
The Fractured Inheritance

"The Fractured Inheritance" follows the story of Nicholai Lawrence, a young man in his early twenties, who discovers that his dad is not actually dead, but works for a ruthless group of scientists who conduct tests on humans and breed monsters. After he and his lover, Natalya, are captured and turned into monsters themselves, Nicholai teams up with other victims of his father's experiments to stop the company's brutal practices. With the war won and the cure acquired, Nicholai faces a tough decision - whether to take the serum and free himself from his beast-like form, or stay cursed in order to bring Natalya back to the path of the light, as she still remains rogue due to the betrayal of her trust by Nicholai.

Prince_Emmanuel1 · ไซไฟ
7 Chs

The Bitter Truth

After work, he made his way to the address Mr. Rodion had given him.

Nicholai had a hard time locating Mr. Rodion's house even though he had the address written down on a piece of paper. The address seemed to be in an unfamiliar part of town, and the streets were poorly marked. Nicholai wandered around for a while, trying to find his way, but the directions on the paper seemed to be leading him in circles.

As he walked, he began to feel increasingly frustrated and anxious. He was already tired from a long day at work, and the thought of wandering around aimlessly in the dark was not a pleasant one. Nicholai started to doubt whether he would be able to find Mr. Rodion's house at all.

But just when he was about to give up, he spotted the house. It was set back from the road, partially obscured by trees, and the address numbers were hard to read in the dim light. Nicholai made his way up the driveway, feeling a sense of relief and anticipation.

When Mr. Rodion opened the door, Nicholai was struck by his warmth and hospitality. Mr. Rodion welcomed him in and offered him something to eat, but Nicholai declined. He was still feeling a bit frazzled from the difficulty of finding the house, and he didn't feel hungry.

As they sat down to talk, Mr. Rodion revealed information about Nicholai's family history that he had never known before.

"You claim to know where my father is?" asked Nicholai, looking at Mr. Rodion.

"Yes, that's correct. I have some information that may lead you to him," Mr. Rodion responded.

Nicholai was confused. "I don't understand. My father was dead years ago.

"That's what they want you to think. I assure you, he is very much alive," Mr. Rodion explained.

Skeptical, Nicholai asked, "Why are you doing this? What do you want from me?"

"I don't want anything from you, Nicholai. I'm here to help you," Mr. Rodion said. "Your father was involved in some things that he shouldn't have been. And those things are now affecting you."

Nicholai was surprised. "What do you mean?"

"You know about the demon-related issues you've been having, right?" Mr. Rodion asked.

Nicholai nodded. "Yes, but what does that have to do with my father?"

"It's all connected, Nicholai. Your father was involved in some dark magic, and that's what's causing your problems," Mr. Rodion revealed.

Nicholai was in disbelief. "I don't believe this. My father was a good man. He would never do anything like that."

"I understand that it's hard to accept. But it's the truth. And if you want to get to the bottom of this, you need to find your father," Mr. Rodion explained.

Nicholai was hesitant. "What if I don't want to? What if I'm better off not knowing?"

"That's up to you, Nicholai. But if you don't do something, these demon-related issues will only get worse. And who knows what else is going on that you don't even know about," Mr. Rodion warned.

Nicholai took a pause, considering his options. "Okay. I'll do it. I'll try to find my father. But where do I even begin?"

"That's what I'm here for. I'll give you some leads, and we can work together to find him," Mr. Rodion offered.

Nicholai sighed. "Fine. Let's do it."

"That's the spirit. I promise you won't regret this. We'll find your father, and we'll get to the bottom of this demon business," Mr. Rodion reassured him

Nicholai's encounter with Mr. Rodion left him feeling confused yet determined. Mr. Rodion had given him a clue about his family's involvment in his issue, but it had only raised more questions in his mind. Despite the confusion, Nicholai was determined to know more about his family's history and the secrets that may have been hidden there.

As he left Mr. Rodion's home, Nicholai's mind was racing with thoughts about what he had just learned. He was curious about the clue that had been given to him and what it might reveal about his family's past. At the same time, he was also unsure of what to do next, and how to begin his research. He still couldn't place his hands on Mr. Rodion's intentions.

Despite the uncertainty, Nicholai was not one to shy away from a challenge. He knew that the only way to get to the bottom of the mystery was to conduct thorough research and dig deeper into these findings. This determination fueled his curiosity and kept him motivated to continue the search, no matter how difficult it might be.
