feel the strength rushing his through his body.

" Get in " Evan said in a strong , emotionless voice .

I was so busy with the system that I didn't realize we had arrived. I climed in the bus and set at the front since it was the only sit that was not occupied.

" Sleeping gas detected in the air . Resist the gas for 2 minutes.

Reward will be 5 potential points "

Sleeping gas I looked around and everyone else was asleep and after 5 minutes I fell asleep too .

" User was able to resist sleeping gas reward 5 potential points "

Those were the last words I heard before I feel asleep.

Splash ! I felt cold water being poured down my body .

" Waky waky " it came from a very deep , loud voice .

I opened my eye very slowly .

" Where am I "

" Why am I here "

" Do you know who I belong too "

Everyone around Ryan was crying and shouting.

" listen up , you trash have been sold to the military because you are useless trash who can't even reach Rank 1 " he said , he was a huge , around 200 cm , bald shiny head , a mustache and a military uniform.

Once they head that they were sold some cried , some where in disbelief but I knew it would happen sooner or later since he disappeared with no trace for a whole week .

" My Name is Sargent Grey . Now look at your new watch , you can all see it clear as day you are all level 1 students and you will be here for 5 years training how to fight the Xem during war . During your time hear you will be tested every end of the month month to see your improvement . You will be given dorm numbers where you will live with 2 of your other comrades . Your watch already has a timetable and a map of the school . You will be put in squads of three . Sargent Mace read the list " he said .

A man with blonde hair appeared with a holographic list and started calling out names

"Phoniex , Rock , John squad 1 room 1a ..."

after 15 minutes I finally heard my name " Johnathan, Ryan , Peter squad 14 , room 3y ... " .

Jonathan was taller than me , muscular and had red hair where else Peter was shorter than me and looked weaker with blonde hair he was shacking non stop .

After an hour we were allowed to go to our rooms .I used the map on my watch to get tonmy room. I looked at the white door with golden icons 3y at the top . I reached for the gold door handle and opened the door . The room was huge with three beds , a huge gold carpet , bookcase , a desk next to each bed with a lamp and two doors . James and Peter were already getting friendly.

" Hey our new friend is finally here " Jonathan said in a muscular voice .

Peter turned and looked at me with a big smile and said

" Hi I'm Peter " he said in a weak voice .

James walked up to me and hugged me tightly.

" Nice to meet too Jonathan I'm Ryan " Ryan said patting his head and smiling.

" Have you seen the TV room " he said letting go and leading me to one of the doors .

I couldn't believe my eyes , the room had a huge holographic TV , a shelf full of gaming equipment and a mini fridge.

" woah no way " I said in disbelief.

" I know right " Peter said walking inside the room and continued

" I still can't believe that they are giving slaves such a beautiful rooms with such technology ".

Suddenly a siren rang and a massage on the watch appeared


All three of the students ran to the room and put on their uniform .

" Who knows " said James who was putting on his shirt.

" What do you think all of this Is about " peter asked putting on his pants. Ryan who was done opened the door and said

" hurry up " and ran out the door following his map with Johnathan and Peter behind him .

They walked in to the hall which had huge oak doors so big that even a whale could fit . The inside was white from top to bottom with a bit of gold around the stage and on the black curtain. The were 2 big windows on each side of the hall which made the hall brighter. Sargent Grey was on the stage with 15 other teachers .

" Scilence " Sargent Grey boomed.

Everyone kept quiet and turned their attention to the intimidating man on stage .

" like I said earlier you will be tested every end of month . Today is the end of the month so you have a dual with combat dolls who will grade you on your level ."

All the people behind Sargent Grey started chatting something and immediately the hall turned into a bigger room.

" Everyone find a mat " Sargent Grey boomed at blues mats started appearing everywhere. Everyone found a mat and stood in front of it . Ryan , Peter and Johnathan where standing next to each other with their blue mats stretched out in front of them . Immediately combat dolls appeared in front of them . Combat dolls are doll infused with energy to test ones ability.

" Remember this is a test so do your best . Let the fight begin " He said .

" Ding - Host must defeat combat doll by ripping it apart . Reward 20 potential points , + 1500 experience and 100 health pills "

Seeing this Ryan was shocked and excited he was now more than ever determined to win but how was he going to rip apart the doll he has only 17 in strength Ryan decided to kick it to see how hard it was . He felt his bone crack he actually broke his leg .

" Host has unlocked new skill regeneration

( The skill to heal 10 times faster )"

"Regeneration activated "

Ryan felt his leg heal right up . Ryan felt the energy of the doll move towards him and he moved his head swiftly to dodge the punch ment for his nose .

" Host has unlocked the 6th sense

( God's eyes allows the host to sense and anticipate the opponent's next move )

Before he could finish reading he felt a his knees go weak , he didn't have time to react since he was focused on the system.

" Damn it . I need to focus. " he said to himself.

" Regeneration activated "

Ryan looked at the combat doll that was charging at him looking for a weakness and he realized that the doll's joints were not stable so if he were to break them the doll would fall apart. He dodged the punch and aimed his attack on the weak legs . The doll fell to the ground which made him so happy. He kept attacking the knees , neck , ankles , shoulders , wrists , fingers, waist and toes . He took the whole doll apart .

" Challenge completed "

" + 20 potential points "

" + 1 500 Exp "

"Level up "

"Level up "

"Level up"

"Level up"

Ryan couldn't help but jump up and down seeing the systems notification.

' Hosts statistics '


Name : Ryan

Age : 10

Level : 6

Exp : 10 / 600

Race : Inferno

Hp : 150 / 150

Strength : 25

Ability: 25

Intelligence : 35

Heart :0

Battle force : 300

Potential points : 20


'System were are my skills and techniques ' Ryan yelled in his mind .

" Due to the Host unlocking more than two skills . Host can access skills an technique and be given even more information. "

' System show me my skills and techniques '



Analysis eye :

Host can see his opponents statistics no matter the race . ( from level 1 - rank 1 )

Gods eyes :

Host is able to see a 360° view around him having no blind spots and anticipate his opponent's next move .

Regeneration :

Host can be able to heal 10 times fast but can only use this skill three times in a day


" Once host reaches level 10 he will be able to use will be able to heal instantly and no time limits will be placed."

' Perfect '

" For those who were not able to defeat the dolls step forward " Sergeant Grey announced.

Ryan snapped out of the trance he was in and looked around the room . The were a number of students heading to the front including Peter who was as pale as a hologram. Peter had all kinds of bruises on his arm . ' To think if I didn't have the system I would be in the same situation ' he shook the thought looking at his right were Jonathan he was looking at Peter who was walking to the front , his doll had scratches and blood and the core was visible .

" What do you think will happen to the little guy " he said turning to Ryan .

" They could be given special training, or an ability in order to be able to fight properly at war " Ryan replied

An ability ring is a ring that contains abilities if you are given one then you will be able to learn the ability inside the ring .

" Now for the ones who were able to defeat the doll put your hand on the chest of the doll to see your new level ." Sergeant Grey said .

Everyone put their hands on the chest of the doll and a holographic number appeared ' 6 ' Ryan was pleased seeing that a week ago he was a level 1 . Ryan look around and saw that Johnathan was a Rank 1 he was not surprised because of the was his doll looked like after the duel .

" I never would have guessed you were a level 6 with your tiny body " Johnathan said patting Ryan's head .

" Well your a rank 1 " Ryan replied.

" Everyone head to tha cafeteria and have your food " Sergeant Grey said turning his attention to the group at the front.

" Let's go I'm really really hungry " Johnathan said dragging Ryan away.