
The Fallen God Immortal

"I, Yeng Lor have sinned many and now cursed by God." "He made me immortal and I shall suffer as I watch my loved one died before me." "Earth is not even Earth anymore because of many explosion of nearby star has expanded Earth by a million time." "It has being over 99,984 years now...Today mark my 100,000th birthday." "I am 100,000 years old but why my body still looking like a 16 years old boy..." "God dammit!!", as Yeng howl to the sky. As if God heard his wish he heard a voice, "Are you ready to be reborn?" Yeng Lor was stunned but soon regain his sense as his blood began to boil in excitement. "Hell Yeah!!!!", Yeng yelled as a reply to God. Tags: Special Abilities, Hard-Working MC, Pill Concocting, Body Tempering, Weak to Strong, Handsome MC, Action, Cultivation, Reincarnation, Adventure Art by: Maximilian Degen *Grammar is never my skill hehe*

Yeng_Sensei · แอคชั่น
3 Chs

Tyrant Fist Sect

At Xiao Hue grave.

Yeng Lor was on his knee.

"Uncle, I will fulfill your last wish.", Yeng said sorrowfully while taking out a letter he founded under Xiao Hue inner pocket of his cloth.

"Dear my precious Yeng...I know by the time you read this letter I somehow already ended up dead. I should never had make a deal with the Wang clan. I became a poor hunter in a unknown remote forest, I regretted it. But you made my life joyful therefore thank you. My last wish to you is that only when you turn 10, you may leave the forest to the world. The world will may be harsh but please never give in. Don't seek revenge for me because they are just too strong.

In this world, strength is power and authority. After you leave the forest, find a friend of mine in the nearby kingdom. He goes by the name of Pale Man and when you meet him, give him my necklace. He is an outer Elder in a sect call Tyrant Fist, he should able to help you get in as outer disciple. May luck be on your side as you venture out in the world!"

Yeng slowly tighten his hand into a fist holding the necklace.


5 years later...

[Mong Kingdom] (T/N: I will be putting [ ] around places name.)

"Today is such a beautiful day right...Lin?", a boy around 13 years old said.

"Yes it is! Such a clear blue sky and today is seem to be the busiest day ever.", Lin, a girl around 12 years old replied back.

"Oh how so? Is it because there many street vendor? Or maybe because a great guest is visiting [Mong Kingdom]?", the boy asked.

"Here I thought you was smart, Dai. Today is the busiest because the Tyrant Fist Sect is recruiting!", Lin replied back.

"Really!? Then I must go because me and one of my brother have being waiting for this moment for a long time!", The boy named Dai got excited and ran home.

"Tsk, if my family was richer, I would not bother to even talk to you." Lin snorted as she walked home.


"Hey what are you tripping for? Run before it too late! Don't you know today is the day the Tyrant Fist Sect is recruiting?", Dai exclaimed at his younger brother.

Suddenly a hand grabbed Dai shoulder from behind.

"Hey brother, do you know where they recruiting?", a voice can be heard behind him.

Turning his head, Dai look at the person.

It was a strange boy wearing old tattered rag clothes and looked about 10 years old.

Stunned, Dai slowly pointed toward the direction where they recruiting silently.

"Ah, thank you.", The strange boy did a fist and palm salute as he thanks Dai.

Staring at the strange boy walking away, Dai remembered they needed to hurry too.


"Those who want to be a disciple of my Tyrant Fist Sect, you must pass this trial first! The first trial is behind this gate. Climb to the top!", an elder with white bread spoke with powerful Qi.

Over 200 kids waiting in front of the gate nodded.

"Ha ha this is going to be easy I heard!", a fat boy happily bragged.

Everyone looked at the fat boy and smirked.

"Easy my ass, don't you know behind the gate is the Stair of Hell? Each step increase the pressure on your body! It contained 25 step, tsk good luck.", a boy in the front coldly snorted.

"Wow how did you know?", a girl asked shyly.

"It's because one of my cousin is in Tyrant Fist Sect, oh by the way you can call me Gu Wang.", the boy name Gu Wang slowly said as he point his nose up to the sky.


A gong can be heard as it cover the whole area.


"Finally the gate is opening!", an pale girl excitedly shout.

"Lady and Gentleman, watch and learn from this Master!", Gu Wang said as he step on to the stair.

First step...

Second step...

"What the **** is this!", Gu Wang face redden as he shouted.


Gu Wang fell back down and fainted as dust flew up.

"So much of a 'Master', hahaha", everyone started laughing.

Everyone started to climb the stair but half didn't even reached the third step.

Suddenly a girl leaped...

Third step...

Sixth step...

"Someone reached the sixth step!!", someone exclaimed.


Followed by two twin boy around 13 years old.

Ninth step...

"What a bunch of trash.", the twin boy said in a disdain looking back.

Someone reached the twenty-one step!

"Holy...a bunch of monster!", a boy cried out.

The first one to reach the top was the previous girl and she looked about 11 years old.

"Girl you have potential. Don't let us down and finish the whole trial!", an old man at the end of the first trial praised the girl.

"Thank You Elder!", she replied back with fist and palm salute.


Sudden a black silhouette flew up.

Third... Sixth step...

Sixteen step!

"What the ****, this guy fast!", the twin boy cursed.

Twenty-one step...

"Holy ****", the twin boy cursed again.

Reaching the top, the black silhouette finally stood still and can now clearly seen. He was wearing old tattered clothes.

He stood at the top, looked back with a carefree face.

He then smiled.

Kuv yog hmoob btw.

Hope you Enjoy!

Teaser for next chapter: Disciple

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