
The Fate Forgers

"In the depths of his own disinterest, Dylan languishes in his room, lost in a sea of procrastination and endless YouTube scrolling. The world around him has lost its luster, and he drifts without purpose day by day. But one unassuming encounter changes the course of his entire life - an inconspicuous video from a YouTube channel of a small production company which uses it only to release trailers for their upcoming movies and series. The video which was only title 'Trailer,' it becomes the catalyst that sparks a flicker of interest within Dylan, a soul who rarely finds fascination. Join the journey of Dylan, the embodiment of apathy, navigates a life devoid of passion or connection. Yet, against all odds, a gradual transformation begins. Through encounters, experiences, and perhaps by aa special someone, he rediscovers the beauty of the world he had so long dismissed. However, can he maintain a grip on that individual, or will he forfeit the sole person linking him to the world? The steps he takes further will determine his future journey, yet it's as uncomplicated as he perceives the world, or perhaps something is unfolding behind him that he couldn't comprehend."

Chocolatepickle · สมัยใหม่
24 Chs

Chakra strain (1)

Aska descended from the treehouse while he was lost in his thought. Upon reaching the ground, he didn't follow what his father had said him to do, but started channeling his chakra into his leg, causing a faint white glow to emerge around his leg.

Gradually, the faint glow started to extended from his leg, driving Aska upwards in air. However he came to an halt after a mere 30 centimeters above the ground. He focused and increased the amount of chakra concentration in his leg, but the faint glow that had emanated from his sole and connected to the ground began to diffuse.

In his pursuit for able to fly in the sky, Aska thought of creating a pole out of his chakra connected to his leg. Regrettably, he was not successful, Aska was unable to conjure a pole of sufficient length to give him sensation of flying. Additionally when he tried to concentrate large amount of chakra on his leg and when he made pole from chakra he felt his leg was exhausted from overwork. The 30 centimeter chakra pole formed by Aska was his current limit, currently he was unable to increase the size of the chakra pole showing his current ability to control chakra.

Aska ran towards the green rabbits habitat with the pole formed with chakra, but upon reaching the green rabbit habitat, but he didn't felt the flying sensation he was looking for. Instead, Aska felt like he was merely running around with a taller hight. When he arrived at the edge of the green rabbits habitat, he climbed a tree, sat there, and contemplated how he could achieve actual flight.

While he was seated on top of the tree, he witnessed a green rabbit burst out of a bush, enveloped in a green haze. Suddenly, the green haze concentrated on the green rabbits legs, causing a dramatic surge in his speed. In the blink of an eye, he vanished from Aska's sight. Just as he was about to climb down from the tree, a bird swooped in the direction the green rabbit had dashed away. Aska attention was caught by the bird whose wings was shrouded in a white haze, just like the green rabbit the bird also vanished from Aska sight.

'Is it possible to make a wings with chakra, to use the wings like the birds to fly?'

With this thought in mind, Aska immediately took action, he started channeling chakra on his back. A faint white glow emerged from his back and began to take shape. After a minute passed by, a small, somewhat distorted wing formed on his back.

Seeing the shape of the wing Aska tried to model the wings to attain the desired shape, he continued concentrating his chakra towards his back for a few more minutes. However, he felt strain from his back, and couldn't channel more chakra on his back. Feeling the discomfort, he stopped concentrating chakra towards his back, the wing formed on Aska back was still imperfect and small.

'I won't be able to properly shape the wing because of its huge size.'

When he spread his wing, each side measured only about 30 cm in length. Aska began to flap the wing, causing a gust of wind that rustled the grass around him. However, as time passed, he found himself only capable of generating wind which only blew the grass and bushes around him.

'I am too heavy for wing of this size.'

He let out a sigh and removed the wing from his back.

'Its look like I have to increase my mastery over the chakra control outside my body.'

With a dijacted look, he walked toward the treehouse, still contemplating other ways to fly.

Upon reaching the shed, he picked up the tree log, Aska strengthen his spine and leg veins with chakra, then started running in circles around the shed. While he was running around the shed, his thoughts on wondering around how to use chakra to able to fly and increase his chakra control.

'Ahaa, why flying is difficult.' Aska retorted when he could not think other ways to fly

He continued to run around as the light slowly faded, giving way to night. Aska, still carrying the tree log, heard his father calling him for dinner.

Aska placed the tree log by the shed and absentmindedly made his way up to the treehouse. Upon entering, he found his father had already set the dinner on the dining table.

"Go wash your hands, dinner is on the table."

Aska obediently washed his hands and then sat down and started eating. His father joined him at the table and began eating as well.

"Child, it seems you've are able to control chakra quite well. Starting tomorrow, focus on strengthening your entire body, including your spine and leg veins. When you are able to strengthen your entire body including your spine and leg veins for entire day, I'll teach you more ways to use chakra."

"Really, Father?" Aska's asked in a excited tone.

"Yes, my child. Just keep practicing; it will also improve your chakra control," he reassured his son.

"Father, today when I was concentrating chakra into my leg to create a pole, I was only able to manage the height of pole around 30 cm. When I attempted to make it taller, my leg felt exhausted. Why is that, Father?" Aska inquired, curious about what happened with him before.

On his son question, a smile rose on his face.

"Child you already felt chakra strain, ha ha very good child."

Faced with his father's laughter, a sense of mild confusion washed over him due to his father's reaction.

"Father, what exactly is chakra strain?" he inquired.

Aska father stop laughing and replied, "Child, I had intended to teach you about chakra strain in the future, but you've already experienced it firsthand. Therefore, there's no need for me to delay it any longer. Chakra strain occurs when someone expels large amount of chakra from their body."

Aska nodded, "But why does this happen in the first place, Father?"

"Child, have you ever considered how we release chakra from our bodies?"

"No, Father," Aska shook his head in denial.

"We use chakra veins to facilitate the outflow of chakra from our body," he explained.

"Chakra veins? What are those, Father?" Aska inquired.

"Child, you remember that blood circulates through our bodies through blood vessels, right?" He asked his son.

"Yes, Father."

"Similarly, chakra also requires channels, known as chakra veins, which allow us to utilise our own chakra outside our body. Do you grasp the concept now child?"

"Yes, father." Aska nodded.

"But, my child, there is a huge distinction between chakra veins and blood vessels."

Hey readers sorry for 1 week delay, it took me long time for me to write this chapter because I have to show a kid who had no knowledge of flying try different ways to fly and also I am setting up the world background, and also think about last name of different characters

Chocolatepicklecreators' thoughts