
The Ghoul Named Hope

In the year 2080, a post-apocalyptic world is plagued by the Undead Virus, which has turned most of the population into zombies and ghouls. Breelynn, a 27-year-old military scientist, resides in Subterra Nova, a subterranean city built to protect people from the virus and radiation. Bree's father, a high-ranking officer in the colony's defense force, raised her in a military family. Although she became a skilled fighter by 18, she decided to pursue her passion for science, training to become a scientist after her older brother became the colony's First Commander. Bree's determination to find a cure for the Undead Virus stems from her loss of her father. She is driven to find a cure for the virus and prevent others from suffering the same fate. Bree raids an illegal lab one day and finds Hope, an eight-year-old half-ghoul girl with unique abilities. The ghouls want Hope, so they raid Subterra Nova, hoping to distract Bree away from Hope. Hope is taken by the ghouls, and Bree decides to find her. While searching for Hope, Bree meets Treyson, a 30-year-old man born a ghoul. Treyson and Bree fall in love as they work together to find Hope. Treyson had a difficult childhood, being rejected by his human family for being a ghoul. Despite his tough exterior, he has a kind heart and is fiercely loyal. Meanwhile, a war is brewing between the Ghouls and humans. The colony is being betrayed by a woman whose son is a ghoul. She is secretly telling her son all about the colony, which is relaying all the information to the Ghoul leader, Bryndon, who is secretly Bree and JR’s uncle. Bryndon and Bree's little sister Zoey, who is now 20 years old, are leading the Ghouls. Bree and Treyson face dangerous challenges while searching for Hope. They meet new allies and enemies along the way, leading to a climactic battle between Bryndon's army of Ghouls and Subterra Nova's defense force. Eventually, Bree and Treyson find Hope and return her to Subterra Nova. However, the war between Ghouls and humans intensifies, leading to a final showdown that determines the fate of the colony.

Jade_Spence_2688 · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Ch. 4

My fingers trembled as I tightened the last buckle on my tactical military pack, the weight of responsibility bearing down on my chest. My heart raced as I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves, and focused on the mission ahead. I surveyed the room one last time, making sure that I hadn't forgotten anything crucial. With a satisfied nod, I slung over my shoulder gave me a sense of comfort and familiarity.

With a muttered, "Let's do this," I strode through the dimly lit corridors of Subterra Nova, the echoes of my footsteps filling the once-silent air. Memories of the virus and the loved ones lost to it tugged at my mind, but I pushed them away, knowing that the only way to honor their sacrifice was to find a cure and save humanity from extinction.

The armory door loomed in front of me, a cold metallic barrier separating me from the unknown dangers that awaited outside. I paused for a moment, listening to the steady rhythm of my own heartbeat, before pushing the door open with a heavy creak.

"Hey Bree," JR greeted me with a nod, his short-cropped brown hair still neat despite the urgency of our situation. Josh, the tall, skinny scout with shaggy red hair and freckles, looked up from the map they'd been studying, a crease of concern etched into his forehead.

"Are you ready?" he asked, the half-joking tone of his voice belying the genuine worry in his eyes.

"I was born ready," I replied, forcing a smile onto my face even though my stomach was churning with anxiety.

"Good," JR said, turning back to the map. "We've been discussing the best route to District E20. We'll follow Highway 321 to Mohawk, rest during daylight hours, and continue on to Flat Gap, where the lab is located."

The plan was set, but the unknown dangers that lay ahead left me feeling uneasy. I took a deep breath and steeled myself for what was to come. The sun's scorching heat made it impossible to move during the day without risking dehydration or heatstroke. Although traveling during the night was risky, we had no choice. We needed to get to our destination as quickly as possible.

"Sounds like a plan," I said, trying to mask my unease. The thought of what could go wrong weighed heavily on my mind. We were venturing into uncharted territory, and the risks were high.

"Are you sure you're okay with this, Bree?" Josh asked quietly, his gaze boring into mine as if he could read my thoughts.

"Of course," I snapped, irritation flaring momentarily before my eyes softened. "I'm sorry, Josh. I'm just... scared…I guess."

"Hey, we all are," JR chimed in, placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "But we have each other's backs, and we'll make it through this…Together..."

"Right," I agreed, swallowing hard and nodding. "Together." I knew that I could rely on my team to have my back. We were all in this together.

The sound of footsteps echoed through the armory as several new figures joined our group. My attention was immediately drawn to Jess White, a tall and muscular man with long dirty blonde hair cascading past his shoulders. His jade green eyes were cold and piercing, contrasting against the warmth of his full beard. Beside him stood Beth Freeman, his petite girlfriend, her beautiful brown hair framing her face while her own blue eyes seemed to sparkle like ice.

"Everyone, this is Jess, Beth, and Carmen. They'll be joining us on our mission," Josh announced, gesturing towards the couple. I gave them a nod, acknowledging their presence, before my gaze shifted to Carmen Sanchez, a short but stocky Latina woman with light golden brown skin and brown eyes. As she approached, I noticed Carmen stealing glances at Phoebe, who seemed oblivious to the attention. An amused smile tugged at my lips as I pondered the possibility of a budding romance between them.

"Nice to meet you all," Jess greeted, his deep voice resonating through the room. "We're here to help in any way we can."

"Appreciated," I replied, my tone warm yet focused on the task at hand.

As everyone exchanged pleasantries, JR called our attention, "Now, I'd like to introduce our hunters for this journey." He motioned to three men standing near the gun wall. "Shawn Becker, Will Saunders, and Micah Deaton."

My gray eyes studied each one carefully as JR detailed their expertise. Shawn had short brunette hair, piercing green eyes, and light-tanned skin. He stood around six feet tall with a lean and muscular build that hinted at his agility and strength. Will was a stocky man, also six feet tall, with dirty blonde hair reaching his shoulders. One of his hazel eyes was hidden by an eye patch, which only added to his mysterious allure. Micah, the shortest of the trio, stood at five foot nine with short, shaggy black hair and brown eyes.

"Nice to meet you," Shawn said with a slight nod of his head. I offered a small smile in return, my mind already calculating how their skills would contribute to the mission's success.

"Likewise," I replied, my voice steady and confident. Inwardly, I felt reassured by the presence of these skilled hunters, even though I had never really spoken to them before. Their reputation preceded them, and I trusted JR's judgment in selecting them for this crucial journey.

As we prepared to leave, my thoughts raced through my head, a chaotic mix of anticipation, fear, and determination. I knew this journey would test our limits, but I also understood that it was crucial for the survival of our people. As the descendant of the founder of Subterra Nova, I felt responsible for protecting our legacy and ensuring a future for those we left behind.

As I strode towards my locker, I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, my mind racing through the countless scenarios that could play out in the field. 

With a sense of urgency, I quickly open my locker and reach for the familiar weight of my knives and machete. The cold metal handle of my machete provides a small measure of comfort as I grip it tightly in my hand. However, as I reach for my favorite dagger, I realize with growing agitation that it is missing. The Kunai Throwing Knife Dad had given me for my sixteenth birthday is nowhere to be found. 

I frantically search the locker, my heart sinking with each passing second. The weight of the loss feels heavy on my chest, and I know that I cannot go into the field without it. I curse under my breath and try to remain calm, but the thought of going into battle without my lucky knife fills me with dread.

"Damn it," I muttered under my breath, remembering Dad's voice as he explained the knife to me. "This is a special knife called a Kunai Throwing Knife." The most beautiful knife I had ever seen had a blade made of rainbow-colored metal, and the handle was wrapped in a black leather grip. It held a special place in my heart, and I cherished it dearly. Now, the realization that I must have dropped it that day, the day that father died, gnawed at my insides like a ravenous beast.

I slammed the metal locker shut with a resounding bang, frustration boiling over inside me. Losing was not an option, not when so much was at stake. I took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm raging inside me, and turned around. That's when I collided with Xavier, who flinched and took a step back.

"What are you doing, Xavier?" I growled, throwing my hands up in frustration.

He seemed to shrink under my glare and replied in a timid voice, "I just wanted to apologize for what I said about your dad yesterday. It was uncalled for, and I'm sorry."

I sighed and rolled my eyes, "I'll forgive you this once, but if you say something like that about anyone I care about again, you'll be nothing but food for the mutants outside."

Xavier nodded quickly, his eyes wide with fear. "Of course, I understand."

As we gathered our gear and got ready to leave, I couldn't shake off the heavy weight of the situation. The burden of loyalty to my family legacy, along with the constant struggle for survival in this post-apocalyptic world, left no room for mistakes.

But I knew that I was not alone in this fight. The people around me, my companions, were the best and brightest in their fields - skilled hunters, fierce warriors, brilliant scientists. Together, we would face the darkness and the horrors that awaited us in our quest for a cure. We had no other choice but to succeed.

I steel myself and stride over to the gun wall, my eyes scanning the array of weapons before me. I selected a reliable M4 carbine rifle; it's black metal, cool, and heavy in my hands. A few semi-automatic handguns follow suit, along with several boxes of ammunition – supplies that will be vital for our mission.

As Izzy approaches, her voice is quiet and steady as she asks, "Got everything you need?" Moments later, Phoebe joins us, her backpack bulging with medical gear and scientific equipment.

 I mentally go through my list and answer, "I think so." Our preparation is crucial; any oversight could cost us our lives.

JR's voice cuts through the group, "Alright, everyone! It's time to move out. Stick together, stay sharp, and let's bring back a cure for our people." A murmur of agreement ripples through the group, and my heart races with anticipation. This is it – the moment we have been preparing for. There is no room for failure.

As we fall into formation behind JR, we navigate the labyrinthine of tunnels that led to the war bunker above. My gray eyes flick between the dimly lit passageways and my fellow survivors, my mind racing with thoughts of what lies ahead.

I might have lost my father's knife, but I still carried his memory and the knowledge that he would have wanted me to continue fighting for their people. With my newfound allies by my side, I knew they would face the darkness together, united in their mission to find a cure and reclaim the world from the ghouls that had consumed it.

I remember my father's advice from years ago, "Stay focused and trust your instincts," and repeat it to myself. I can't disregard his words now.

At last, we reach the ladder leading up to the surface world – a place where only the brave or desperate dare to venture. I take a deep breath, feeling the weight of my weapons anchoring me to the task at hand.

One by one, we climb up and emerge into the twilight above. The sight that greets me is both haunting and eerily beautiful. Nature slowly reclaims what had once been hers, and the crumpled buildings' concrete skeletons are draped in greenery.

"Unbelievable," I breathe, gazing around at the desolation with a mix of awe and dread. Amidst the ruins, mutant insects scuttle about, their chitinous shells glinting in the fading light. In the distance, the howls of grotesque creatures echo through the air – a chilling reminder of the horrors that now rule this world.

"Stay alert," JR warns, his voice low and tense. "We have no idea what we'll encounter out here."

I nod in agreement, my grip tightening on my rifle, my senses heightened, attuned to every rustle of foliage, every distant snarl. Life still persists, twisted and monstrous but undeniably resilient.

"Let's move," I order, taking the lead alongside my brother. As we set off into the gloom, I can't help but marvel at our surroundings. The world might be broken beyond repair, but it refuses to give up without a fight. And neither will I.

The night was dark and foreboding as we made our way through the ruined streets of Jonesborough. I was leading my team, with JR by my side, as we cautiously treaded over the debris, shattered glass, and twisted metal. The once-thriving town was now a desolate wasteland, with the only sounds being the howling wind and the distant cries of mutant creatures in search of prey.

JR consulted the map as we navigated through the labyrinthine ruins, trying to find our way to Highway 321. We had to be extra vigilant, scanning the area for any signs of danger. The mutant insects scurried among the wreckage, their grotesque forms glinting in the moonlight. A beetle, the size of a small dog, caught my attention with its iridescent wings, fluttering as it consumed the rotting remains of an unfortunate creature.

As we walked through the streets, I couldn't help but notice a peculiar creature scurrying along the path ahead of us. With a slender body covered in scruffy brown-gray and black fur, it appeared to be a strange combination of a rat and a coyote. Its sharp eyes and pointed ears resembled those of a rat, while its razor-sharp teeth hinted at its coyote ancestry. "Look at that," I muttered to JR, pointing towards the creature. "Nature truly has outdone itself this time, creating such a unique and fascinating creature."

"Stay sharp," JR warned, his eyes scanning the horizon for any potential threats. "We don't know what else is lurking out here."

My group and I were cautiously skirting our way through the desolate ruins of crumbling buildings when we stumbled upon a large horde of zombies. The sight of them was enough to make my heart race uncontrollably, as if it were trying to escape my chest. The guttural groans of the undead reverberated through the empty streets, growing louder and more unnerving with each passing moment. 

It felt as if we were being stalked by a relentless, lifeless army of beings, inching ever closer to us with a single goal in mind: to consume us. The oppressive atmosphere was suffocating, and the sense of impending doom was palpable. We readied our weapons and engaged the first group of zombies, our strikes precise and calculated. But as their numbers continued to swell, it became clear that we were hopelessly outnumbered and outmatched.

Across the street, I saw Shawn, Will, and Micah working together. They were each taking down the zombies with the ease of a well-trained soldier. Using a variety of weapons, from handguns to shotguns, each shot rang out like a clap of thunder, sending the zombies tumbling to the ground.

The putrid odor of decaying flesh pervaded my senses, causing me to retch involuntarily. As I struggled to regain my composure, the number of zombies surrounding us increased rapidly, their skin pale and lifeless, their eyes vacant and hollow. We had to be nimble and quick to avoid their grasping, clammy hands and razor-sharp teeth. Amidst the chaos, a stranger joined our group. His skin was the color of the darkest night, and his long black dreadlocks were tightly bound with a cord at the center of his back. He wielded a scythe with deadly accuracy, striking down the zombies with ease. 

I couldn't discern his features in the dim light, but his movements were fluid and confident, suggesting that he was a seasoned fighter. We fought with all our might, but it seemed like the zombies would never stop coming. With each passing moment, our hope dwindled, and the sense of despair grew stronger. Yet somehow, we managed to fight them off, one by one, until the last of the undead had been dispatched. 

I was gasping for breath as I took a chug of my water before using it to wipe off some of the blood and guts; ugh, this is disgusting!

When I was somewhat cleaned up, I looked around for the man with the dark skin, but he had completely disappeared…I swear he had been here…Was I starting to see things?

With a sigh, I shrugged my shoulders, then turned to JR as he stepped forward to address our group. 

"Listen up," JR said, his voice low and controlled. "We need to keep moving. Remember, we're walking for 13 hours to reach Mohawk in District E14. We'll find a place to rest during the day when it's too hot to travel."

"Got it," Izzy replied, her grip tightening around her weapon. Carmen glanced at Phoebe and nodded. The unspoken communication between the team members was a testament to our dedication and shared purpose.

The journey took its toll on us all, but I felt a burning determination in my chest that refused to be extinguished. As we trudged forward, my mind raced with thoughts of my father, of Subterra Nova, and of the cure we desperately sought…. And who the hell was that guy who helped us? 

"Something's up ahead," Jess whispered. 

"Get ready," JR ordered, and we braced ourselves for a fight.

My heart sank as a swarm of Zombies suddenly appeared from the shadows, their hideous features illuminated by the pale moonlight. The team acted quickly and efficiently, eliminating the undead with precision. I could feel my heart racing in my chest as I fought alongside my comrades, all of us determined to protect one another and complete our mission.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, we reached Mohawk. The city was eerily quiet, save for the occasional moan of a zombie in the distance. As the sun began to rise, casting its searing heat upon the ruined landscape, we found a relatively secure place to rest during the day.

"Good work, everyone," JR said, his voice heavy with exhaustion. "We'll continue on to Flat Gap at dusk. For now, get some sleep."

"Let's hope we get some rest before we have to face whatever else is out there," I muttered as we secured the old building, barricading ourselves inside.

"Rest while you can, sis," JR said softly, his voice heavy with concern. "We'll take shifts on watch."

"Thanks, JR," I replied, allowing myself a brief moment of vulnerability. As I settled down to catch some precious sleep, my thoughts turned to the people we had left behind in Subterra Nova and the sacrifices that had been made in the pursuit of survival. The burden of responsibility weighed heavily on my shoulders, but I knew I couldn't allow it to crush my spirit.

When I heard a noise towards the back of the building, I grabbed my gun and a flashlight, then slowly made my way towards where I heard the sound. 

A gasp caught in my throat as my flashlight illuminated the silhouette of a man; when I got to his face, his milky white eyes reflected off of the light, "A ghoul!" I gasped as I lifted my gun to shoot, but the ghoul was so fast that he knocked the gun from my hands with a clatter, then tried to get behind me to grab me, but I refused to give in as I fought with the ghoul. 

There isn't a single man in our colony who can beat me, but this man reflected every move I tried. I growled in frustration as I ran up the wall and leaped over his head, but he was there to meet me as we fell to the ground; I was panting heavily as he pinned me down with my arms over my head. 

An odd thrill ran through me as butterflies danced in my stomach…Oh, holy hell… What was this feeling? 

"Please stop," he whispers, "I don't want to hurt you." 

With a sigh, I stopped fighting and got a good look at my attacker and realized that he was the man I saw in Jonesborough who helped us fight the horde of zombies. 

He was very attractive up close with his dark brown skin that was almost black, he was also tall, at least six foot four, with a lean muscular build. As I looked into his white, milky eyes, I realized that they were completely unseeing… 

"Are you blind?" I asked as he released his hold on my arms. 

With a nod, he says, "Yes, I am completely blind. Have been since I was a child." He had a soft but deep voice that I could sit and listen to for hours. 

"Who are you?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around my knees, "And, why did you help us back in Jonesborough?" 

The man cocked his head, then said, "My name is Treyson, and I helped you with the flesh eaters because you looked like you needed my help." 

I nodded as I contemplated his answer…"Okay, thank you for your help, but why did you leave after you helped us?"

Treyson scoffed with a shake of his head, "Because you humans would accept a ghoul's help?" He said with a motion of his hands, "You would have thanked me with the kindness of your heart… I think not… I would have joined the pile of dead flesh eaters if I had stepped forward." 

With a sigh, I ran my fingers through my hair with a nod, "Okay, I can't argue with that…but why did you save us? I thought most ghouls wanted us dead." 

Treyson shrugged, then said, "I come from a community where humans, ghouls, and mutants live together in harmony… I don't see humans as a threat as long as they don't try to kill me…" 

"Did you really just say that you live with humans and mutant creatures?" I shook my head; it was hard to believe…

Treyson nodded, "I did, we call our community Sangfroid; which means peace of mind. We do not judge anyone for being different." 

It was now my turn to scoff and roll my eyes, "That is hard to believe." 

Treyson shrugged, "Whether you believe me or not is up to you." 

"So, Treyson…Why did you follow us here to Mohawk?" 

Treyson reached out and grabbed a bag; after rummaging through it, he pulled out a very familiar dagger that I had been looking for, the rainbow dagger that I thought I had lost forever…

"I was returning this to you…" He says as he holds out the dagger. 

I gaped in awe as I reached out and took it, "How did you get this? I lost this eleven years ago… The day that my father died…" 

"I was there that day; I was the boy who helped you. I heard you drop this during the fight with the bad ghouls and zombies. I picked it up, hoping to return it to you someday." 

I gasped in shock, "You are the boy that saved me?" 

Treyson nodded; he went to say something but was cut off by the voice of my brother.

"Bree, where are you?" asked JR, who sounded close by. 

I put my finger to my lips, telling Treyson to be quiet as I stood and walked over to my brother. "I'm over here, Bub." 

JR sighed in relief, "What are you doing back here alone? I got worried when you didn't return." 

"I just needed a minute to myself; being out here is bringing back memories from when we lost dad…" 

JR nodded, "I completely understand. Let's head back to the others and get some sleep."