
The Full Level Player Is Summoned By The Magical World

“Oh my God! Mo Fan has just become the first person to slay the divine-grade boss!” “He sure is the strongest mage on this server! I can’t believe that he actually managed to slay a deity!” “What strongest mage? He’s the God of Magic!” “Yes! You’re right! The God of Magic!” After slaying the Chaos Demon God, the strongest boss in the game, Mo Fan quietly sat on his chair as he enjoyed the praises from other players. Suddenly, a magic circle appeared above him and sucked him and his game character into the game. At the same time, outside the castle in another dimension was a huge magic circle where magic had gathered. Above the castle was a dragon so huge that it had blocked the sunlight from reaching the castle. On top of the castle wall stood a beautiful lady with pointy ears. She had a crown on her head and she was praying. “Please let my summoning succeed! We need the God of Magic to protect the peace of our kingdom! I’m willing to sacrifice anything!” Not long after that, the magic circle shone.

Game King · แฟนตาซี
40 Chs

The Obstacle That Makes the Gods Cry!

บรรณาธิการ: Atlas Studios

"The Wall of Sighs." Klent practically spat out the words, which even he could not believe.

If Klent hadn't known so much about the strength of the people inside the Skadi's fortress, he wouldn't have wanted to believe that the young man in front of him, whose magic he couldn't feel at all, had such terrifying power. But what was actually happening in front of him forced Klent to believe the seemingly absurd truth. When everything else was ruled out, it didn't matter how outrageous the remaining answer was. It was the only correct answer! Otherwise, there would be no other reason to explain the situation.

"What!?" Hearing those words, Celia froze and her heart raced.

Celia had learned about the Wall of Sighs from Klent in the past. According to Klent, the Wall of Sighs was the legendary wall that lay between the Pure Land and the Underworld.It completely cut off the integration between the Pure Land and the Underworld. Even the extremely powerful god, the Queen of the Underworld, who controlled half of Hell, had to cry when faced with this obstacle! It was hard to imagine what kind of terrifying power was needed to achieve this effect!

At the time, Celia had thought that Klent's description of the Wall of Sighs was exaggerated. It was impossible to believe that such a powerful defensive spell existed. The Wall of Sighs was nothing more than a myth. After all, the Wall of Sighs that Klent had mentioned was so powerful that it defied common sense. It was difficult to believe that it was the truth.

But now the legendary Wall of Sighs that lay between the Pure Land and the Underworld, the defensive spell that was powerful beyond Celia's belief, had actually appeared before her eyes! The undeniable truth shattered her former doubts about the Wall of Sighs. At this moment, the legend of the Wall of Sighs was no longer an illusory legend to Celia, but an absolute fact! Momentarily, she felt her head buzz. She was dizzy from the shock. Meanwhile, the others around Klent reacted to the conversation between him and Celia.

"I didn't expect that the defensive spell that could resist the compound forbidden spell was actually released by this young man. I didn't even sense a trace of magic fluctuation before!" Someone said in a trembling voice.

"I was even a little desperate when I saw that it was him that Mr. Klent had summoned, but I didn't expect myself to be the short-sighted one!" Someone felt that his vision was too narrow, and for a moment he regretted it.

"You really can't judge a book by its cover. How terrifying is his power to be able to release this powerful magic at such a young age!" Many were shocked that Mo Fan possessed such terrifying power at such a young age.

In the blink of an eye, everyone in the Skadi Kingdom's fortress was engaged in discussion. They kept looking at Mo Fan with admiration and gratitude. Everyone cursed themselves for not being able to tell that the youth that Klent had summoned was actually a super expert who could release the Wall of Sighs. They were all exasperated with their own short-sightedness.

"Could he be the legendary Saint-Realm Mage!?" Celia finally managed to calm the turbulent emotions in her heart and asked Klent in amazement.

How could Celia not be pleasantly surprised? For a mage to cast the Wall of Sighs and easily withstand a compound forbidden spell, there could be no reasonable explanation other than his strength had reached a terrifying Saint-Realm level. At this point, it was difficult for Celia to imagine what other being could release an extremely powerful defensive spell like the Wall of Sighs and easily resist the attack of a compound forbidden spell.

And if Celia's guess was right, then this moment was like the Saint Mage descending from the sky to help the Skadi Kingdom. What did this mean? It represented a direct reversal of the battle between the Temple of Light and the Skadi Kingdom! This was a terrifying being that was no weaker than Klent or even many times stronger! No matter how many soldiers the Temple of Light had, and even with five Great ArchMages present, they were absolutely no match for the Saint Mage!

How could the light of stars compare to the vast sky? The legendary difference in strength between a Saint Mage that had not surfaced for nearly a thousand years and a Great Archmage was even greater than the difference between a mortal and a Great Archmage. Just releasing a high-level three-element forbidden spell comprising Light, Darkness, and Lightning alone surpassed what ordinary Great Archmages could do! If he was the legendary Saint Mage as Celia guessed, why would the Skadi Kingdom need to worry about the invasion of the Temple of Light? It was better to say that those people from the Temple of Light should worry about their own safety! If a Saint Mage attacked, even the five Great Archmages would find it difficult to return alive without paying a huge price.

But Klent was shaking his head now. He glanced at Mo Fan and said slowly, "I don't feel any magic rippling through him."

A defensive spell that could withstand a combined forbidden spell cast at full strength by five Archmages was definitely not a low-level spell. However, high-level spells could not be cast instantly. The spellcaster had to chant for a certain period of time, and while chanting, he would cause intense magical fluctuations. None of this could escape Klent's senses.

But Klent didn't sense any chanting or magical waves from Mo Fan at all. It was instant magic, and now Klent had some inkling of what might have happened.

"He most likely used magic scrolls!" Klent went on.

The only explanation was that Mo Fan most likely had an extremely precious and rare magic scroll, and had used it to release the Wall of Sighs in that instant. Only magic scrolls that could seal magic and legendary beings that possessed certain divine power could allow people to release such a powerful and terrifying magic like the Wall of Sighs in an instant without chanting or causing magical fluctuations.

Legend had it that when the First War God of the Hanass Empire was born, he was led to Heaven by the six-winged Seraphim to receive the baptism of the Eternal Water. The only time he suffered a defeat was when the Great Archmage of the enemy unexpectedly took out several magic scrolls and instantly cast several powerful spells, turning the situation around in the twinkling of an eye.

The more Klent thought about it, the more certain he was that it was true. Relying on a magic scroll would indeed allow Mo Fan to unleash the Wall of Sighs in an instant to ward off a compound forbidden spell. It was the most logical—and the only—explanation Klent could come up with. Otherwise, as far as Klent knew, Mo Fan would never have been able to cast such a terrifying defensive spell without anyone else being aware of it. As a necessary part of the process of releasing a high-level spell, no one could escape this rule without the help of a magic scroll. If it had been any other spell, it might have been possible, but what had just been released was the legendary Wall of Sighs!