
Bus Trip

It took an hour before the buses were cleaned, restocked and refuelled for the trip back to the Seminary Academy, which was set to take over ten hours.

Compared to flight, it was incredibly slow, but in terms of cost-effectiveness, Karl assumed that it was much better. He didn't know much about what it cost to run a helicopter, but it seemed like it would be a lot.

Karl and the team were the only ones on the bus who weren't part of the church, and the returning clerics seemed curious about why they were along on the mission, but two Inquisitors had come to sit in front of them, and nobody was brave enough to speak around them, in case the team was in some sort of trouble.

Both of the Inquisitors looked totally wiped, probably from dealing with slackers for the last couple of weeks, and Karl nudged Doug, then handed him a bit of the moss for tea.

"How about you make everyone a nice, refreshing cup of tea? I think that they've earned it." He suggested.