
The border land skirmish

Chapter 702


"Three hundred villages, and thirty towns… those are the loses. If we could not push them back, then we would expect this war to escalate further. With the help of the Zith'ra race, we would be hard press to defend our borders." A man wearing white garb said while sitting along with six more people in the room.

"We will send all of our reinforcements to the Osmond clan and hope that we could hold on until the new weapon arrives." The young woman in a yellow gown said with a serious expression on her face.

"Do you really think that the new weapon is comparable to the weapons used by the high elves?"

"I think so… it is very powerful but hard to produce. If only the one who created it was not caught as a hostage 2 years ago, then we could have created its perfect form."

"Then you are saying that what you have created is only a replica and is not that strong?"