
The Fractured Inheritance

"The Fractured Inheritance" follows the story of Nicholai Lawrence, a young man in his early twenties, who discovers that his dad is not actually dead, but works for a ruthless group of scientists who conduct tests on humans and breed monsters. After he and his lover, Natalya, are captured and turned into monsters themselves, Nicholai teams up with other victims of his father's experiments to stop the company's brutal practices. With the war won and the cure acquired, Nicholai faces a tough decision - whether to take the serum and free himself from his beast-like form, or stay cursed in order to bring Natalya back to the path of the light, as she still remains rogue due to the betrayal of her trust by Nicholai.

Prince_Emmanuel1 · Sci-fi
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7 Chs

The Search

In the following days, Nicholai embarked on a journey of discovery, fueled by an unrelenting desire to unearth the secrets that had been concealed for so long. He began to research the company his father was working for with an intensity that surprised even him, as he spent countless hours poring over old documents and photographs. The materials were ancient, brittle and yellowed with age, but they held the key to unlocking the mysteries that had long been hidden.

Nicholai was a man possessed, consumed with an insatiable thirst for knowledge that drove him to speak to as many people as he could, leaving no stone unturned in his quest for the truth. He was tireless, his mind razor-sharp as he sifted through the massive amounts of information he gathered, filtering out the irrelevant details and honing in on the critical pieces of the puzzle.

As he dug deeper into the company's past, he began to realize the extent of the secrecy and the deceptions that had been perpetrated over the years. Nicholai uncovered evidence of nefarious dealings, illegal activities and unethical business practices that had been covered up, hidden from public scrutiny for decades. He was appalled and disgusted by the extent of the corruption he had uncovered, but he refused to let it discourage him.

Instead, he channeled his anger into his research, delving deeper into the company's history to understand how the organization had come to be so twisted and corrupt. He followed the trail of evidence, tracing it back to the very beginnings of the company, scrutinizing every detail in his search for answers.

The process was grueling, and there were times when Nicholai felt as though he was slogging through quicksand, bogged down by the sheer weight of the information he had amassed. But he refused to give up, driven by a dogged determination to uncover the truth.

Natalya had been noticing a change in Nicholai's behavior over the past few days. He seemed quieter and less jovial than he had been at work, and it was beginning to worry her. She tried to ask him what was going on, but he was hesitant to share with her, citing concerns for her safety.

"Hey, Nicholai," she said one afternoon, catching him as he was leaving the office. "Are you okay? You seem a bit different lately."

Nicholai hesitated for a moment, then sighed. "I've been doing some research on the company my father worked for," he admitted. "And I've uncovered some secrets that have been hidden for a long time. It's starting to take a toll on me."

Natalya's eyes widened with surprise. "What kind of secrets?" she asked, curious despite herself.

Nicholai hesitated for a moment, then decided to trust her. He told her about the old documents and photographs he had been poring over, and the many people he had been speaking to in his pursuit of knowledge.

"There's a lot at stake here," he said, his voice low. "I'm worried about your safety, too."

Natalya was touched by his concern for her, and she reached out to place a reassuring hand on his arm. "I can handle it," she said firmly. "Whatever it is, we can face it together."

Nicholai looked at her, gratitude and relief evident in his eyes. "Thank you," he said softly. "I'm so glad I have you to confide in."

As the conversation between Natalya and Nicholai progressed, the once-stoic expression on Nicholai's face began to soften. His tense shoulders began to relax, and he appeared to be more at ease in Natalya's presence. She couldn't help but notice the shift in his demeanor.

Gone was the brooding, distant look he had been sporting for the past few days. Instead, his eyes sparkled with a newfound glimmer of hope, and a small smile played on his lips. Natalya was relieved to see him opening up to her.

For Nicholai, the relief of finally unburdening himself was palpable. He had been carrying the weight of the secrets he had uncovered on his own for too long, and now that he had someone to confide in, he felt like a heavy weight had been lifted off his shoulders.

He was grateful for Natalya's support, and it showed in the way he spoke to her. There was a sense of vulnerability in his voice that he had not shown before, and it was clear that he trusted her implicitly.

As the conversation progressed, Natalya found herself opening up as well. She told him about her own experiences with handling stressful situations and how she coped with them. She reassured him that he wasn't alone and that she was there for him every step of the way.

Nicholai's demeanor shifted even more as he listened to her. There was a sense of comfort in her words that he found reassuring, and he felt a deep sense of gratitude for her friendship.

He had been so consumed with his research and the weight of the secrets he had uncovered that he had forgotten what it was like to have someone to confide in. But Natalya's presence and her willingness to listen without judgment reminded him that he was not alone in this world.

Nicholai felt a wave of relief wash over him as he realized that he didn't have to bear this burden alone. He had a friend who was willing to stand by him through thick and thin, and that knowledge gave him the strength to carry on.

In that moment, Nicholai felt a sense of connection with Natalya that went beyond words. He felt that they were in this together, and that no matter what the future held, they would face it as a team.

As the weight of his secrets continued to lift, Nicholai found himself smiling for the first time in what felt like ages. The future was uncertain, but with Natalya by his side, he knew that he could face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As they continued talking, they began to come up with a plan to keep their investigation under wraps and to stay vigilant in case anyone tried to come after them. Natalya took charge, outlining steps they could take to protect themselves, and Nicholai listened attentively, nodding in agreement.