
The Flavour Of Agony

Madison, a beautifully capable woman with gifted skills got cheated on by her long termed fiancé Chase, just before their marriage. She was broken from her first relationship when her life decided to take a coincidental romantic turn, she wasn’t definitely ready for. Ryan is a man of morals, angry young character with interesting mysteries. He is demanding and nothing in this world exists that he cannot achieve but he wanted one thing... her. Why? Ryan helps Madison to come out of her ugly previous relationship with her long termed fiancé and asks her to name her life to him. “Name me your life and I will name you my everything.” He was the man of words and she was the lady of actions, both were bad liars! (Ryan and Madison)

XunfurledalchemyX · Fantasy
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3 Chs


I work in a company which is classified under top 10 companies in Europe and I'm very lucky enough to work with my fiancé, Chase. He's also my boss and of course... we are about to get married.

I'm madly in love him. Chase, who is also my boss... he was always very determined and a great hardworker. Since college days we're together and when he decided to start his own company, I was very happy and followed him wholeheartedly.

Working with him was always been my best decision. He is a man of his words. I loved him for that but as days passed he involved himself too much in it. Not that I'm complaining, before we started the company... we were nothing. We had nothing but now this work gave us everything.

I saw him struggling and held his hands tightly, bad times soon vanished but then I felt our hands's grip loosening, he started becoming distant. I still love him though...

I just can't help myself! He's kind, perfect, honest and always thinks of others before himself but us...

I knew he loved me too.

The only thing I always thought was him being busy. He was a hardworking man after all.

Nowadays out of blue, he started taking about the future with me, about settling down and moving to his house.

It was quite rare for me to witness him to be this desperate.

He started bringing me everywhere with him, even to his meetings that I really didn't need to be in. He had been keeping me close to him and I can't help but to feel more secure and warm with all this, I feel that something big is about to happen. It was some days ago when this sudden change took place between us.

'Am I ready for it? He still keeps himself busy in work, after marriage will I still be his priority or is he going to choose work over me?' Questions like this choked my guts and held my hopes back.

My heart ached to see the man I love giving me less attention but I am used to it now.

Taking a deep breath, I stood up and held the stack of papers from my desk and started walking to his office door with a big smile on, knowing how much he loves to see me smile.

I knocked the door once and didn't wait for his response. Being his fiancé I don't really need his approval moreover I am his secretary too. I always used to assist him.

I opened the door and walked in quietly with my heels slapping the floor. My eyes instantly fell on him pacing back and forth with a frown on his face while holding his phone to the ear.

He likes working out a lot, resulting him to be little muscular. He had a baby face with firm features. I appreciated every inch of his charmness, he was my everything!

I took this minute to really just look at him and praised his features. His large built and neat suit complimented his muscular body nicely. His dark brown hair and blue eyes locked my soul.

I stood there and waited for him to finish his conversation. His voice was little raspy and he frustratedly sighed in between his talks... he looked kind of stressed. I swallowed hard as he looked at me with a released frown.

He sighed again one last time before ending the call and approaching me. Something was off, he wasn't being himself anymore. He is just too stressed nowadays, maybe?

Sitting on his office chair he closed his eyes tiredly. I walked over to him with my steady steps. Holding his firm shoulders from back I squeezed it giving him a little massage. He parted his lips letting a long sigh of relief.

"You seem tired." I said softly while with his closed eyes he just nodded.

"Our Japanese clients are being stinky." He said tiredly. He's been working a lot lately, I know how important this deal is for him.

We tried to gain their response for such a long time.

"Don't worry. I am with you!" I cheered him up in a soft tone, he chuckled at my tone before opening his dark eyes then settling it on my face. I smiled when I saw him staring at me for long seconds.

His eyes now held some unreadable emotions.

"What?" I asked him blushing like a high school girl in love while having his eyes on me. Since past few days I've been observing him... he's been staring at me a lot. When asked, he just replies he loves me. Weird!

Wearing a warm smile on, he just shook his head while grabbing my hands which were still massaging his broad shoulders, kissing the back of it he again said those words...

"I just love you very much." He said blankly yet softly. Those words always touched my heart with no efforts. I smiled at him.

"I love yo-..." The door's creek paused my sentence. My eyes followed the sound and there was standing a lady in her mid 20s, she was from the academic section. I know her as she was one of our shareholders daughter who joined the company recently. She was new, holding some files on her hand she looked at us with her widened eyes.

Her face was shocked as if she wasn't expecting me to be here. She bowed to me nervously. "Don't you know how to knock?" Chase's dark voice questioned her. Almost yelled at her.

He squeezed my hand more tightly as if he doesn't want to leave it for even a second. Weird...

The lady flinched at his tone, I just patted Chase's back in an intention to calm his sudden outburst down.

"It's okay. Do you need anything Lucy?" I questioned her, smiling. Her head moved upwards agin and she stared at me with an unknown expression for some seconds before opening her mouth again.

"Mr.Kevins I-i wanted to talk to him..." she shuttered making me frown. In confusion my eyes landed on Chase again who was now glaring at her.

"I-it's important!"

Witnessing her looks, it does seems urgent. She was shaking as if she was about to cry or something if she got rejected, she was quite young.

"Later! I am busy-..." Chase's voice held firmness when I decided to cut him off.

"No. I was about to leave, I just wanted to give you this file. You work, we'll talk later!" I said, judging by the looks of her I thought she truly needed to talk about an urgent matter.

I maybe his fiancé but here I was just his secretary, I knew my limits. Chase's eyes looked up at me sadly. I just smiled assuringly to him as I patted his back in comfort.

"Wait for me at lunch!" He said softly before kissing the back of my hand again. I nodded before taking my leave. As I was leaving the room for the two of them I felt Lucy's stare on me from the side.

I soon went to my cabin and continued working but my mind again went to what happened earlier. The way she barged inside without any warning...

It seemed like she doesn't really care about anything, not even his privacy!

As my hands were on my keyboard, typing. I searched for my work iPad to calculate the amounts, Not finding it anywhere at my sight, I then remembered taking it with me to Chase's cabin.

I sighed in silent tiredness.

Getting up from my seat, I then started walking towards his office again. As I was about to knock the door I heard a glass breaking sound from inside dragging my attention in no worries.

My heart thumped hardly as I stopped thinking about anything, I just went inside out of concern to check up on my fiancé.

But after opening the door, the first thing I saw the was a broken flower vase and papers scattered on the floor. It was so confusing until I witnessed Lucy sitting on the same floor and holding Chase's legs while crying out loud.

The scene was too intimate and inappropriate for a boss-employee relationship. My throat dried from the view.

"What is happening here?" My voice became deep. Chase soon sensed my presence and then I saw his eyes widening. He pulled his leg from her hold immediately in an abrupt manner making her jerk a bit. He then whispered my name in pure shock.

"Baby." He said taking steps towards me. Still in confusion I asked him cluelessly again, my heart by then started stinging a bit for unknown reasons. "What is happening here Chase?"

I was now serious. "Nothing!" He claimed awkwardly while looking around a bit. The lady was still crying loudly making me doubt his words more. He looked too guilty to believe.

Her loud sobs ringed around the office walls proving his words wrong.

My eyes went to the papers lying on the floor. As I bended down to pick it up, Chase's hand then came in rescue as he held my hand stopping my intentions. "Don't!" He whispered with his broken voice but my guts screamed louder than ever. I wanted my answers which he was not giving me. I jerked his hand off me and picked the papers up with my slightly shaky hands.

For weird reasons I started panicking already but soon after my eyes roamed around the white sheet I stopped breathing...

I suddenly felt all the energy leaving my body and my knees went weak. My body quickly went down as I couldn't hold my weight anymore.

I almost collapsed on the floor but the man who was my fiancé held me up quickly before my body could make any contact with the floor and touch the harsh pieces of glass which were ready to harm me.

"Baby..." he whispered now, sobbing. His worried voice for me only made me all choke up as I matched my gaze with him.

"You fucked her?" My tears started flowing while still holding the papers. My lips started trembling when I heard no reply.

"You laid with her behind my back and MADE HER PREGNANT?" I yelled at him this time pushing him away hardly.

I then took long breaths while crying. "Baby i-it was a mistake."

"I-i swear I didn't mean to do it. I-i was stressed that night, I wanted you and you couldn't just give yourself to m-me. I-i was drunk and-...." He claimed his reasons with his shaky voice while taking his desperate steps towards me again making me to slap his face tightly.

His words pierced my heart. It hurt my soul!

Couldn't just give myself to him? He cheated because I wasn't giving him?

The effect was so hard that my palm started burning.

"YOU CHEATER!" I yelled in anger.

He again faced me almost immediately after hearing me but this time his actions became more desperate, he aggressively pulled me in his arms. I jerked his arms off like a mad woman but the grip only tightened more, aching me in his forced embrace. I punched his chest and cried in disgust. A man who cheated just for this pathetic reason?

We decided to get married first! We agreed on it and he never once mentioned anything about this to me. He seemed to be okay with my reasons before.

No wonder why he was so distant lately, he was busy in fucking her.

"B-babe don't. I love you, we're going to get married soon!" His pathetic voice only made me feel more pathetic with myself. Marriage? That's why he was rushing everything all this time?

What is he even planning to do with the child then? Even thinking about the fact that he is a father now... to some other woman's child made me feel disgusted to no end.

"LEAVE ME!" I pushed him away with all of my strength and ran out of his office before he could even catch me up. I hate him.


Author's Pov

Eyes wet his both hands held her wrinkled hand tightly expecting his birth giver to open her beautiful pearly eyes and look at him again.

She was lying... unconsciously!

"Mr.Baker we tried our best but none of the donor's bone marrow matched her." The doctor exclaimed with defeated tone.

"Then keep trying." His voice was raspy and deep as he spoke not tearing his gaze from his mother, it was enough to make the doctor's throat dry.

The doctor was scared but still spoke.

"It's been 6 months Mr.Baker, we've been trying our best but we can find no match." The doctor tired to convince the stubborn rude man, obviously he was professional and very skilled with his patients, he really tried his bestest up until now but suddenly it all seems impossible to them.

They were losing their hopes.

The lady was solely breathing with the support of the machines all these months. It saddened him to no limits to see her like that.

It wasn't anyone's fault if they couldn't find no match. He knew it well but he couldn't just sit quietly and do nothing!

"Don't make me do something you'll regret later Doctor, I am so sure you won't like trying me. I don't care about any fucking thing except her. I WANT HER UP!" The whole room was shocked seeing his sudden outburst. He was angry, angry on his own self.

The nurse flinched and the doctor was intimidated, Ryan's eyes were red and very dark. He looked scary.

"We will try our best Sir!" The doctor said to him in fear, compromising his efforts yet again before leaving the room to him and his mother.

Spending some more time with his unconscious mother he soon took his leave before kissing her forehead in a loving way.

His mind was full of thoughts. His hand was on the steering wheel of his expensive car as he drove on the busy road without any care.

He has everything, nothing in this world exists that he wants and cannot buy. He can have everything with only a click of his fingers but the only thing he wants desperately is his mother back, living.

The only thing he can't do is wake her up from her deep sleep. He was helpless for his mother, he cannot help her which made him very pathetic.

As his mind was still occupied with his mother's thoughts he couldn't see the green light of the traffic signal turning to red.

Mindlessly driving, his eyes soon widened when he saw a lady on her early 20s maybe, walking in front of his vehicle nonchalantly.

Coming back to the reality his panic rose as his grip on the steering tightened hardly and in an immediate reflex action he pressed the brake to stop the destruction which was about to happen.

He wanted to dodge the accident.

But it was too late to process anything, he jerked ahead from his immediate action and his heart beat accelerated like he just ran some marathon. Unbuckling his seatbelt he immediately opened the door and got out in a second to check up.

Crowd gathered as his eyes went towards the lying feminine figure on the road just in front of his car. He went towards the small figure immediately while squatting down to her level.

"Miss!" His deep voice called her with anxiety of hurting someone.

He tried shaking the lady a bit but got no response in return. Hair messing her face up, he was unable to see the lady's features and wake her up.

Not thinking about anything much he just picked the lady up in his arms and approached his vehicle with his quick steps.