
Chapter 16: Roman Gives Me A Pep Talk

At any other time, I would've enjoyed that compliment, especially from him. Right now, though, it only makes my panic worse.

"I can't do this," I say.

"You can," Roman assures me. "Think of it as a challenge."

Why do people always say that when they're trying to convince you to do something you know you can't do? But it's clear that no amount of begging will get me out of this, not on Roman Everet's watch. I throw another glance in the mirror and run my fingers through my hair again. Up ahead, Hallevern's restaurant has already come into view. We definitely made good time.

Please, please, please, don't let him be there, I pray. Maybe he's a fast eater. Or maybe Roman's tip was incorrect. I'm due for some good karma from the universe, aren't I?