
the game of death

Goddess Galatea struggling with love stories and facing many obstacles for her to be with the one she loves. Between Elijah, the human who risked anything to be ith her, and Rick her first real love who is also her cousin and childhood best friend which one willshe choose?

Rafca_Raad · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs


I wasn't counting the days or the hours after I passed the door but it's been a while

I won't deny I was tired and desperated, I need to found her as soon as possible

I already fought the sleeping dragon and passed the fire lake, I crossed the enchanted forest and here I'm in the labyrinth

I saw a red thread, that was familiar to me, hanging on one end of the wall

I knew than that I was on the right path, my beloved was here and obviously she was the one who undid her sweater so she could find her way out

I decided to follow it to his next extremity, where I saw 2 giants lying on the floor

They were dead but I didn't know why, after I thought a little about it

I assumed that they pissed Galatea off and she killed them to survive

Every minute that passes reminds me of how much I am in love with her and how much I miss her!

I needed to find a way out of this labyrinth, but how without the giants?

I had the idea to search them, maybe I could find something that will help me but in vain.

I don't know why, but something made me turn toward a corner of the room and saw a piece of paper rolled like a ball

I rushed and took it, than I realised that it was a map who shows the way out

Without losing time, I set off and a few moments later I found myself in a room full of mirrors

Those mirrors in which my reflection was horrible

I looked around just to study the place where I was

I saw nothing but mirrors.. I started walking until I found her

She was sitting, with her legs crossed and a confused face

I rushed to her and took her in my arms

As happy as I was that I found her safe, all my happiness turned into an endless sadness when she told me:" Who are you? Do we know each other?"

It was like my whole world collapsed, I didn't know what to do or how do I feel

All this time I was thinking about the moment I will see her and hug her and tell her how much I love her

But I did not imagine that she could have lost her memory

She doesn't even remember me!

I sat next to her, like an angel with broken wings, I crossed my legs and bowed my head

I was about to give up when suddenly I remembered what I endured to get her, and that's when I screamed:

" No I won't let you forget me, you are my destiny and I'm yours. We are made for each other so now you will listen to me, you have what it takes! You can overcome anything! You already did a great job and you were alone, now I am here with you and the best is awaiting us! Let your heart and soul speak Galatea, see where it takes you. You already did the biggest part, and now we still have a little bit of it. Let's do it together"

But she didn't react at all. I was in so much pain that I couldn't even explain

If after everything I told her she didn't react, then she is lost and so am I

No! I'm not going to make it without her

If she is staying here so will I! And I told her so but still nothing

That's what I thought until I saw a tear running down her face

Maybe in her heart there still is some of our memories...

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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