
The Grand Elementalist

A long time ago it was written in the ancient books of the past, Demons have once roamed free in the Elemental World an era in which the Demons hunts us down for food, pleasure or even satisfaction. The Demon King, The strongest demon during the ancient era conquered the Elemental World striking fear through the lands enslaving all of the Elementalist killing anyone who fought against him. The era of misery was upon us but a mysterious group of Elementalist fought back driving an all out war against the Demons. But unfortunately not all Elementalist fought alongside them... Quintela Shiori also known as the "Empress of Death" turned her back against her own people and fought alongside with the Demon King. With her help they manage to turn the tides of war towards the Demons but it suddenly all changed... When "He" arrived... Akashino Shitetsu a young boy who was born without an Elemental Art. Even though he was born different he never once question himself why he was cursed. With the aid of an ancient creature he obtained unrivaled power and skill shifting the war in their favor. With the Demons almost annihilated and pushed back to the shadows... Quintela made a desperate attempt causing her to gain unimaginable power quickly overpowering the wounded Akashino. With the numerous injuries he had and the few amounts of mana he had left... The ultimate sacrifice was made... Akashino was forced to seal Quintela away with an ancient seal taught by his master, The Dragon King. But unfortunately the seal had a price of separating his soul from his body in causing him to be sealed as well along with Quintela. The Dragon King feared that one day Quintela might return once again and there will be no one powerful enough to stop her. So he chanted a spell on Akashino's lifeless body creating a reincarnation cycle that resurrects his body with a new soul from generation to generation. Centuries had passed since then an old era falls and a new one always rises. Following the death of the 3rd Grand Elementalist a young boy named Ryūsei was born in the Elemental World. But unlike most Elementalist he was born without having any Elemental Art, With this everyone around him treated him harshly. People would avoid him thinking he was cursed, Some of the kids tormented him for years and there were some who even go as far as using there Elemental Arts against our helpless hero. With Ryūsei so fascinated about the past and certain events happened, Will faith play a role once again or certain events from the past will happen once again with the return of the "Empress of Death".

Decode_Storm · แฟนตาซี
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46 Chs

A Starry Night

The girl then began crying louder causing hail to fall inside the room.

"Jeez you're both bad at giving names" Ryūsei replied.

"The little girl is a rare Elementalist, This is the first time I've seen someone who has an Elemental Art that can change the weather" Shizen stated.

"So what name will you choose Ryūsei??" Yuki asked

"Remember it has to be a better one than we already suggested" Yuki added.

"How about Rei??" Ryūsei asked causing the little girl to happily laugh.

"Rei Ryūgū, You like that right?" Ryūsei happily asked.

The clouds inside the room started to clear up creating a beautiful rainbow inside the room.

"Welcome to the family, Rei" The three siblings happily said as they embrace Rei with open arms.

After a while they then ate dinner which Rei was hesitant to eat her meal.

"Rei... Is there a problem why won't you eat your meal?" Yuki concernly asked.

"Do you not like the food? We could order something you like" She added.

"It's not that..." Rei replied.

"Am I allowed to eat this?" Rei muttered as she slowly asked them.

"Of course, Why would you even think that?" Yuki replied.

"The Elementalist that Ryūsei saved me from... He tells me whenever to eat or not" Rei replied.

"That bastard..." Shizen muttered.

"Is it alright, I'd like to know what happened?" Ryūsei asked.

"Why did he held you like you're some slave?" Ryūsei added.

"I don't remember much on what happened... All I can remember was that my parents owed them money..." Rei muttered.

"So they took a high ranked quest so they could easily pay the loan..." Rei then started to cry.

"But unfortunately they both died from the quest and left me all behind..." Rei muttered as tears then began to cry.

"The Elementalist weren't satisfied even with my parents death they still demanded the money... So they made me work for them" Rei added.

"That's terrible" Yuki muttered in response.

"It's okay, You don't have to worry about them now" Shizen happily said.

"Starting now you're part of our family, So don't be afraid to ask us anything" Shizen happily added.

"Speaking of which what happened to the Elementalist Ryūsei?" Yuki asked.

"Yeah even I'm curious what you did to him" Shizen asked.

"Well I kind of... cut his arm off" Ryūsei muttered.

"You did what?!!" Shizen and Yuki yelled in unison.

"Ryūsei, I know what he did was wrong but you didn't have to go that far" Shizen replied.

"Yeah, there's no point if you're doing the right thing when you have to go out of human decency" Yuki added.

"Well he pissed me off, there's nothing I can do" Ryūsei replied.

"Well just don't cut off someone's arm whenever you get pissed" Shizen replied.

After a while they then finished eating their meal and Rei unfortunately fell asleep.

"She's sleeping soundly" Yuki happily said.

"Well she's been through a lot, It's good seeing her sleep peacefully" Shizen added.

"Well tomorrow we'll still have to search for the herb, So Ryūsei I want you to protect her got it" Yuki happily said.

"Sure, I've no problem with that" Ryūsei replied.

"Besides I still have a lot of questions to ask Rei" Ryūsei muttered in thought.

"Does Rei know anything about the girl with the blond hair" Ryūsei added.

"I'll ask her when the time is right" Ryūsei added.

"So where is the herb located Shizen" Ryūsei curiously asked.

"Like I said before if you're listening the medical herbs are located in the forest south from the village but I heard from the locals that they're some monsters guarding the herbs" Shizen replied.

"Are the herbs really that special?" Ryūsei asked.

"Well if you were listening to Aunt Violet the other you'd know that the "Neo Herb" is a special kind of herb that's use in all fields of medication" Yuki replied.

"Seriously what's up with you, I was so impress with you last night" Yuki added.

"Well as long as we get the herbs without any worry tomorrow we'll arrive back to the Kingdom by nightfall" Shizen happily.

"Well we better get some rest, We'll be up and early tomorrow" Yuki happily said as she lays down on the bed next to Rei.

"Are you gonna get some rest Ryūsei?" Shizen happily asked.

"Not yet, I'm still gonna prepare something" Ryūsei replied.

"Well don't stay up to late, Goodnight" Shizen happily said as he then lays down on a different bed.

After a while Ryūsei then sits down on the window platform as he looks above the starry night.

He then begins to remember the memories when he and his friends were up against the Corrupted Elementalist.

"Shizen... Yuki... Rei... Kayosha... Kasai... Sora... Ryūshi... Dad... Aunt Violet and every Elementalist out there... I'll protect you all from Quintela when the time comes" Ryūsei muttered.

"But I'm still scared..." Ryūsei muttered.

"What if I failed... When the time comes will you be here to fight along side with me" Ryūsei muttered as he pictures in his head the image of the young blonde girl he saw in his dream.

He then lays down on the bed next to Shizen and goes to sleep.

Yuki was the first to wake up followed by Shizen and Rei, Ryūsei on the other hand was still sleeping peacefully.

"Miss Yuki... Is it time to go??" Rei curiously asked.

"You don't have to be that formal Rei, You can call me "Yuki"." Yuki happily replied.

"We're still waiting for you big brother Ryūsei to wake up" Yuki added.

"Ryūsei is awfully taking a while to wake up, what time did he sleep" Shizen replied.

"Why don't you wake him up Rei" Yuki happily said.

"Okay!!!" Rei happily yelled.

She then slowly approaches Ryūsei and climbs up the bed.

"Wake up!!" "Wake up!!" "Wake up!!" Rei happily said over and over as she pokes Ryūsei's face with her fingers.

"Why don't you use your Elemental Art Rei, I bet your big brother will wake up" Yuki happily said.

"Big brother Ryūsei please wake up!!" Rei yelled as she then casted a spell causing a little bolt of lightning to strike from a small cloud hitting in the ceiling causing Ryūsei to wake up.

"Ow!! What was that for!!!" Ryūsei yelled.

"You wouldn't wake up so I asked Rei to wake you up" Yuki replied.

"Hurry up and prepare we'll be leaving soon!!!" Yuki yelled causing Ryūsei to immediately prepare himself.

"Also have you heard what happened??" Yuki asked.

"No I haven't heard anything yet, Why what happened?" Ryūsei asked.

"Apparently there were some Elementalist reported to have mysteriously disappear in the mountains" Shizen replied.

"Elementalist disappearing??!!" Ryūsei replied in shock.

"Yeah apparently there's something in the mountains causing the Elementalist to disappear" Shizen replied.

"So the warden of the village forbid any Elementalist to go up the mountains to avoid more casualties" Yuki added.

"So what are we gonna do then?? How are we gonna get the herbs if it's forbidden to go up the mountains?" Ryūsei asked.

After a while they headed out of the village and went up the mountains but they then notice something wrong in the surroundings.

"Shizen, The trees around us... and the atmosphere... it feels corrupted somehow" Yuki muttered.

Suddenly a dark colored gust of wind blew towards them and something happened to the trees around them.

The trees around them grew larger causing it's roots to surface, The tree then grew for legs using it's roots as a support.

The branches then became it's arms as it slashes it around and around as it was awakened from its long slumber.

It grew dark red eyes in the middle of the trunk with a thorny old mouth as fire then began to came out of its mouth causing everything to burn around.

The fire burned the trees around and soon the fire began to spread as it grew closer and closer to Ryūsei and the others.

"Weather Dragon Winter Wonderland" Rei then casted a spell causing a powerful blizzard to occur around them.

The snow from the blizzard then puts the fire out.

"Rei, You're a Dragon Sage like us" Yuki said in shock.

"What is that thing and how come it's so huge" Shizen muttered as he looks at the giant tree-like being.

It then slammed it's right arm at Ryūsei but luckily he manages to dodge it's arm on time.

"Meteor Dragon Photon Blade" Ryūsei then casted and a white sword made of light then appeared in his right hand.

He then immedietly slashes his sword and cuts of the right hand of the giant tree-like being.

It then growled so loud causing the birds in the forest to fly away in a hurry as they were startled by its loud noice.

Roots from the ground surfaced and completely binded Yuki, Shizen and Rei.

"Weather Dragon Glacier Spread" Rei then casted a spell causing a massive ice wave to occur around her freezing the roots that binded them.

"Meteor Dragon Photon Fist" Ryūsei then casted a spell gathering tremendous amount of Meteor Dragon energy in his right hand.

He then punches the giant tree-like being so hard that the impact of the attack knock it's head off clean.

"What is that?" Ryūsei asked as he then points to the corpse of the giant tree-like being.

"It seems to be a treant but for some reason it's more aggressive and bigger than usual" Shizen replied.

"Well I'm more shock that Rei's more powerful than she seems" Yuki replied as she then looks at Rei.

"Your pretty powerful Rei for someone your age" Yuki happily said as she approaches Rei.

But sadly Rei didn't said any word causing Yuki to be a little bit worried.

"Rei is something the matter" Yuki concernly asked but once again Rei didn't replied.

"Rei" "Rei" "Rei" Yuki concernly said over and over but Rei didn't react, her eyes were pale as they were like lifeless and blank.

Rei then falls to the ground as if her body was lifeless shocking the siblings as they hurried over to her.

They then immediately carried Rei and returned to the village once again and they then took her to a nearby hospital.

As they were about to enter inside the hospital the door opened and to both Yuki and Shizen were shock.

"Yuki!! Shizen, It's good to see again" The girl with dark blue hair with a mix of light blue on the ends of her hair and her eyes were light blue, She looks also exactly like Kayosha.

"Haru!! What are you doing here" Yuki happily said as she then immedietly hugs the girl.

"Um... Who is she?" Ryūsei whispered to Shizen as he curiously asked who the girl was.

"Her name is Haru Mizu, She's a Dragon Sage like us and to top it all of she's the "Aquarius Gādian" of the Kingdom and she's Kayosha's older sister" Shizen replied.

"Wait!! Kayosha's sister!!" Ryūsei said in shocked.

"So you must be Ryūsei, The boy Kayosha told me about" Haru happily giggled.

"It's nice to meet you Miss Haru" Ryūsei replied.

"May I ask, Who is that girl Shizen's holding?" Haru asked as she then pointed her finger to Rei.

"Her name is Rei, She's our little sister but she suddenly fainted when we were exploring the mountain" Yuki replied.

"Do you want me to take look?" Haru asked.

"Sure we'd be happy too" Yuki happily said.

"Let's go to the inn I'm staying, It's just pretty close nearby" Haru happily said.

They then headed to the inn where Haru was staying and to there shock it was bigger than the inn they stayed in there previous night.

Shizen then gently lays Rei on the bed and Haru then immedietly sat next to her.

"Water Dragon Soothing Spring" Haru then casted a spell and water then covered her entire arm and little beam of green light then started glow from the water as Haru begins to heal Rei.

"Is something wrong Haru??" Yuki concernly asked as she notices something's wrong with Haru's face.

"Yuki, Did something happen to her, Like anything that can affect her mental state?" Haru concernly asked.

"Well Rei here was abused by an Elementalist every since her parents death and Ryūsei was the one who saved her the other day. Yuki replied.

"That explains it" Haru replied.

"Why is something wrong with Rei?" Ryūsei worriedly asked.

"You don't have to worry too much Ryūsei, Rei is physically healthy but unfortunately her mental state isn't doing so well" Haru replied.

"Her mental state??!!" Yuki worriedly asked.

t seems the trauma she experienced from the Elementalist scarred her mental state causing her to have two split personalities" Haru replied.

"Are you sure Haru?" Yuki asked.

"When I healed her using the spell I chanted earlier, Her physical body didn't suffer any wounds or injuries causing her to pass out, It was her mental state" Haru replied.

"Rei here has two split personalities, I'm guessing the first one is the Rei you know the one who experiences emotions and the other one who runs instinctively and only knows pain and suffering" Haru added.

"Rei passed out from the mountains when you were exploring right?" Haru asked and all of them nodded in response

"Did something happen causing her to faint?" Haru asked.

"We were suddenly attacked by a treant and to our surprised... Rei used her Elemental Art to protect us" Shizen replied.

"But after the treant's death, Rei suddenly became emotionless... And a few minutes later she passed out..." Shizen muttered.

"Well that explains it" Haru replied.

"Rei must've triggered her other personality when were attacked causing her to faint afterwards" Haru added.

"Can you heal her Haru??!!" Yuki worriedly asked.

"Unfortunately this is beyond my power, The only one who can heal her trauma is Rei herself" Haru added.