
Chapter 908: Imbuement Of One's Own Consciousness



No one should expect anything different! 



Death is death! 







"MY BODY!!!" 

Lvel started screaming... 



Using Last Remainder, she essentially targeted her own body... 


Specifically aiming for the food and feces contained within! 



Last Remainder can't hurt the user, but the impact of an object generated can... 


Just blow it up! 



Killing yourself through preexisting mass! 


Without the killing yourself part... 



They were completely fine... 


Except for the fact that all her body parts were now scattered in the general vicinity with no simple way for her to retrieve them... 



At least she's constantly blowing herself up to survive! 


Immunity to explosions is equivalent to full immunity to everything else, as long as she coat's her body with it... 



Pretty much making her invincible! 


Except for when she falls asleep...