
the game of death

Goddess Galatea struggling with love stories and facing many obstacles for her to be with the one she loves. Between Elijah, the human who risked anything to be ith her, and Rick her first real love who is also her cousin and childhood best friend which one willshe choose?

Rafca_Raad · Fantasy
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22 Chs

The magic of real love

Elijah's POV:

When I saw her tear I knew that there was still a chance

I wasn't going to give up on her nor on our love

I kept talking, telling her about funny things that happened to us, how many times we were broken and found comfort in each other

I reminded her of our late night talks about nothing and everything

That we shared our fears and dreams, that we spent days at the beach and in the forest sometimes not saying a work but it was enough for us to be together even without talking

I reminded her of her parents that weren't really happy when they discovered our relationship, and told her that now Nephustus likes me and gave his benediction

And finally I spoke about our first kiss, when we were together in the dungeon in the middle of the night

That magical moment we shared, soon became the most important of my life

For the first time I opened up to her telling her all about my feelings back then, when our lips finally met:

" It wasn't just a kiss for me you know, it was the first kiss from the person that I met a while ago and started falling for her day after the other."

When I first met her I didn't know that she will be my destiny despite the attraction I felt toward her

And now after all what we have been through, after our first kiss and our confession to each other I knew that she is the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her

My world was a mess till I met her, she made me feel at peace

Galatea POV:

I heard everything he said, but still didn't remember him

I don't know why, but I felt deep inside that he was a part of my soul

Maybe he was telling me the truth, maybe we were in love

But how can I be sure? It's been a while now that I live with my insecurities

I didn't trust myself anymore, I don't know who I'm and what I was doing here

But all I know was that my heart and soul were in pain, bleeding and broken

When he talked about our first kiss it felt so real, he was talking with such confidence that for a moment I wished that it was true, that I can remember it if it did happen

But I couldn't make it, and that made me feel more pain

I felt the urge to touch him to feel him next to me

And I found myself burying my face in his shoulder, as he held me

All I could think of was that I needed him, needed his arms around me, needed him to hold me

He suddenly whisper: "Don't you worry, we will find a way and will make it together"

As he was holding me tight, it all came to me...

I remembered everything, and instead of a lost memory I was lost in him

I didn't want to break our hug so I tighten it more and said

"I love you Elijah"

I felt his tears broken down as our faces were against each others and he said " I love you more"

After that we sat for a long time, telling all about our days far from each other

I told him about the three witches and what they told me about my past and parents

" We will figure it out, once we get out of here you will face your parents and I will be by your side, always."

I was so relieved that he was here, with me because I know that alone I couldn't make it.

He took my hand, stood up and told me " We should get going now"

While I was getting up, he pulls me toward him and looked me in the eyes

And without breaking the eye contact he told me:" I really missed you"

A smile appeared on my face and I blushed

He leaned on to kiss me, my heart was beating so fast as it was about to go out of my chest

I felt his heart beating as fast as mine

And when our lips met, it was like the entire world stopped for a while

I didn't know what was about this man, that when I was in his arms I forgot all of my problems

Then, he took me by the hand and we started running

We finally did it and went through the other side of the door

I was ready to face my parents and known the whole truth now...

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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