
The Eternal Love [贰叁]

The moment her eyes locked with mine, something inside me awaken. The moment she fell in my arms, I felt it, I felt a shift somewhere deep inside me. The moment our lips apocalypsed, I could feel my control slipping away. One day, the long-withered flowers will blossom again. The rain will pour again, but that time, it'll wash away the pain..and with that, our love will split in two worlds. Maybe our wishes and reality will never incline. Maybe in next life, she'll find the peace of mind. But my soul will recognize hers in any world, any time. And in the end of it all, I'll hold her again in my arms.....

Wu_Zixing · ย้อนยุค
40 Chs

※ Chapter 36 ※

Meihua's POV »☆●

As the banquet's aromatic symphony fills the air, I find myself in a perilous state of affairs - my rebellious stomach, an orchestra of hunger, and a demand of a culinary audience of its own.

A servant glides past me, bearing a silver platter of Babaoya, a magnificent duck dish stuffed with eight stir-fried ingredients, which leaves behind the aroma of an enticing blend of spices and herbs.

Ugh, I'm still starving.

My gaze follows the servant. Being drawn to the tempting delight he carries, I momentarily forget about the engagement ceremony and the weight it carries.

The duck, adorned with a shimmering glaze, glistens under the warm glow of chandeliers. The skin is lacquered to a deep mahogany hue, a testament to expert roasting techniques.

"Is this seat free, my lady?"

The sudden sound of Se's voice jolts me from my reverie. As I snap out of it, my eyes widen, realizing I've been caught staring at the servant with the food tray.

Oh gosh...

Se must've noticed.

"Oh Se..err, Your Regency," I stammer, feeling my cheeks flush with embarrassment as I hastily stand up and bow to him, trying to regain my composure.

He chuckles lightly, "I'm kidding, Angel. Se is fine. It's just us."

I smile, feeling the tension in my shoulders somewhat easing as I relax around him. With a graceful gesture, he calls a servant over, who rushes to our table. Se takes two steaming plates of the Babaoya from him and places them on the table.

They sure do look even more divine up close.

"Please, have a seat," Se invites me, pulling out a chair.

I comply, a smile tugging at the corner of my lips as I gaze at the delightful spread of food before me. The fragrance alone is enough to send my taste buds into a frenzy.

As we both sit down, he glances at me, then looks away, a slight smile playing across his lips, "You look magical this evening, a fact that your accompany must appreciate," he remarks as he offers me chopsticks.

"Thank you, but it's difficult to say, especially with him being absent for half the festivities," I roll my eyes. Leaning forward, I fixate my gaze on him, "How long were you planning to make me wait?"

"As long as it would've taken to bring this feistiness out of you," he grins, "Jokes aside, accept my apologies for the delay. Managing social seasons have proven more stressful than I thought, but I won't pretend that I was disappointed when I was provided with the opportunity to dine with you."

I smile softly, "I hope you know you're always welcome to dine with me, doubly so when bringing such delicious food."

He chuckles lightly, "Then by all means, go ahead. Small talk can wai-"

Before he can finish speaking, my chopsticks find their way to the Babaoya. I lift a mouthful to my lips, inhale its fragrance deeply then take a bite. Immediately, the succulent duck meat melts in my mouth, complemented by the savory richness of the stuffing, an exquisite combination of mushrooms, water chestnuts, lotus seeds, and other delectable surprises that create a burst of flavors.

My delight escapes in a hum of satisfaction, and I close my eyes, savoring the Babaoya. It might just be the most fulfilling experience of my life.

"Better?" he inquires, hiding a light grin as he observes my bewilderment.

I nod enthusiastically, still relishing the heavenly tastes, "Words can't express. Thank you for rescuing me from starvation..and an embarrassingly empty table."

He breaks into laughter, "You're making me curious. Is it really that good?"

I shrug, "Try and find out."

He picks up his chopsticks and digs in. We continue to enjoy the food and each other's company. Just like that, the weight of formality dissipates. I find myself genuinely enjoying his company.

His presence is strangely comforting. Though I'm skeptical of everything we share, I can't deny that there's something genuine and intriguing about him. Se's presence, his warm gaze, the mindlink we share - they all remind me of the same truth. Every single thing is signaling to me..

He's my soulmate.

But beneath the surface of this tranquil facade, there lies a maelstrom of uncertainty. A tumult of emotions churns with me as I somehow still find myself believing in something so nonsensical, something that defies all logic and explanation.

What an irony.

The truth I've been denying and the feelings I've been suppressing are so contradictory, yet they both mess me up the same way. My heart feels like a battlefield, torn between what I believe to be right and what truly is right.

Am I wrong to hide my true feelings?

Is it fair to Se to withhold this part of myself?

I want to protect him, to shield him from the burden of my doubts...

But in doing so..

Do I only cause more harm?

"You seem lost in thoughts," Se remarks, breaking through the veil of my introspection. I look up to meet his concerned gaze.

"Just reflecting on the ceremony and my future plans," I respond with a forced smile, my words a flimsy shield deflecting the truth that lingers on the tip of my tongue.

Se studies me, his gaze searching, as if peering into my mind. My heart quickens, and I shift in my seat uncomfortably, trying to maintain composure. He doesn't seem convinced but doesn't press it further. Instead, he reaches across the table, his fingers brushing against mine in a comforting gesture.

"Angel," he says softly, "You're aware I can sense your thoughts right now too, right? So what's the point of lying or keeping up this act when we both know the truth?"

My heart skips a beat. As his scrutinizing gaze fixes on me, I realize there's really no point now. I can't keep this to myself any longer. I take a deep breath, steeling myself for what I've to do.

"I..." I hesitate, my gaze falling to the table as I gather my thoughts, "I lied before. I can feel the bond, and I always have."

There, I said it. The admission hangs heavy in the air. I feel vulnerable and exposed.

He sighs deeply, his eyes narrowing, "I know, what I wanna know is why you lied."

My gaze drops to the table, fingers tracing the delicate patterns etched into the wood. "I just..don't feel ready. I feel conflicted and hazy. I don't understand what this bond means or the intensity of it. I've been pushing it away, pretending it wasn't there, because I didn't want to face the truth. And I didn't wanna burden you with my uncertainties," I admit, "I thought I was protecting you. "

His expression softens, his thumb gently caressing the back of my hand, "Angel, we share a bond that goes beyond our understanding. It's not a burden, it's a part of who we are. You don't have to face this alone."

I feel tears prickling at the corner of my eyes, but I blink them back, not wanting to appear weak. I've been carrying this weight on my shoulders, believing that I'm protecting him, but in reality, I've been pushing him away.

Se's gaze is unwavering, filled with understanding and compassion as he wipes away a tear that escapes my eyes, "I know it's a lot to take in. But we can work through this together, step by step. And whatever comes our way, we'll figure it out together. We're mated, and that means facing whatever comes our way side by side."

"I wanna believe that, but.." my voice trembles slightly, "I'm scared," I confess.

There's a pause, and then his voice again, "Of what?"

"Of us," I admit, my voice barely above a whisper. "Of making the wrong choice. What if I take a wrong step? What if I'm not meant to be your mate?"

Se's hand cups my cheek, his touch warm and reassuring. "Angel, fate brought us together for a reason," he says firmly, "And what we share is real. I've always believed that."

His words resonate deep within me, soothing my fears and calming my doubts. I take a deep breath, regaining some strength and reassurance.

"I won't push you," he continues, "But I won't let you push me away either. We'll take this journey together, no matter where it leads us. I love you, and I'll always be here for you."

I nod, feeling a mixture of emotions: fear, hope, vulnerability, and most importantly a burgeoning sense of trust. It's terrifying to confront the truth, but Se gives me the courage to try. With that thought, a sense of peace settles over me. Maybe, just maybe, everything will be alright.

Suddenly, an unmistakable presence makes itself known beside our table.

Rosy rushes over with cups of tea in hand, her excitement palpable. With a dramatic flourish, she drags a chair from a nearby table, sliding it directly between Se and me.

Se rolls his eyes, a barely concealed exasperation in his voice, "What the hell is she doing here?" he mutters under his breath.

Rosy, however, takes her seat, as an ear-to-ear smile adorns her face, painting her enthusiasm vividly, "Well, well, well.." her gaze darts between us, "Am I interrupting something?" she asks playfully, the teasing lilt in her tone suggesting she's well aware of the stir she's causing.

I chuckle, shaking my head, "Not at all. Your company's always cherished."

Se lets out an audible groan, "Couldn't you find another spot to be embarrassingly conspicuous?" he retorts, his annoyance evident.

Rosy, undeterred by her brother's reaction, continues speaking in a tone laced with melodrama, "Gege doesn't mind, right?" she asks, her grin infectious, "After all, it'd be quite rude for the King-Regent to dismiss his own sister from his table. And who knows, I'm guessing manners run in the family. Dad has impeccable ones, after all."

"Well," Se shrugs, his patience visibly waning, "As Dad always says, two makes company, three makes a crowd."

Rosy's expression briefly turns somber as her frown feigns sadness, "It pains me to say it, but who am I to disregard the wisdom of our father?" she lets out a faux sigh with a comically serious expression, "Because personally, I wish you'd stay. But if you're convinced you've turned into a crowd, then by all means, I won't stand in your way."

Se frowns in disturbance and hits her on the head, "I was talking about you, you brat!"

Rosy, ever so unfazed, grins and turns her attention to me. Extending one of the cups of tea she brought towards me, she keeps the other to herself, "Here's your tea," she offers with a warm smile.

"Tea?" I raise an eyebrow in mild surprise, "But tea's not being served."

She grins, leaning close to whisper, "In the back, Luhan and the others are making preparation for the tea ceremony. You know, for the engagement?"

Ah, the tea ceremony - the pivotal part of the engagement, where the couple-to-be serves tea to their elders to show respect and seeks blessings for their union.

"I snuck some tea for myself and thought, why not share the joy? Especially since I know how much you love hongcha," her voice drops to a conspiratorial whisper, "But don't tell anyone!"

Se chimes in, his tone slightly mocking. "What about me? Did it not occur to you to bring some tea for your brother too?"

Rosy rolls her eyes dramatically, "No tea for people who don't appreciate my expensive presence."

The three of us continue sharing a moment of camaraderie when suddenly, our attention is drawn to the center of the room where Uncle Mark stands, emanating an aura of authority, demanding everyone's attention with a deliberate clink of his glass.

"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, and members of the noble court," he begins, his voice steady and authoritative, "we've gathered here tonight in the grandeur of this banquet to celebrate the triumphant conclusion of the Royal Hunt."

His commanding presence casts a hush over the banquet hall. The murmurs and laughter that filled the air dwindles into a respectful silence as all eyes turn toward him.

"The hunt stands as a milestone, a testament to our shared dedication and prowess," his heavy voice resonates, cutting through the atmosphere, "And a reminder - as the cycle of the social seasons is drawing to its close, we stand on the precipice of change. Change that signifies not only the conclusion of one era, but the dawn of another."

His eyes sweep across the gathering as he holds up his glass, the crystal capturing the shimmering light of the chandeliers.

"As you all know, our house, woven into the fabric of King Ming's reign for over a decade, has been a steadfast pillar of loyalty and collaboration," his words carry weight and significance, "I hope that when the people of Mingluan reflect on this era, they do so with a sense of pride, in how we stood together in the wake of a tragedy."

The room listens in rapt attention as he weaves a narrative of achievement, unity, the strength that comes from forging alliances, and the importance of embracing change while honoring tradition. Even Rosy seems focused, her usual playful demeanor replaced by seriousness.

"In the midst of this momentous juncture, it's with pride and profound gratitude that I extend my deepest appreciation to the King-Regent, my son, Oh Sehun," his voice rang out, strong and clear, as he gazed directly across the room towards Se with a proud smile, "In a time of crisis, he assumed the mantle of King-Regent with unyielding devotion, guiding Mingluan with wisdom and a resolute heart. His leadership has proven to carry the virtues that our house has stood for through generations."

I glance at Se, whose eyes are fixed on his father with genuine happiness. He smiles, putting a hand over his heart as a sign of respect.

"And now," Uncle Mark's voice gains an added resonance as he shifts the focus of his speech, "let me address the rumors of alliance that have circulated in the shadows."

My heart quickens as the moment draws near. This is where he makes the formal declaration of the engagement. I know what's coming, but the reality of it still sends a jolt of nervous anticipation through my veins. Se's hand finds mine under the table, his fingers threading through mine in a silent gesture of support.

"It's in this spirit of unity and commitment to secure a legacy of stability and prosperity," Uncle Mark's eyes meet mine for a fleeting moment, an almost imperceptible nod of assurance, "that we've proposed a union - an alliance that transcends the boundaries of our noble houses. A marriage proposal between Oh Sehun, the King-Regent of Mingluan and Wu Meihua, the honorable Princess of Wuluan has been extended."

To Be Continued »☆●