
Isabel [Pt.1]

Within the isolated throne room, Three individuals, each clad in Armour, looked towards the figure sitting on a throne simply listening as the red haired knights sombre voice echoed throughout the room.

"We were successful in finding the prince. He was found fatally wounded. We dispatched the creature that attacked him, but were ambushed by another... we managed to escape, however, two of my men got left behind." 

The Individual's fist clenched as his head bowed slightly, the notebook in his hand almost crumpled due to stress.

"We tried going back. There were traces of battle. Sarah found traces of blood leading towards a nearby river"

"They must've gotten swept up in the river, your majesty" to the left of Leon, the red haired knight, Josh interjected whilst clenching his fist, his Dark green eyes meeting the old kings lilac eyes..

To the right of Leon, stood Sarah, her hand gripping her sword, frustration clear on her face. "We can follow the stream, follow their trail. They must still be alive." she said, hope in her voice.

"My liege, we will need to depart at dawn, all we ask you is for your support in the search" Leon announced, he couldn't just abandon his men. 

"If there is indeed a danger that powerful outside..." 

The already tense air, became almost tangible to the knights as the king responded.

Hope bloomed in their hearts.

"Then I will need you all here, protecting the People." The king finally declared, as the surrounding air seemed to flow back to normal. 

Only to be shattered at the kings declaration.

A moment of resounding silence filled the room, as time seemed to pause. 

"How could you say that!" Josh thundered, disbelief in his voice.

"After everything we've done for you! We saved your son, and now all we ask of you is the resources and the men, to find our missing knights-Our brothers that happened to go missing from your orders!" 

Sarah approached josh, her hand found its place on his shoulder, her vision blurry as moisture gathered "Josh, just let it go..." her voice became weaker as she cast a glance at Leon who took a few steps back, his face a blend of Understanding and Reluctance as he bit his lip.

"NO!, we can't just let this happen, they might still be alive, they have to be..." His hands went limp as he slumped unto the floor

"I understand your reluctance, however don't make their sacrifice meaningless. If you die out there whilst looking for them, why did they die in the first place." The king reasoned.

"There is an unknown danger beyond these walls, with that and the Legion on our backs, I need you all here." he finished, the reminder of the Legion making the room sour even more.

"And Josh. Watch your tone, my son is my only heir, your future king. I shall tolerate this outburst given the circumstances, but do not doubt me again. Is that clear?" his voice rung out, as pressure seemed to bare down at josh.

"Yes your majesty" Josh squeezed out, an unknown force seemingly forcing him to kneel.

"very well" Leon with a long, low sigh, muttered. His voice echoing throughout the room, his form seemed to weave as he turned to the exit his eyes wandering the room aimlessly as the wood-laden doors started to creak open.

A tuft of purple hair could be seen pushing the door, making Leons darkened eyes shine with a small light, as a genuine smile appeared.


A gush of wind hit Atlas as he pushed the heavy doors open, revealing a figure in front of him. Leon, his Guardian, was making his way out, his form brightening as he saw Atlas.

The sight of Leon's smile brought a equally genuine one from Atlas, easing his Surging anxiety.

Passing by Atlas, Leon gave a reassuring pat on his shoulder. "Glad to see you standing," he said before leaving the room.

Atlas gazed around the room, spotting the kneeling figure of John, Sarah helping him up , her eyes glistened as she forced a smile at Atlas, which he raised a brow at, puzzled at the scene.

Ignoring that development, Atlas advanced towards his father, his gaze Falling on the man who brought him up, feelings of Guilt surfaced as the door behind him closed with a soft thud.

With just two [technically 3] people in the throne room, The king seemed to vanish, replaced by a father, with a relieved smile the old man descended down the stairs, and embraced Atlas in a bear hug.

The feeling of being squashed followed, but that didn't last long as the old man let go. His eyes scanning Atlas, seemingly observing how much he'd grown. 

"I'm sorry father…" Atlas started,his gaze finding it's way to the floor, his voice barely above a whisper. A knot of guilt formed within his chest, constricting his breath as his mind raced with thoughts of failure and regret.

"Don't apologise, boy" his father interrupted, a gentle tone in his voice, "i'm just glad you're alright." Concern evident in his eyes.

A tangible silence filled the room, only interrupted by the distant echoes of their voices and the faint rustling of vines, the gentle breeze filtered through the high windows, caressing everything it touched.

"I've heard how you damaged the sting hound" he chuckled, casting a soft gaze on his son "I know you have the talent, son." He started " after what happened, do you not wish to be stronger?"

His fathers words struck him like a chord, memories of that creature popped up, the dread and horror he felt as his arm was cut, the aching a subtle reminder.

'He is right… if i was stronger, then i wouldn't have been so defenceless."

His fists clenched, as he looked his father in the eyes, a brilliant shine within them.

"A week ago, I almost died… If I had accepted your offer then maybe things would have ended differently, please father, teach me." an almost silent vow echoed throughout the throne room, reflecting the loud echo of the vow in Atlas's heart, a vow to get stronger.

The old man smiled, seemingly satisfied; his earlier tiredness seemingly disappeared gazing at his only son.

"Come with me" The old man commanded, the authority of a king still apparent in his pose, as he advanced out of the room.

they left the throne room, heading outside to a seemingly isolated graveyard, the clear night sky, further illuminating the rows of lilies that surrounded him.

going through the rows of limestone slates, each slate holding its own set of memories. they finally stumbled on the one they were looking for.

Taller than the others, with a bouquet of flowers laying in the middle, a name stood 'Isabella Camellia', A devoted mother and Queen, you will be missed.'

As Atlas stood, memories began to stir, memories he would rather not relive...


hope you liked it.

I appreciate any constructive criticism btw ;)

Malyend_Fcreators' thoughts