
An interesting encounter

Walking through the somewhat clouded streets of the marketplace, a hooded figure was making his way to the castle, a mechanical orb following him around, occasionally stopping like a tourist, both seemingly being overlooked by the people around them.

[Atlas, let's go try that Rabbi skewer, bet they taste great, Oooo a sweet roll? why does that sound familiar? ]

Every time they passed a stall, 4 gazed at things with a childish curiosity, his mood contrasting with Atlas, who looked sombre, as in thought. 

[Hey, Atlas do you think we can get our hands on a mysterious and powerful item from that shady guy?, Hey go check!, wait come back!]


[Jeez you could at least check, what's up with you?]

Atlas however was in a world of his own, not listening at all to the orb above him, only for his thought process to be interrupted by a sudden force, tumbling back and falling on his bum, he took a sharp breath, an aching in his legs letting themselves be known.

looking at the source of the force, an Intense somewhat dull-orange hue looked back at him, seemingly entranced in the intensity of the colour, he didn't notice as an equally orange hand offered to help him up.

[Stop gawking will you and get up] 4 pitched in, causing Atlas to regain focus, looking at the hand offering to help him up.

"um... you gonna get up?" The owner of the orange eyes spoke, awkwardness laced in her melodious voice.

Immediately Atlas grabbed the surprisingly firm hand that lifted him up with ease, his hand rubbing his neck as he got a good look at who he bumped into.

somewhat dishevelled light green medium length hair that stood on her shoulders, hidden by her dark brown cloak, similar to Atlas, Dark leather armour with a dark reddish symbol of an eagle engraved on her right shoulder pad, silver accents outlined across her armour adding a touch of elegance to her already eye catching appearance. 

Wearing a leather belt, engraved with weird inscriptions he couldn't make out, along that, a pouch and a small dagger being held by the belt.

looking back at her face, dark circles were etched under her eyes, tiredness evident.

Her eyebrows were furrowed as she seemed to think of something for a second.

"come with me" Her hand grabbed his as she started to rush the dazed Atlas to a nearby alleyway. stopping at a dark but visible corner from the marketplace.

Confused at his current situation as all previous pondering was interrupted, Atlas found himself in an isolated alleyway, with someone he just bumped into no less. 

"I know this might seem strange, but just trust me" her voice urgent as she pinned him to the wall, her face inches from his own, so close he could practically feel her heart beating- or was it his? as he felt his face heat up, swearing he could hear chuckling coming from above him. 

In the marketplace where they had bumped into each other, a group of well armoured Guards frantically looked around the place, something Atlas was unaware of as he was focused on more 'important' things.

"Where did she go, she can't have gone far!" a guard exclaimed, searching wherever he could for the suspect.

The guards seemed to be thorough in their search, searching through empty baskets,to large crowds.

A guard eventually noticed what seemed to be a couple inside an isolated alleyway, distracted by whatever they were doing.

The guard smirked, a knowing smile formed on his lips as he starting to approach the couple.

The mysterious stranger, hearing a guard approach, tensed up, slowly moving to grab her dagger, ready to draw it at any moment, Atlas who noticed her tensing up, gave her a questioning look, peaking towards the exit of the alleyway, he just made out a figure of the guard moving his way towards them.

Slowly piecing things together, his eyes widened in realisation, before he could say or feel anything however, she put a finger on his lips, her eyes pleading, desperation evident from them. 

Her plea seemed to have disarmed Atlas as he didn't say anything, furrowing his brows as he watched the guard get closer.

A surge of determination took shape as he gently touched her hand that grabbed her dagger, and pulled her to a deep kiss, stunning both her and 4 who was watching everything with interest. popcorn showing up on his screen.

"She must've escaped!, we had this whole perimeter blocked off" a guard shouts, followed by a bucket being kicked, "move on, we'll catch her!" he declared, as the group started to move on.

The knowing smile of the guard turned into a genuine one of reminiscence as he saw the two young 'lovers'. 

"oh to be young" he muttered, shaking his head as he joined the group. 

Meanwhile for Atlas, time seemed to stop, until he felt himself being slammed into the wall. " DON'T. EVER- do that again" She warned in-between breaths, a lighter hue of orange colouring her cheeks. 

without waiting for a response she turned to leave, "but thanks, you helped me out of a tight spot, I'll remember that" her voice quiet, carrying an out of place softness that seemed to echo throughout the empty alleyway, before seemingly disappearing within the crowd of the marketplace. 


[I didn't know you had it in you, I mean you just went up and kissed her. since when did you have the balls?] the popcorn on its screen seemed to get eaten at a faster degree, as 4 showed enough enthusiasm for the both of them. 

His legs seemed to give up on him as he tumbled unto the floor, Atlas absent-mindedly touched his lips, as steam seemed to rise from his ears following a light purple hue appearing on his already purple face, his mind still comprehending the events that unfolded.

The mysterious stranger went as fast as she appeared.

'I forgot to ask for her name'


Time past as the sunny streets of the village started to darken, The hooded figure of Atlas finally arriving at the wooden gates of The grand castle could be seen.

The castle seemingly out of place within the rest of the village, being a place mostly made of intricately designed wood.

As he approached the gates, a few guards held him up, wearing similar armour to those at the market.

"Halt, who goes there?"

In response, Atlas removed his hood, revealing his identity to the guards, whom immediately let him in.

"Oh, your highness, our majesty has been anxiously awaiting your arrival."

Entering the familiar halls of the castle, nostalgia seemed to entrance Atlas as he couldn't help but think about the memories made in this castle.

A small smile involuntarily gracing his face as a pair of children, translucent in nature run through the halls, echoes of the past, long forgotten by most, but not by Atlas.

Arriving at the Grand doors leading up to the throne room, Atlas took a deep breath, calming his surging anxiety. 'Okay, 'I got this' he repeated, like a mantra, trying to calm his nerves.

 He pushed the heavy doors open, A strong creak filling the air, time seemed to slow down, as the throne room seemingly unveiled itself before him.

Within the room, a pair of tired eyes observed the opening doors.