
Chapter 15: I Am So Not Ready For This

Roman's assistant seems to realize that this is his cue to leave. He stacks all of the files in front of him and gathers them up, and he shoots me a strange glance as he leaves the room. I suddenly wonder if I should be worried.

When I turn back to Roman, I find him looking me up and down. He frowns slightly.

"Did you run all the way here?" he asks.

"Just up the stairs." I grab my hair, suddenly aware of how much of a mess I must look. My hair tends to go frizzy under the best of conditions, and when I reach up, I realize that sprint up the stairs didn't help. I quickly comb my fingers through the strands, trying to tame them and wishing I'd had the foresight to grab a hair tie or at least a couple of bobby pins.

Roman has risen from his seat, and he walks slowly over to me while I try to make myself presentable. When he gets to me, he reaches out - and my breath catches as his hand moves past my breast and under my arm, as if he means to draw me toward him.