
The Flavour Of Agony

Madison, a beautifully capable woman with gifted skills got cheated on by her long termed fiancé Chase, just before their marriage. She was broken from her first relationship when her life decided to take a coincidental romantic turn, she wasn’t definitely ready for. Ryan is a man of morals, angry young character with interesting mysteries. He is demanding and nothing in this world exists that he cannot achieve but he wanted one thing... her. Why? Ryan helps Madison to come out of her ugly previous relationship with her long termed fiancé and asks her to name her life to him. “Name me your life and I will name you my everything.” He was the man of words and she was the lady of actions, both were bad liars! (Ryan and Madison)

XunfurledalchemyX · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs


"Mrs.Baker... this is the file Mr.Baker had requested this morning." The lady employee said politely before handing a file to her.

"Um... you can give it to him. I have something to do." She said making an excuse to avoid the event. Her fingers were on the keyboard busy, typing the mail and eyes were fixed on the screen.

"But mam Mr.Baker ordered to give it to you, h-he said he wants you in his office!" Her fingers stopped working immediately. Eyes then became blank...

She took the file from the lady quietly without any argument, the lady sensed the tension and blankness in her eyes. Madison's expressions were emotionless and dead. The lady then bowed to her before leaving silently.

He wants her... again!

Standing up from her seat, she walked over to his office's door elegantly but blankly. Knocking the door, she heard the husky deep tone's "come in."

Turning the knob she entered inside slapping the floor with her 4 inches pencil heels. Eyes were straight and firm, she walked over to his desk in a formal manner.

Strong scent of smoke invaded her nostrils as soon as she welcomed herself inside. He was again smoking.

"Your file Mr.Baker!" With a straight voice she kept the file in front of him. He turned his attention to her. His dark brown eyes were like deep ocean, he started staring at her intensely.

Gaining no response in return she just remained quiet and let his deep eyes roam around her body. His eyes darkened a bit and he clenched his jaw a slightly. Madison waited for what she came for silently.

"Why were you late? Where were you this morning?" His deep voice echoed the whole room with domination. The woman still showed no emotions and any signs on her face.

"Something came up." She answered professionally.

Only a deep chuckled from the man was heard seconds later after hearing her formal reply.

"What was it? I would like to know Mrs.Baker." He Let out still staring at her dangerously before laying his back on the chair to have a better view of her, the tone was more deeper than before making the environment more gloomy than it already was.

Madison took a sharp breath, her chest rose up and down not because of nervousness or fear for him, she was just tired.

"Today is my mom's birthday." She said in a soft tone, he hummed in response before blowing the smoke firmly.

"Next time..."

"Next time, I will tell you before leaving." She said before he could even complete his words. She knew her limits, her border. He was the one who held control and she was the one who always obeyed.

"Good!" Parting his lips he complimented her before tearing his eyes from her, he then placed the cigarette again on his mouth and stood up from his seat before walking towards his shelves until a light tug on his arm stopped his steps. It was her.

His dark eyes landed on her and he stared her again but not with the same intensity as before, it was rather little softly this time, she was close to him... way too close!

The proximity rose slight tension between them.

Raising her fingers up she pulled the burning cigarette out which was resting on his lips majestically. Her delicate fingers brushed his chin and lips softly. Following by the smoke he released his minty breath in slight awe, her breath taking face was so close to his face.

Her eyes soon travelled up from his lips to his eyes which were staring at her ditching their shame soon before parting the burning substance away elegantly.

"It's dangerous for your health." She said looking right in his eyes. Her hazel eyes were plain but they held millions of emotions.

"So are you!" His breath caressed her face. The deepness of his voice solely made her heart race.

It was true...