
The Four Guardians

THIS SERIES IS ON INDEFINITE HIATUS ---------------------------------------- Over 50 thousand years ago the Demon King ruled all nations with an iron fist, it took the strongest of all around the world to stop him to end a war that had been raging on. After the war, the nations gathered to discuss a punishment for the Demon King, it was decided that the protectors of the Demon Realm, The Four Guardians, would serve all nations if needed whilst also serving and controlling the Demon Realm. The Demon King accepted and his Four Guardians, the most powerful the Demon Realm has to offer, now have to juggle ruling the Demon Realm and sorting out all the problems other nations propose, but of course, not everyone is happy with the peace that currently stands and the rise of new threats worry even the guardians. ___________________________________________ I just write this for fun so don't expect something amazing.

Fabledbyte · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Touring the Magia Academy Part 1

As we continued to walk in silence, Tia eventually gained the courage to close the gap between us. Instead of walking 10 feet apart, we were now 5 feet apart. We did get lost a few times but eventually, we found ourselves standing at the foot of the bridge that connected the city to the Magia Academy.

It was quite intimidating up close. A long and empty bridge leads to an old castle that almost reached the clouds. It's even creepier than I remember.

"Tia!" A voice called out from across the bridge.

"Eva!" Tia ran down and jumped into Eva's arms. Tia began to let out a little cry of happiness. It was as if I was watching the reunion between a lost child and her mother.

After wiping away her tears, the two of them walked down to greet me at the end of the bridge.

"Didn't expect to see you so soon," said Eva.

"Well, I had some business to deal with at the academy…"

"You going to come in then? We can show you around?"

"Yeah… about that." As much as I wish I could just walk in. There was a magic barrier surrounding the entire academy infused with fire magic. If I attempted to cross it chances are my skin would feel as if it was burning and I'd probably pass out from the pain. Only students and teachers or those with passes would be allowed in freely.

As harsh as it sounds it was the perfect deterrent. I wonder how I can create a barrier like this, I might be able to improve the Demon Realms one.

"What's wrong?"

"I can't exactly cross… Can't you see the barrier?"

Tia and Eva walked up to the border of the barrier, stopping before it. A faint red fog trapped the academy in a dome and it only appeared to them. Luckily, I was able to sense it.

Just touching the barrier made my hand burn.

"I never noticed it before," Eva said.

"Well, I can't get in unless I get permission or they remove the barrier."

"What seems to be the problem?" Another voice shouted from across the bridge, Tia and Eva turned around to see who it was that just left the academy.

"Headmaster Beck!" A tall man dressed in a dark purple robe walked out. He walked and looked like a 30-year-old man, with a straight back and with a slow elegance. Pretty impressive for someone who should be older than me.

"Our friend here wants to come to visit, but he can't get in."

"Ah… I see… What is your name?"

"The name is Tempus. And I believe I heard them call you Beck. Is that correct?"

"Tempus? What a magical name. Well, no point in you standing out here. Why not come on in?"

Beck pressed his hand against my chest passing through some mana that would allow me to be in the academy without trouble. It only was a little bit, I would never let him infiltrate my body with mana. Someone could kill someone from the inside by passing their mana to them, like a poisonous virus.

# # #

Inside the academy was exactly like a remember, the halls are crammed with rushing students and the classrooms are bigger than they look on the outside. Various expertly crafted paintings, vases and decor were displayed throughout. The regal halls were enough to remind me just how prestigious this place was. But as I continued walking, there showed no signs of this pompous school slowing down. Even the many paintings of the past headmasters never stopped.

They have multiple training grounds each designed to help train something different, be it Magic or close combat fighting. The school had many facilities for whatever was needed. There were potion classrooms, catering classes, magic classes, close combat, range, pottery, relics, history, enchantments, politics, and music it was all here and more. I don't even remember half of these being options when I was here.

"I-I'm going to study…" Tia said as she stopped us outside the grand library, beside the great hall.

"Sure thing. I'll give Tempus the grand tour of this place."

Tia skipped off into the crowded library. It looked like there were many tables free despite all the large groups shoving their faces in books thicker than their heads.

"Right then! Since you have shown us around the Demon Realm I shall return the favour and show you around here."

"Thanks." Not that I need it.

"Anywhere you want to go first?"

"Not really… I'd say let's go somewhere with fewer people. It's kinda cramped." I suggested.

"Yeah… that kinda happens here… There are a lot of students and guests that come from all over just to visit this place. Plus at this time of the year, we have people checking to see if they want to come study here or not. Although, you have to sign up for a tour for that.

I think I remember touring this place with my parents… What a stupid memory…

# # #

"Sooo… This is awkward…"

"It's only awkward because you said that. Anyway, this is my room. It'll be quiet here."

After visiting the typical locations such as classrooms and training grounds we decided to head to the dorm rooms, more importantly, Eva's room.

"It's cosy… and very clean…"

It was what I expected. They were only given a single bed, a wardrobe and a desk with a bathroom that had a toilet, sink and shower. It was up to them to decorate it how they liked and it seemed Eva had a very blank but clean room. The walls were empty and her desk was neatly arranged based on class subject. She lived off a very "Only what you need" basis.

"Of course! What were you expecting? Clothes all over the floor?"

"Well kinda." That's what my room was like…

"Anyway, Eva… I wanted to ask you something."

Now that the door was closed and we were alone,

"Go ahead…"

"What do you think of the headmaster?"

"Headmaster Beck? Well, I owe him a lot. Not only has he helped me and Tia with studying but he believes in us. He goes out of his way to help all his students. He wants the best from them and is an amazing teacher. He can bring out the talent in anyone. He was the first person to help Tia when everyone else didn't want to waste their time."

"Well… That's good to hear. I'm glad you have someone to look up to…"

After hearing that I hope that Beck isn't up to anything bad. But I feel like this isn't going to end well…

"Any other questions, Mr Demon."

"Mr Demon?" How does she know I'm a demon? I don't remember telling her.

"Because you live in the Demon Realm… so you are kinda like a demon… I thought it was funny."

"Ah... haha… I get it now…" I hope my surprised face didn't give anything away. "I do have one more question… It's about Tia."

"What is it?"

"How did she get accepted to this place… From what I saw it seemed like she wouldn't be able to graduate."

"Well… It's not exactly easy. When I applied and had an interview, Headmaster Beck said he wanted me to start straight away. He said I have a lot of hidden potential that he didn't want to go to waste. I was going to accept but I found out Tia hadn't passed. I didn't want to leave her behind so I said I would only join if Tia got accepted, and luckily they accepted."

I've never heard of anything like that happening before. Perhaps Eva has more potential than I thought, or they were desperate for people.

"But… It's my fault things are the way they are now."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Because of me she got accepted and now she gets bullied because of it. I mean think about it. Someone who can't use magic surrounded by a bunch of people aiming to become the best. They all just make fun of her and bully her for it. She never was a shy girl… but because of me, she ended up that way… sometimes I wish I never applied for this place…"

"I don't think you should blame yourself. It's not your fault that things ended up this way. I could see she was determined to improve, and even now she is studying to improve. The people that mock and bully her are the ones that have problems. Tia is an inspiration and who knows, she just might surprise both of us."

"Ha… if she heard you say that her face would turn bright red. She is a sweet girl. The reason she pushes herself is because of people like you and Headmaster Beck believe in her… Thanks… Thank you for believing in her…"

"Hehe… don't mention it… I just want the best that's al-" BANG!

"What was that? An explosion?" I asked.

"It sounded like it came from the main building." Just like me, Eva could feel the slight magic radiate out from where that explosion erupted. "The library… oh no… no, no no, this has happened before… We have to go! Tia is in trouble!"