
The Female Supporting Character Outshines the Female Lead

Xia Wei transmigrated as the prettiest woman in a book, but she was merely the evil cannon-fodder female supporting character. This was a novel about showbiz. In the novel, Xia Wei was the female lead's best friend. Due to Xia We's beauty, the female lead had always been secretly envious of her, but Xia Wei also kept her guard up against the female lead. Although she knew she was pretty, any man who came into contact with the female lead would eventually fall in love with her instead. Hence, Xia Wei began to keep her distance from the female lead. After that, she capitalized on her looks to get into showbiz. She also started a relationship with her boss. Just as she thought she'd finally moved away from the female lead's shadow, she suddenly discovered that the female lead had also become an artist at her boyfriend's company. Moreover, the female lead had a romantic relationship with her boyfriend. Xia Wei was triggered and began to go against the female lead. She wanted the female lead to know her place and back off by leaving the company and her boyfriend. However, not only did Xia Wei fail, but her boyfriend also dumped her, and her reputation in showbiz plummeted. Xia Wei finally panicked. She went on a dating show with her ex-boyfriend and the female lead to salvage their relationship and her own reputation. However, several male participants on the show were Xia Wei's ex-boyfriends. They all befriended Xia Wei's ex-boyfriend, who had just dumped her, and the female lead. The only guy remaining was a bigshot actor with countless resources but was deemed cold and unapproachable in showbiz. Xia Wei, who transmigrated into the novel, knew he was way out of her league. Hence, she began to do as she pleased on the show. She waited for the male and female lead to hold each other's hands so that the show would end and she could retire from showbiz. However, to her surprise, the storyline went in a different direction. The other male participants all came to confess their feelings for her. Unfortunately for them, Xia Wei wasn't interested in any of them. Later, the actor, who was way out of her league, posted a photo of them on his social media account. "I'm yours, @XiaWei." Xia Wei responded with her own post. "Please maintain your image as a cold and unapproachable person!"

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The Hidden Card Appears

นักแปล: Henyee Translations บรรณาธิการ: Henyee Translations

Chen Yuan turned on his computer in his room and pretended to be busy with work, but in fact, he was thinking about Xia Wei.

When Chen Yuan thought about what had happened today, he couldn't help but feel puzzled. Xia Wei's disdain for him and her intention to embarrass him in the haunted house today was really her way of getting him back?

In fact, if Xia Wei maintained her current looks and personality, he could consider letting Xia Wei be his mistress.

Chen Yuan was deep in thought when his stomach suddenly let out a growl.

He rubbed his stomach awkwardly. He didn't have much of an appetite just now and had not eaten anything since he was angry with Xia Wei. Now, he was a little hungry, so he wanted to go to the kitchen to find something to eat first.

Chen Yuan suddenly remembered that Xin Xin didn't seem to have eaten much either, so he could see what was in the fridge and eat with Xin Xin.

Chen Yuan went to the kitchen and opened the fridge door, only to find that it was empty. There was only a glass jar that looked like a wishing bottle sitting upright and there seemed to be an envelope in the glass jar.

Chen Yuan opened the glass jar curiously and took out the envelope. When he opened it, he found a piece of paper and a card inside.

The card was golden and had the words "forced card" printed on it.

Chen Yuan put down the card in confusion and looked at the piece of paper.

The content written on the paper was very simple. The "forced card" could only be used once. The user could use the "forced card" to force any guest to enter the room and chat with him for at least half an hour.

[Huh? I was wondering why the production team would give up so easily. Turns out that there's a hidden card.]

[I like this forced card! Hahaha!]

[Force any guest to enter the room?! The production team is quite the troublemaker!]

[Quick, quick, quick! Who is Chen Yuan going to choose?]

"Congratulations, Mr. Chen, for discovering the hidden card in this segment!" Director Zhao appeared with a smile and there was no sign of his frustration when he was behind the scenes.

Director Zhao was overjoyed. Someone had finally found the hidden card.

Why was it that only two groups of guests could have a feast, while the other two groups went hungry? It was to let them discover the hidden card!

Although the production team had just said that there would be no mandatory requirements for the afternoon activities, if there were really no arrangements and it was all up to the guests, what was the point of live-streaming?

Director Zhao was right.

The moment they heard that the production team had no plans for the afternoon, the guests went to do their own things. It was as if they didn't remember that they were participating in a love variety show.

How could they date each other without even interacting?

Just now, Director Zhao had watched helplessly as the number of people in the live-stream decreased bit by bit. He was as anxious as a cat on a hot tin roof and wished he could personally send the "force card" to the guests.

Because of this, Director Zhao specifically got someone to empty the fridge and there was only a hidden card inside.

Fortunately, Mr. Chen discovered it, so Director Zhao's efforts were not in vain.

"Mr. Chen, do you have any questions about the hidden card?" Director Zhao was very patient.

"No." Chen Yuan fiddled with the card in his hand and shook his head.

"Then, Mr. Chen, have you thought of which female guest to chat with in the room?" Director Zhao deliberately limited the range of guests to female guests, which revealed his intention to cause trouble.

[Hahaha! Director Zhao seems to be impatient.]

[Mr. Chen, chose Xin Xin! Mr. Chen and Xin Xin were very lovey-dovey this morning. Unfortunately, they didn't have the chance to be together the entire day.]

[Choose Xia Wei! Mr. Chen, choose Xia Wei! I just want to see Xia Wei's reaction!]

[If President Chen feels that choosing between Xin Xin and Xia Wei is difficult, he can also choose An Nan! The two of them are also very suitable.]

Chen Yuan was indeed hesitating between Xin Xin and Xia Wei.

Xin Xin was who he liked and he had participated in this show to pave the way for the official announcement of his relationship with Xin Xin. However, he didn't spend much time with Xin Xin today.

As for Xia Wei, Chen Yuan did want to find a chance to explain things to Xia Wei, since he didn't want her to continue targeting him like today.

After all, apart from being Xia Wei's ex-boyfriend, he was also Xia Wei's boss.

Chen Yuan's gaze landed on the word "forced". Thinking of Xia Wei's attitude towards him today, Chen Yuan felt that Xia Wei might not give him a chance to sit down and talk.

Then, he would take this opportunity to force Xia Wei!