
The great Inferno system

Tek_Mfulwane · Video Games
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16 Chs


The cafeteria was huge with round tables filling the room . Johnathan lead to Ryan to a table at the back of the cafeteria . The table had four tables around it with a blue glowing center. This was where you got your food . You order your food from the tables and the chefs will teleport your food to you . Ryan was used to eating nothing but leftover so when he saw the food on the menu he couldn't believe his eyes how could a slave such delicious food .

" Hey stop drooling and order already or has your daily amount not clicked in yet " Johnathan said eating his meat .

All students were given a daily amount of 10 Ram even though the food was for free , the military had shops and if you wanted to buy battle gear or equipment then you would have Ram to buy them .

" Mhm no I'm done ordering " Ryan replied looking at the cooked juicy stake that appeared in the middle of the table.

Ryan grabbed the plate and started devouring the stake .

" Woah Ryan chill " Jonathan said looking at Ryan in awe .

Ryan didn't listen and after a minute the was nothing but bone on the plate . Suddenly everyone's watch displayed a massage Ryan read heist along with everyone else , ' Student must head to level 6 weapons combat class , room 13c'.

" I'm heading to technique control class you " Johnathan asked .

" Level 6 combat class , we better get going then " Johnathan said getting up .

Ryan followed the map to his combat class and after 10 minutes he finally arrived. The class was only half full so Ryan took a seat at the front of the class . After 5 minutes the class was full . After every one was settled down a women walked through the door . She looked like she was in her mid twenties, she had blonde hair , blue eyes, red juicy lips and wore a little bit of make up . He wore a red shinny dress that hugged her her body so tight the curves were impossible to miss , the dress also had a hole showing a cleavage and she wore red heels that echoed in the silent room .

' Wow , she is such a goddess, beautiful ' Ryan thought as hes eyes Analysised the woman from top to bottom live a pervert.

" Good morning , I am miss Violet your weapons combat class " She said but the only thing Ryan could see was her lips move .

" For today we will be choosing weapons , let's go to the weapons hall " she said .

Suddenly a portal opened in the middle of the floor .

" Everyone jump in " she ordered .

when Ryan saw people move he finally moved .

He was the last to jump in the portal. Ryan was blinded by the light for a moment but was immediately greeted by the huge room which looked more like a battle hall . The walls where full of weapons all different kinds .

" Welcome to the weapons wall look around for a weapon if you like it the you buy it . Remember that these weapons are made of Creature skins and cores so don't cry when you see the price. " She said .


With out hesitation he said yes . He looked around then he saw a notification next to a Katana wrapped in a leopard like cloth .


Weapon : Katana

Price : 100 ram

Increases strength by 2 and ability by 5

does not bland with any skill or technique .


He walked along when his jaw dropped and eyes wide open , he stoped in front of a spear a weapon that no one dared to choose because it takes years to learn how to hold it and centuries to master it but looking at the statistics he couldn't believe his luck .


Weapon : Spear

Price : 300 ram

Material : Heavy spear

Increases your skill by 10 , Ability by 15 , Heart by 8 and is adaptable for all skills and techniques the host can learn in the future.


He didn't think for even a second because he ran to the teacher and said

" Teacher I would like to purchase the spear " .

The teacher looked at him with deep shock ' 300 ram het serious kid your a slave not a noble ' she shook the thought from her head and said " Ok place your watch on the scanner and the spear will appear " .

Ryan did the exactly what he was told everyone one was just looked and waited for his watch to decline but to their shock it went green .

' What ! Did this kid steal the money from his owner or something ' thought the teacher before asking

" Where did you get all the money from ".

Ryan thought whether or not to tell the true when he opened his mouth to tell the beautiful goddess about his Inheritance hoping to impress her but he was interrupted by the bell .

" Hey Ryan come with us " a boy called out .

Ryan ran out of the class immediately when the boy called him , he was tall with jet black hair , grey eyes and a bit muscular he moved his lips and the said

" My name is Mos , let's go meet the rest of the group "

" The group ? " Ryan asked .

" Yes , since we are friends now I might as well introduce you to my other friends. " said Mos .

" F .. F .. friend " he said following Mos .

Ryan had never had a friend before Johnathan and Peter. They stop at the yard , it was dark but he could see properly suddenly he felt a large pain on his right . Ryan was wide eyed as he followed the pain and saw the leg that kicked . Suddenly the same pain came from the left and due to his pain dropped the spear . With one swift movement Mos picked it up almost let it fall.

" Friend mos help me " Ryan asking curling up in a ball .

" Friend don't belittle me trash . Do you think that a rank 1 like me would actually be friends with someone like you pathetic trash. " Mos said before spitting on his face . They were raining punches and kicks on his body.

" Give us all your ram and pray for mercy then maybe we will let you go " said Mos as squatting next to him .

" I ... I don't have ram . I.. I " Ryan said with tears in his eyes.

" Do you really think I'm stupid, I saw you buy this " he said pointing to the spear that three people were holding because of its weight.

" But that was ... I- its " Ryan tried to explain .

" Beat him mercilessly so he'll give us our Ram " he spat at the three .

As they were about to do as they were told they stopped wide eyed seeing miss Violet they were completely shaking. The goddess had come to his rescue he smiled maybe they were ment to be but his hoped and love faded into nothing when he heard he say

" You don't have to stop I also am interested in know were trash like him got so much money, if he stole then I will give you the luxury to beat him to death because trash like deserve nothing but to die " .

The boys hit Ryan with the spear over and over although it hurt it was nothing compared to the feeling in his heart . He didn't understand why his parents abandoned him , why he became a slave despite his family beso rich , why was he trash ? ' No I am not trash humans are trash , they only show respect to power and money I will make sure I get all power so they van cramble at my feet ' he thought.

" New challenge defeat all 5 members of the gang and make sure your human teacher knows her place.

Reward : 1000 exp , 120 potential , a spin at the wheel of might and a new skill .

Punishment : ??? "

He looked at the notification of the new challenge he kept his eyes on human . His was filled with disbelief when he saw the rewards but the he noticed something new a punishment and it was unknown was the system gonna do something if you didn't do it . He shifted to the word human again .Right he isn't human he is Inferno . His was drenched wit his blood and was still bleeding. He wiped the tears from his eyes and slowly stood up .

" Regeneration activated "

" Blood manipulation technique unlocked

would you like you learn this skill "

Ryan replied yes immediately.

He closed eyes as the regeneration takes place . He let out a soft laugh to the eyes of humans it would sound like a normal laugh but to everyone who has come face to face with death would call a psychopathic laugh. Blood manipulation hand no limits what so ever he could manipulate his blood to his bleeding and turn into what ever weapon or shape needed and it was a long range fitting technique he now understood why the spear was competable with this technique not only the increase in strength but the blood would make it light for him to use .

" Mis Violet did you know that predators play with their pray before eating or killing them " Ryan said looking at the trembling teacher .

" T-that laugh . H- how did your wounds just heal like that ? " she asked breathing hard .

" Oh this it doesn't matter now does it " he said ripping his uniform of his body he noticed that the 5 member we planning on attacking him from behind but he was not afraid at all .

" Oi if your gonna attack a wounded men then do it in front of his face , human you have o shame " He said even he was surprised by the sudden confidence and saying the word human like that .

" H ... hu ... humans ? " miss Violet said.

" Yes love aren't you human - ," Ryan replied but was interpreted when Mos threw a spear at him but he was scared his body was to small to catch it of he opened the inventory and it disappeared inside it . All 5 members attack at the same time . Ryan jumped back watching their attacks worked on each other.

" Violet do you want to see a magic trick " Ryan said then suddenly his blood rose and attack the 5 members then the started crying and screaming as their limps twisted in disgusting was . Ryan mixed his blood in the bodies of all five members and commanded his blood to cause the unimaginable pain .

Ryan let out another laugh as he played with his prey.

Okay so I know and killed me that a fourteen year old boy is literally treating a twenty something year old women like that ( yeah rightI loved it ). Sign* But this is for her own good( yeah right) .Soon everything will be clear and you will understand but the point is that she isn't the important person yet . So let's all focus on our Ryan alright.

Oh and vote for my sake .

Tek_Mfulwanecreators' thoughts