
The Forgotten Memories : SHIO KAIBA

Everyone is afraid of something. Some people are afraid of spiders, some were afraid of heights, some were afraid of being left alone and many more. It was called a "Phobia". This feeling takes form in different ways, caused by different set of reasons, and has their own different solutions, but despite having a lot of causes, phobias can be cured by doing one particular solution... and it is... "TO FIND THE ORIGIN OF YOUR PHOBIA AND REPEATEDLY EXPOSE YOURSELF TO IT SAFELY." But take note that not every phobia can be cured easily, because it is connected to you more than any other. Maybe it is because of a grudge, a negative experience, or a trauma. It is normal to be afraid, but letting it control yourself is not normal. Just like Shio Kaiba, the subject of this story. She's a person who is afraid of many things, she does everything she can to avoid the things that she is afraid of in order to make herself reliable. However, something happened that forced her to face her fear, she was forced to go into a place where all of a person's fears will exist in a more traumatizing way. This place doesn't have any records that can explain why it is like that. It also doesn't have any files of people living in it. Which leads to the question.... Will this place help her to face her fear and cure her phobia? or will this place make her case worse than before? -----------------------------------------------‐----------------------- Disclaimer: All of the Characters, Story, Places, and Events is part of the Original Idea of the Author while writing the book. Any similarities found in this story to other stories or real-life situation is just a mere coincidence.

SSKV_R3D · ชีวิตในเมือง
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Family, Friends and Fears

Shio and her friends are going around the school to see what is left for them to decorate.

"This place is going to be awesome! Just imagine, when the night comes, those jack-o-lanterns is going to be the only light source we're going to have, it's going to be a scary night" Mikaela said with an excited spirit

"The teachers will provide some flashlights for us. You know they can't just let those lanterns and some decorative lights be our only light source, right?" Shio responded with a calm tone

"It will still feel like a horror flick. Try to Imagine walking on those long hallways with a little source of brightness. Those flashlights will surely give you tunnel visions if you're alone." Michelle said with a wondering tone

"Are you scared, Michelle?" Mikaela asked with a taunty tone

"What----No! I'm just wondering what will it look like. You know I love adventure and stuff so I'm expecting to see something." Michelle explained with a normal tone

"Like what? A Ghost or something?" Mikaela asked in a funny tone

"Yeah! I mean----no----not like that----but a little close to that, maybe just a little piece of something that we can't explain.." Michelle explained with an excited and curious tone

"Hmmm. I think we might find something, according to some articles, there are always one or more ghosts thriving in one place specially those places who were mostly empty or abandoned. If you're going to think about it, this is actually a big place and most of the rooms are left empty in the middle of the night. Only security guards are left." Mikaela replied with an interested tone

"Do youuuu----want to ask the guards about that? Well---the Halloween is still after a week but we can ask a little bit just to prepare ourselves." Shio asked with a cheerful and taunty tone

"Nahhh... there will be no fun if we do that. Let's just see what we can get. It's better to discover and experience something you didn't know specially when you're starting to do things like this. The more you don't know, the wider your imagination will take you." Michelle replied with a convinced tone

"Well it's your call" Shio replied with a normal tone

They almost saw every area on the school, and there's almost nothing left for them to decorate so they decided to go home and call it a day...

Both Michelle and Mikaela went home first, While shio is left in the waiting bench located in the front gate of the school. She always stays there waiting for her sister to finish her class. After a few minutes, Shio saw Karen approaching her from the distance. Shio stood up and approach Karen.

"Hey! How's school?" Shio asked

"It's good, I got a ticket after answering my teacher's question. She gives this ticket's to those who can answer her hard questions and she said if we are able to start at least 5 of this we will be exempted to our next quiz!" Karen said with an energetic tone

"Oh! Really? That great.. so how many do you get?" Shio asked with a cheerful tone

"I only got one.. But I'm planning to make more so that I can get exempted. If that happens we can go home early and visit the mall!" Karen said with a cheerful note

"You know we can make a quick visit to the mall right now?" Shio said with a friendly tone

"Nah.. I'm tired" Karen said with a normal tone

(Giggles) "Okay..." Shio said as they walk to the bus stop

After a few minutes, they arrive at the bus stop and there they saw Sam. Sam immediately saw them and he talks to them calmly.

"Hey! Going home?" Sam asked with a friendly tone

Shio is stuttering a little...

"Yeah..." Karen replied with a cheerful tone

"Oh, that's good. By the way, we did a good job decorating the school. Are you looking forward to the event Shio?" Sam asked with a cheerful tone

"Ahhh yeah.. I'm actually excited" Shio answered with a normal tone

"Well, if you're looking to see something, then don't expect too much, because of my task at the school, I'm always going home late. Based on my experience, there's nothing there...." Sam said with a friendly note

"Oh----yeah I forgot, Michelle is not gonna like that" Shio replied with a friendly tone

"Michelle always wants to explore a great deal of stuff, I know she's adventurous, but why?" Sam asked with a curious tone

"I don't know.. She just wants to understand the world more.. I guess?" she responded with a confused tone

Meanwhile, the bus arrives...

"Here's your bus. Mine will arrive after these so----have a safe trip!" Sam said with a friendly note

"You too.," Shio said as she enters the bus

"Good day Sam!" Karen said with an upbeat tone as she follows Shio

The Bus left...

"You genuinely need to get yourself together when talking to him" Karen said with a tiny tone

"You truly need to mind your own business, " she replied with a taunty tone

After a short pause, she smiled

"Really?" Shio continued with a curious tone

"Ha hah hahaha... yah" Karen answered with a cheerful tone

Their chat continues as the bus travel in the streets of Winchester. After a few minutes they arrived at their destination, they also noticed their parents haven't arrived until now.

"Hey, Big Sis! There's something I want to tell you" Karen said a normal tone

"What is it?" she responded

"Uhmmm... you know about our field trip this coming Thursday?" Karen asked with a chilling note

"Yah.. It will take place the day before the school's Halloween event, why?" she replied

"I want to join..." Karen said with a cute tone

"You will join the field trip.. Don't worry about that. Mom and dad already gave you the permission right?" she replied with a questioning tone

"Yeah, but----you know----- can you be there?" Karen asked with a serene tone

"Well hmm, I'll see what I can do. Maybe I can make a letter and skip a class just for one day..." she responded with an honest tone

"Really! Ok! I'll tell mom and dad later!" Karen said with an energetic feeling

The time passes by and shio makes their dinner. While shio is cooking, their parents arrived. Karen went outside and welcome their parents, their parents were very happy to see both of them at home. Their mother gave Karen a kiss and proceeded to the kitchen.

"I'm sorry honey. We are very busy this week." The mother said with a tired tone as she sits down

"Yah---- too much work." The father continued

"Hey, Mom! I asked Big Sis to come with me to the field trip and she said she will try to do something in order to join me.." Karen said with an energetic feeling

"Oh! Really! Well, that's really great, we won't be worrying a lot now that your sister is with you---- don't worry, I'll help your sister make an excuse letter, okay!" The mother said with a cheerful tone

"Yah! Imma go tell dad" Karen said with an upbeat tone as she runs to her dad

Shio and her mother were left alone in the kitchen. Her mother stood up to approach her...

"You're really doing a good job shio.." the mother said with a proud tone

"Well, I have a respectable set of parents that is capable of raising me properly, it's no longer a surprise" she replied with a calm tone

"I'm so proud of you.." The mother said with a proud tone

"Thank you Mom" she responded with a respectful tone

"I love you Shio," The Mom said with a sweet tone

"I love you too Mom" Shio replied also with a sweet tone

The mother immediately gave shio a warm hug...

"Hey----calm down----I'm cooking!" Shio said in a friendly tone

"Yeah, calm down and give me some love too.." The father said as he gets into the room while carrying Karen

The mother stops hugging Shio and had a good laugh with her kin. After a few minutes, they ate the food and clean the dishes. It was one calm day for Shio, you can already view it as one of her perfect days.

The next day, Shio and her family are eating breakfast together..

"Here Shio, I already got the letter for you so you that don't have to bother making one." The mother said

"Thanks, Mom, " she responded

"I hope the principal accepts the letter" Karen said with a worried tone

"Don't worry, she will.." Shio said with a friendly tone

"Your mother and I are going home a little late tonight, is it okay for you guys to stay at home by yourselves? Well, I know you will be fine, but I'm simply asking if it's fine for you if we go home a little late.." The father asked calmly

"It's fine..." she responded calmly

"Dad, can you hand us some additional money? I want to go buy a burger for our dinner later" Karen asked with a cute tone

"Of course, so does that mean you are going to need a quick tour in the mall later?" The father asked with a curious tone

"Well, if that's what Karen wanted, we can go make a quick visit.," she replied also with a funny tone

"We will just gonna buy some burgers, then we will move straight back home.." Karen explained with a cute tone

"No problem. Just be careful ok?" The mother asked with a calm tone

"Yeah mom" Shio answered

They continue talking about their own life in school and work. After a few hours, Shio and Karen fixed themselves and went to school.

While at the Bus Karen talks to Shio.

"Hey Big Sis, I want to ask you something" Karen said with a curious tone

"What is it?" she responded

"Uhmmm.. We have this subject in our class, it is about building up ourselves into becoming a better kid.." Karen explained

"Yeah, and...." she stated with a curious tone

"The teacher is lecturing about the things we are afraid of... she called it "phobia", she said it is that type of fear or something that is attached to us for a long time.." Karen continued

"Yeah, I know about that.." Shio answered

"I simply want to ask if you have one... do you have a phobia?" Karen asked with a curious tone

"Why did you ask?" Shio answered

"Because I don't know what will I consider as my phobia, I'm afraid of insects and ghosts... But is that consider as a phobia? I just want to know just in case my teacher gives us a question about that, cause I want to get some tickets." Karen explained with a normal tone

"Well, according to my own knowledge, a phobia is really something you are afraid of. But it is not exactly a simple fear, it is something that is very hard to get away from like it will attach you to that specific fear that will actually affect your personality or something." Shio replied

"Ok. so....do you have one?" Karen asked

"Yeah...actually, I have five.." Shio said

"Oooohhh...what are they?" Karen asked in a very curious tone

"Well, my first is that I'm afraid of darkness, I'm not afraid of the night, I'm only afraid of being inside of something dark like if you shine a flashlight in it, the only thing you are going to see are the things the light can show you. It is scary because you don't know what is around you." Shio answered

"What else.." Karen asked with a very curious tone

"I'm too afraid of being inside of something sketchy like I don't want to be inside of some small place----where you can't move freely. Perhaps some small room or small tunnels, something close to that... I'm also afraid of being alone, cause if I'm alone, I'm starting to feel unsafe." Shio continued

"So you are afraid of the dark, Sketchy places, being alone and...." Karen asked still with a curious tone

"Dogs.." Shio replied

"Dogs!? Why?" Karen asked with a surprised tone

"I'm not afraid of small dogs, I'm afraid of big dogs, just imagine those teeth and faces, do you know how big they are, they're scary.." Shio answered with a curious tone.

"But they're cute.." Karen said with a cheerful spirit

"Well, that's what I'm afraid of.." Shio answered with a taunty tone

"And the last one?" Karen asked with a very curious tone

The bus arrived at the bus stop...

"A phobia you have to find out in the future, we have to go" Shio replied with a taunty tone

"Come on.... That's not fair" Karen said with a disappointed feeling

They walk out of the bus and got straight to school while talking to one another. Karen tried to convinced shio to share her last fear, but she is constantly avoiding the question by changing the topic. After a few minutes they reach the school's entrance, she left Karen in her classroom and she moved to meet her friends in the garden.

"Hey!" Shio cheerfully said as she approaches Mikaela and Michelle

"Hey, I bought some lunch Shio!" Mikaela replied

"The fact that I have just arrived here and you're already talking about lunch is very awesome" Shio said with a taunty tone

"I'm just saying.." Mikaela replied

"Hey, last night... I research a little about stuff's to bring when you are about to do a ghost hunt" Michelle said with an excited tone

"And she already purchased some..." Mikaela replied in a taunty tone

"Yah.. And it looks so cool!" Michelle said with an energetic spirit

"About that, someone told me to not expect too much about the school. He said there's nothing in here that might excite us..." Shio said

"Come on... I told you not to ask right?" Michelle said with a disappointed feeling

"I didn't! Sam just randomly told me about it." Shio explained

"Sam? Well, that's weird..." Mikaela said in a taunty tone

"Why?" Shio asked while looking worried

"Well... Sam is actually in the hospital right now. He is caught in an accident" Mikaela replied

"What accident?" Shio asked

"According to the news, his bus is currently on the highway when its driver suddenly took the wrong track and lead them somewhere unknown actually..." Mikaela explained

"Unknown?" Shio said with a confused reaction

"Well the information came from Sam so it might be because of the accident, maybe a shock occurs to his mentality or something that affects her memory I guess?" Mikaela explained

"But that's not the weird part..." Michelle interrupted

"Then what's the weird part?" Shio asked within a curious tone

"He is the only person who was found on that bus... a public transport vehicle.." Michelle explained

Shio is shocked after hearing what Michelle said

"What!? But how?" Shio asked with a surprised tone

"That's the question, there's no trace for the other passengers that were on that bus including the driver, but when they review the footage, there is an estimated amount of five to ten people on that bus. But on the crime scene, sam is the only one inside, no one is found, no trace, nothing.." Michelle explained

"But that's not it, Sam said that after he woke up....he saw himself stuck in the bus, which is exact to what the rescuers saw when they arrive on the scene....." Mikaela said as she took a short pause

"And?" Shio asked with a curious tone

"He also stated that he saw a pathway straight to the forest, according to him, that pathway is made of marbles laid on the ground leading straight to the forest, but the rescuers didn't see any pathway, they tried to search the area for any survivors but until now they haven't seen anyone." Mikaela continued

"Which is very weird in every way. I'm an adventurer, but if I go through that shit,

I might lose my mind." Michelle said with a taunty tone

"So you really believe him?" Mikaela asked in a surprised tone

"Hello!? We are talking about Sam, that smart-ass guy who holds a lot of explanations about everything we can't explain and maybe one day he will surely turn into a mad scientist. But now look at him, he suddenly jumps from a scientific brain head into someone who believes in unexplainable things." Michelle explained

"Maybe he needs some visitors to comfort hin for a little" Shio said with a calm tone

"Okay... he's still our friend though and tomorrow is Saturday sooo.... maybe we can make a quick visit?" Mikaela said

"Yeah, let's get some foods and try to comfort him, then after that let's ask him about it!" Michelle replied with a taunty tone

"I don't know if that's a good idea.." Shio said with a worried tone

"Oh, it's always a good idea, we will be able to know what really happens before the public does" Michelle responded with an excited tone

The school bell suddenly alarmed which is a sign of the beginning of their first class...

"Oh shit! We gotta go now" Mikaela urgently said

They rush back to the classroom to attend their class, luckily the teacher is late to arrive so they didn't miss any lecture.....


Note: Chapter 1 (Family, Friends and Fear->The World of Nightmare) was scheduled for a rewrite, specifically the format of the story and dialogues. please bear with me for now, Thank You.

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