
The Ghoul Named Hope

In the year 2080, a post-apocalyptic world is plagued by the Undead Virus, which has turned most of the population into zombies and ghouls. Breelynn, a 27-year-old military scientist, resides in Subterra Nova, a subterranean city built to protect people from the virus and radiation. Bree's father, a high-ranking officer in the colony's defense force, raised her in a military family. Although she became a skilled fighter by 18, she decided to pursue her passion for science, training to become a scientist after her older brother became the colony's First Commander. Bree's determination to find a cure for the Undead Virus stems from her loss of her father. She is driven to find a cure for the virus and prevent others from suffering the same fate. Bree raids an illegal lab one day and finds Hope, an eight-year-old half-ghoul girl with unique abilities. The ghouls want Hope, so they raid Subterra Nova, hoping to distract Bree away from Hope. Hope is taken by the ghouls, and Bree decides to find her. While searching for Hope, Bree meets Treyson, a 30-year-old man born a ghoul. Treyson and Bree fall in love as they work together to find Hope. Treyson had a difficult childhood, being rejected by his human family for being a ghoul. Despite his tough exterior, he has a kind heart and is fiercely loyal. Meanwhile, a war is brewing between the Ghouls and humans. The colony is being betrayed by a woman whose son is a ghoul. She is secretly telling her son all about the colony, which is relaying all the information to the Ghoul leader, Bryndon, who is secretly Bree and JR’s uncle. Bryndon and Bree's little sister Zoey, who is now 20 years old, are leading the Ghouls. Bree and Treyson face dangerous challenges while searching for Hope. They meet new allies and enemies along the way, leading to a climactic battle between Bryndon's army of Ghouls and Subterra Nova's defense force. Eventually, Bree and Treyson find Hope and return her to Subterra Nova. However, the war between Ghouls and humans intensifies, leading to a final showdown that determines the fate of the colony.

Jade_Spence_2688 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Ch. 5

As the sun dipped below the horizon, bathing the twisted landscape in an eerie twilight, my team and I prepared to continue our journey toward Flat Gap. The air was heavy with the oppressive heat and the scent of decay, a constant reminder of the world that had been lost.

"Remember, stay on your guard," JR warned as we set off down the cracked remnants of Highway 321. The shadows grew longer and more menacing, and I couldn't shake the feeling that something was watching us, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

As we walked down the street, I noticed Treyson trailing us from a distance. I couldn't help but wonder why he was following me…He had already returned my father's knife, so what could be his reason for sticking around? Feeling curious, I told JR that I needed to use the bathroom and slipped down an alley. 

Once I was alone, I whispered, "Treyson?" looking around as if I was expecting him to appear out of nowhere. 

As I turned to leave the alley, I accidentally bumped into something with a loud "oomph." Startled, I looked up to see Treyson standing in front of me. 

"You called?" he asked with a smirk.

As soon as Treyson spoke, I recognized the deep, resonant tone of his voice. However, his sudden appearance startled me so much that my instincts kicked in, and I tried to fight back. Despite my best efforts, I couldn't gain the upper hand, and he quickly overpowered me.

Treyson chuckled as I tried a roundhouse kick to his face, but he dodged then somehow ended up behind me, pinning my arms behind my back as he slammed me up against the brick wall. It should have hurt, but it sent a wave of pure excitement through my veins, making me gasp… What the hell was happening to me?

"How are you so good at fighting?" I said breathlessly. 

Treyson's strong arm wrapped around my waist from behind, pulling me close to his body. I could feel the heat emanating from him, causing goosebumps to erupt all over my arms as a shiver ran down my spine. Despite my attempts to wiggle free, he held me tightly, his free hand covering my eyes. "What are you doing? I can't see.." I said as I attempted to wiggle free. 

"That's the point… Now that you can't see…use your other senses…"He explains as he whispers into my ear, making me shiver, "Don't focus on what you have lost, but what you have gained… What do you hear? What do you feel?.... And what do you smell?" he mumbled as he ran his nose over the curve of my neck making me gasp as a rush of pure lust rushed through me. I was left in complete darkness, unable to see anything. 

I was completely immersed in my surroundings, focusing on every little sound that reached my ears. The cold air sent shivers down my spine, and I could feel the soft texture of my clothing against my skin. I had always imagined a ghoul to reek of decay and putrefaction, but Treyson's scent was something entirely different. It was a complex blend of bonfire smoke and another aroma that I couldn't quite identify. The smell was so alluring that it made my head spin, and my legs felt as if they were about to give out beneath me, overpowered by his presence. Even though the surroundings were dark, I felt more alive than I had ever felt before.

The hand that was covering my eyes wrapped gently around my throat as Treyson touched his lips to the sensitive flesh right under my ear making me gasp as goose flesh peppered my arms as another shiver ran through my body. 


Treyson and I froze at the sound of my brother's voice. 

Treyson growled as he reluctantly released his hold and took a step back. 


I looked from Treyson to where I heard JR… Conflicted on choosing between where I wanted to be or where I needed to be… 

"Just… go…" Treyson says through clenched teeth as he runs his hands over his face with a groan.


"No buts, Bree," Treyson says with a shake of his head, "Return to your brother." 

With a sigh, I fixed my clothes and made sure I was decent before stepping out of the alley to find my brother pacing frantically. When he spotted me, he sighed in relief, "What were you doing?"

"Sorry, when I was using the bathroom, I saw a cool mutant creature… and I got distracted…" I explained with a shrug.

JR let out a deep sigh as he ran his hands over his tired face, feeling the weight of the day's events bearing down on him. Frustrated and anxious, he threw his hands in the air, unable to contain his emotions any longer. "Just try not to disappear like that again," he pleaded with a hint of desperation in his voice. "I was terrified something might have happened to you, and the thought of being without you was unbearable."

I gave him a nod as I took a quick look back towards the alley…Why did it feel like I had left him behind? My head was a mess, filled with emotions and feelings that I had never felt before… "Okay, Bub… I promise not to stay away for too long next time." 

JR nodded, then wrapped an arm around my waist as we returned to the others who had been waiting for us to continue on with our journey…

I had to remember that we were out here to look for a cure… I need to get my head in the game…

With one last glance behind me, I sucked in a deep breath, then joined Izzy and Phoebe. 

As we made our way through the night, our journey was suddenly interrupted by a pack of Lycanbats. They were perched on the rooftop of a nearby building, their dark fur glistening under the moonlight. The muscles beneath their fur were well-defined and showed the immense power they possessed. Their razor-sharp talons firmly gripped the crumbling concrete beneath them while their piercing, predatory eyes bore into us. The leader of the pack was distinguishable from the rest - it had a black and silver coat with a nasty scar above its eye. It locked its gaze onto me before lifting its head and releasing an eerie howl into the night sky, causing a shiver to run down my spine. 

"Look at those things," Carmen muttered under her breath. "Never thought I'd see anything like that."

"Stay close," JR ordered, and we huddled together as we cautiously moved forward. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, my grip tightening on my weapon as if it could protect me from the terrifying creatures lurking above.

The Lycanbats spread their monstrous wings, revealing the true extent of their size and strength. They glided through the air with an eerie grace, their powerful limbs poised to snatch us up and carry us away if given half a chance. I could see the glint of their razor-sharp teeth as they bared them in a silent snarl made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

"Keep moving," Phoebe whispered urgently, her hand gripping my shoulder tightly. "Don't let them sense your fear."

As we trudged through the maze of rusted cars and down the old Highway, our hearts pounding with fear, we could hear the screeching of the Lycanbats growing louder and louder. Despite our best efforts to remain calm, the creatures seemed to grow bolder with each passing moment, swooping closer and closer until I could feel the wind from their wings stirring the air around me. The tension was suffocating, and I knew that we needed to reach Flat Gap before it became too much for any of us to bear. 

Every step we took felt like a battle, as we struggled to keep our eyes on the path ahead while also keeping a watchful eye on the sky. The Lycanbats were relentless, their piercing cries echoing through the air, and I couldn't help but wonder if we would make it out of the forest alive. Our weary legs carried us through the night, and as the first light of dawn began to creep across the sky, we stumbled into Flat Gap. 

But our relief at having reached our destination was short-lived when I froze at the sound of a throaty moan followed by a growl echoed through the air, sending a chill down my spine… 

"What the hell was that?" I asked JR as I looked around… but all I saw was trees and more trees.

I gasped in shock when a familiar ghoul joined our group, apparently more worried about the threat than exposing himself to everyone. 

"That is the sound Reapers make," says Treyson as he stands completely still… what was he doing? 

"Who the hell are you?" Demanded JR.

Treyson gestured for JR to remain silent and motioned towards the right. My eyes followed his finger and landed on the ruins of a once-grand building. "The Reapers are approaching from that direction," Treyson whispered as he unstrapped his scythe from his back. He looked more like a grim reaper than the grotesque creatures that emerged from the ruins. They moaned and growled, some even crawling out like spiders. The sight sent shivers down my spine.

"Get ready," JR commanded, his voice strained with fatigue and fear.

The horde of Reapers surged towards us, their grotesque forms twisting and writhing like something out of a nightmare. Their skin stretched taut over bone, giving them an alien, skeletal appearance. Although they lacked eyes, noses, lips, or ears, they moved with a horrific precision, homing in on the vibrations we made and the scent of our blood.

"Be careful, Bree," Treyson warns as the Reapers move in closer, "These things are more intelligent than they were as zombies." 

I nodded, rolled my eyes when I remembered he couldn't see, and said, "Understood." 

JR lifted his rifle and unleashed a relentless stream of gunfire, mowing down wave after wave of Reapers. But no matter how many he took out, more just kept coming. Amidst the deafening sound of explosions and gunfire, he bellowed, "How the hell do you two know each other?"

"Now isn't the time, JR!" I yelled through clenched teeth as I lifted my rifle and began popping bullets in the Reaper's heads. 

Treyson's movements were mesmerizing as he wielded his scythe with such grace, swiftly decapitating the Reapers. Despite my growing exhaustion, I couldn't take my eyes off him. My team was counting on me, so I pushed myself to keep up the pace, determined not to slow down. Every shot of my own weapon felt heavier than the last, but I refused to let my weariness show.

Treyson and I fought back to back like we have known each other for years… With how well he fought, I trusted him enough to watch my back as we fought for our lives.

Feeling a little curious, I asked Treyson, "Where did you learn to fight so well?" 

A smile tugged on his lips as he whirled his scythe like a staff, slicing through the Reapers with ease. "I was trained by all the best fighters in our community. I went to each of them and asked them to teach me, and they agreed, but I had to promise to do odd jobs for them from time to time. It was an easy trade." 

"Well, maybe one of these days, you can teach me what you know." 

A smile lit Treyson's face, "I would be honored to teach you, Miss Bree." 

The battle was fierce and intense, with both sides determined to emerge victorious. We, the defenders, fought with all our might, unleashing every weapon and strategy at our disposal. But the enemy, the Reapers, seemed to be impervious to our attacks as they relentlessly pushed forward with their assault. 

Amidst all the chaos and destruction, I caught a glimpse of Will, one of our most skilled hunters, fighting bravely against the monstrous creatures. However, he was soon overpowered and dragged down by the swarm of beasts. His scream of agony pierced through the air and echoed in my ears, haunting me even as we continued to fight for our very survival.