
The Four Guardians

THIS SERIES IS ON INDEFINITE HIATUS ---------------------------------------- Over 50 thousand years ago the Demon King ruled all nations with an iron fist, it took the strongest of all around the world to stop him to end a war that had been raging on. After the war, the nations gathered to discuss a punishment for the Demon King, it was decided that the protectors of the Demon Realm, The Four Guardians, would serve all nations if needed whilst also serving and controlling the Demon Realm. The Demon King accepted and his Four Guardians, the most powerful the Demon Realm has to offer, now have to juggle ruling the Demon Realm and sorting out all the problems other nations propose, but of course, not everyone is happy with the peace that currently stands and the rise of new threats worry even the guardians. ___________________________________________ I just write this for fun so don't expect something amazing.

Fabledbyte · แฟนตาซี
35 Chs

Journey to the Magia Academy Part 4

After resting, the three of us continued our journey. We spent the majority of the trip in silence and only stopped for emergencies, which was mostly for food and drink. We were lucky enough to get good weather which meant that we would make it into the city by midday today.

The only thing annoying me was the lack of talking. The silence was too painful so I had to try and get a conversation out of them. They knew about me but I knew little about them. It turns out that both Zack and Kat come from a family of adventurers and wish to continue the proud family tradition. They come from a village where most people grow up wanting to be adventurers and serve the people. Although they could become knights and do the same thing people prefer the freedom being an adventurer gives.

"So what's the first thing you are going to do when we get there?" I asked.

"Kat wants to go shopping then we hope to tour the academy. What about you?"

"I need to find my friends, I'll probably just walk around aimlessly until I find them. It can't be that hard."

"You're friends go to the academy right?"

"Yes. Although you live in the academy you are allowed out at lunch and whenever you have free time."

"That's great. That means I can come to visit you, Kat. We can still hang out and go on adventures like we always do."

As silent, as she was, her face didn't hide much. She was visibly excited. I'm glad they get to go along with their dreams. I'm sure it will be a good thing for both of them. Maybe one day they'll come to the demon realm.

# # #

"Check it out… It's coming into view."

Zack called us up to the front and both Kat and I crawled quickly. Over the top of a hill, we could see giant spires and various mana-infused blimps carrying people around the city. The city was powered by mana and the academy is centred on a large lake that generates enough mana to power the whole city. This city was a gold mine for tourism. People from all around journey far and wide just to come and visit and see how pretty this city is during the day. It was built with tourism in mind and daily life there is something everyone should witness. The nightlife, however; is something you wouldn't want to mess with. Thankful the large lake has allowed people to protect their homes or businesses with magical barriers stopping the gangs and criminals from raiding their buildings.

We approached the large gate to the city. It was swarmed with guards and required either an adventurer's crest or a heavy toll to get it.

"Have you got the adventure crests, Kat?"

Kat began searching the various boxes in the back to look for their crests. Even if she could find it she'd still need to pay, it would just be slightly cheaper.

"Don't worry guys I got this," I said.

We approached the guard standing outside the gate who was checking. I leant forward in front just hiding my Dragon Crest from the view of Zack and Kat and showing it to the guard. As soon as the guard saw it, his eyes opened and he quickly straightened his back and rushed to inform the others.

"I'm sorry for the holdup sir. We shall let you in right away. Right this way"

"Is it just me or did the guard seem more formal than usual?" said Zack

One of the perks of being a Guardian was access to a Dragon Crest. Just like the Adventure Crests, you can use them to get into certain places except this Dragon Crest is only given a selected few and is often reserved for leaders of each nation. If you stumbled across someone holding one of these chances are they play an important role in managing part of the world. It has a few other perks but they typically aren't used much by us demons as we don't go into the other lands and don't have a reason to use them.

"Well, we got in so who's complaining," I said.


We carried on and rode down the street. The street was equally as crowded as the demon realm but everyone here seemed happier. Laughter and general chatter can always be heard. Even the kids here seem to be enjoying themselves to some freshly baked bread, sold on one of the many stalls. This city's tourism is no joke. We could learn a thing or two from them.

"This is where I'll drop you off… I'm sure you can find your way from here."

Zack dropped me off somewhere in the centre of the town. It was difficult to get lost in this place, although a lot of the buildings are tall, the one that stands at its peak in the centre is the Academy and was a great navigation point.

"Thank you very much for all you have done. I can't thank you enough. I shall give you the silver as promised."

"Keep it," Zack said. "I hope we can see you again Tempus. I wish you the best of luck in your travels and hope that you can achieve your goal. However long it takes"

"Thank you."

Kat crawled out the back of the carriage and made me hold out my hand. She planted something in my hand before closing it and wished me luck on my travels. I watched as the two of them went off and saw Kat waving at me from the back with a huge smile on her face.

I opened my hand to see what it was that Kat had given me.

"A green gemstone?" I said. "It's pretty good quality and everything… I wonder why she gave me this?"

# # #

Walking around the city has taught me a few things. One, people don't like to talk. Interrupting people isn't a good idea as they just ignore you and don't want to be bothered. Two, always bring money to a big city like this. I could use my Dragon Crest to buy things but I wanted the authentic human experience that I've missed so much; I don't want to stand out. What kind of idiot forgets to bring money to a large city?

This city was a great place to be in. It was filled with various rivers that ran down through the city into the central lake. It was surprisingly cool to stare at for ages and I wish the demon realm looked like this. There were plenty of points for people to stop and just watch the world go by with their friends and family.

"This place sure has changed, huh."

I continued to walk around aimlessly, staring at every sign and encountered a girl hiding behind a pole watching something. From behind the person looks familiar but I'm not sure...

"Excuse me…" I asked.

The person spun around and flinched as if someone had just snuck up on them, which I guess I did kinda do.

"Ah… T-tempus…" It took me a few seconds to realise who I was talking to. I was surprised to have found her this easily but perhaps things just work like that when in the big city.

"Good to see you again, Tia."

We stood in silence. Looking at each other with awkward smiles across our faces. I forgot just how awkward this girl is. I thought I'd be fine with awkward people by now.

"Ah… E-Eva wanted to see you… I-i lost her."

So it turns out she was lost and didn't know how to ask for help.

"Well. Why don't we go to the academy? I'm sure we can find her there."

Eva nodded and we walked towards the giant central spire. We walked in silence which I was fine with, I've gotten used to that recently. I just wish she wouldn't walk so far behind me… What if she gets lost again?