
Panagea, Another Adventure(1)

Chapter 690: Panagea, Another Adventure(1)

After Aakesh lost the sixteenth battle with the Armadoran and continued the losing streak, he appeared in the selection area. Since it was only a one-time entry for Aakesh, he couldn't enter again, despite him wanting to, as he actually liked the battle with the Armadoran at that level.

Since Aakesh couldn't enter again, he stopped thinking about it. He instead looked in front, only to find Lily waiting there for him.

Aakesh didn't find it surprising since the battle this time took actually long, not due to the fight going for longer, but due to the increased waiting time between the start of new levels.

Aakesh requested the system for his chair, and not long after, it appeared in front of Lily's chair.

The current Lily was the same size as she was when she had left for her training, a cm shorter than Aakesh.