
The Fractured Inheritance

"The Fractured Inheritance" follows the story of Nicholai Lawrence, a young man in his early twenties, who discovers that his dad is not actually dead, but works for a ruthless group of scientists who conduct tests on humans and breed monsters. After he and his lover, Natalya, are captured and turned into monsters themselves, Nicholai teams up with other victims of his father's experiments to stop the company's brutal practices. With the war won and the cure acquired, Nicholai faces a tough decision - whether to take the serum and free himself from his beast-like form, or stay cursed in order to bring Natalya back to the path of the light, as she still remains rogue due to the betrayal of her trust by Nicholai.

Prince_Emmanuel1 · ไซไฟ
7 Chs

The Search II

The holiday season had arrived and with it, an influx of customers to the Grand Imperial hotel. As the days passed, the workload became increasingly strenuous for the staff, who found themselves constantly on the move. The atmosphere in the hotel was frenetic as the workers strived to ensure that every guest's needs were met, leaving no room for disappointment. The pressure was intense, especially as the two bosses, Mr. Viktor and Mr. Yuri, were not known to be lenient with their employees.

Despite the hustle and bustle, the hotel staff remained dedicated to their tasks, their commitment to excellence unwavering. They knew that any mistake could lead to the loss of a customer, which was not an option for a hotel that prided itself on its top-notch services.

Each day, the workers came in early, energized and ready to face the day's challenges. They knew that they had to be at their best at all times, no matter how tired they felt or how overwhelming the workload was. Every department of the hotel was busy, from housekeeping to the kitchen, reception, and security. Each worker was vital to the smooth running of the hotel and had a role to play in ensuring that guests had an enjoyable stay.

The reception area was the first point of contact for the guests, and the workers there had to be warm and welcoming. They had to be knowledgeable about the hotel's services, be able to answer questions, and provide assistance to the guests. The housekeeping staff had to ensure that the rooms were clean, comfortable, and well-stocked, while the kitchen staff had to prepare delicious and timely meals for the guests.

The security department had to be vigilant and ensure that the guests and their belongings were safe at all times. With the hotel always full, the workers in this department had to be alert and ready to respond to any emergency, whether it was a medical issue, a fire outbreak, or any other security concern.

The workload was heavy, but the staff managed to keep up, and the guests were pleased with the services provided. The guests' satisfaction was the ultimate goal of the workers, and they took pride in knowing that their efforts had made a positive impact on the guests' experiences.

Despite the long hours and the pressure, the staff remained friendly and accommodating, making sure that the guests felt welcome and comfortable. The workers' dedication to their jobs was evident, and it was clear that they loved what they did, even during the holiday season.

Despite their busy schedules, Nicholai and Natalya were determined to continue their investigation into Nicholai's father's employment with a ruthless scientific company. They scoured the Internet for any information they could find, following leads that took them on a wild goose chase. After exhausting all avenues, they decided to check out all the anatomy laboratories in the country and neighboring towns, hoping to find any clues that could help them in their search.

Their efforts yielded results, and they were able to gather a lot of company leads from their research. The process was time-consuming and required a lot of effort, but they persevered. They delved deeper into the backgrounds of these companies, analyzing their modus operandi, their areas of specialization, and their ethical standards. They wanted to make sure that they didn't miss anything that could help them in their search.

Nicholai and Natalya were eventually able to narrow their search down to two laboratories that hadn't been functional for some years. The labs had been closed down for confidential reasons, which were not released to the press. This fact piqued their curiosity, and they became more determined to investigate further.

They agreed to start their search from these two laboratories. They would try to gather as much information as they could about the history of the labs, including their funding sources, the research they conducted, and the reason for their closure. They hoped that this information would provide them with some leads that could help them in their investigation.

The search was not an easy one, and they encountered a lot of obstacles along the way. They faced resistance from some of the people they interviewed and had to deal with conflicting information. However, they remained undeterred, and their determination only grew stronger.

Nicholai and Natalya knew that they had to be patient and persistent in their search. They were aware that it would take time to find the answers they were looking for, but they were not going to give up. They knew that the information they were seeking could be the key to unlocking the mystery surrounding Nicholai's father's past and the ruthless company he had worked for.
