
War of the Gods and Demons: Chapter 23

Chapter 1423

War of the Gods and Demons: Chapter 23

Xin Ja wanted to test out the theory behind his newly crafted weapon. He also wanted to know how long the blindness would be in effect according to the strength of a person.

Of course, he knew that the status effect is not permanent as the body would react and quickly uses its antibody to get rid of the bacteria.

As awakened beings, their body system is not like that of a normal mortal anymore. They have stronger antibodies and metabolisms. That is the reason why he wanted to test out his theory right now after he finished crafting the blade.

And so, after he regained consciousness after researching, he noticed that the bus is not moving.

As he walks out of the bus, he saw the soldiers gathering around the bonfire and some of them are still even wearing their Goliath Suits.