
The Eternal Love [贰叁]

The moment her eyes locked with mine, something inside me awaken. The moment she fell in my arms, I felt it, I felt a shift somewhere deep inside me. The moment our lips apocalypsed, I could feel my control slipping away. One day, the long-withered flowers will blossom again. The rain will pour again, but that time, it'll wash away the pain..and with that, our love will split in two worlds. Maybe our wishes and reality will never incline. Maybe in next life, she'll find the peace of mind. But my soul will recognize hers in any world, any time. And in the end of it all, I'll hold her again in my arms.....

Wu_Zixing · History
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40 Chs

※ Chapter 35 ※

Meihua's POV »☆●

The sun sets, making a way for a cool, cloudless night. I arrive at the Lunar Banquet by carriage alongside Rosy and immediately, I'm captivated by the splendor of the scenario. The moon casts a golden glow upon the regal venue of the Banquet, a gorgeous feast laid out beneath an endless canopy of twinkling stars gracing the night sky.

"It's so beautiful that it almost doesn't seem real. Surely a dining hall would've been good enough for a feast?" I ask in wonder, admiring the meticulous arrangements.

Rosy grins, "When it comes to our noble houses, good enough..is never enough," she quips, "Now, follow me."

As Rosy and I continue to navigate through the banquet, she leans closer and whispers, "You know, there's a special seat reserved for you and Gege at the center of the room where all eyes will be on you two."

A surge of nerves rush through me, "Right at the center?"

Rosy smiles, "You're the bride-to-be. During the announcement, it's only fitting that you have a seat of honor."

I nod, but the feeling of unease lingers. Rosy guides me to my designated table, an elegant wooden table for two. After getting me seated, she gives me an encouraging pat on the back, "Gege will join you soon. Until then, just sit and look pretty. And stop your overthinking! Everything will fall into place."

I nod, but deep down, I can't shake the feeling that this engagement is happening too suddenly, without my consent and without my understanding of consent, as if fate has decided my path for me and I'm merely a spectator in my own life.

I glance around the lavishly decorated hall, adorned with exquisite tapestries and intricate lanterns, casting a warm and welcoming ambiance. The lively chatter of the esteemed guests fill the air, servants dressed in elegant attire glide gracefully among the guests, offering delicacies and refreshing beverages.

But amidst the celebration, I feel a void within me, tugging at my heart and leaving me feeling inexplicably empty. My emotions feel tangled, as if something's off-kilter. But why? I can't quite put my finger on that.

I take a deep breath, trying to push away the heartache that threatens to consume me. Now's not the time for such thoughts. Winter's right, I must be strong and composed, I can't let my emotions cloud my judgment. I'm a grown up now, gotta be responsible.

Yet, despite my efforts to steady myself, an unexplainable heaviness weighs upon my chest, a restlessness stirring within my soul, as if I'm making a wrong move. But how can it be wrong? It can't, right?

I bring a hand to my chest, trying to soothe the turmoil inside.


It's okay..

It's the right thing to do. Father would've wanted me to do the same. It's just an engagement, merely a political asset. What's set on the stars will always find it's way. If Se's mate is someone else, she'll come around sooner or later, and I can always back off if that time ever comes.


Suddenly, memories of my father flash before my eyes, bringing with them a heavy pain. He would've been so happy to see me here, at the center of such an extravagant event, all dolled up, finally getting engaged.

I miss him terribly, his gentle guidance and the warmth of his love that used to embrace me. The weight of his absence feels suffocating.

Sitting here, surrounded by opulence and grandeur, I realize how alone I am, it's frightening. The weight of responsibility rests on my shoulders, and there's nobody from home to share it with, not father, not my friends, nobody.

My fingers clench into fists without me noticing, as a fiery rage simmers beneath the surface, anger rising like a tempestuous storm. Anger at the injustice of losing father, anger at the political games that dictate my life. How could they have taken him from me so brutally, shattering my world? The memory of that fateful day remains vivid, each detail etched in my mind like scars that refuse to fade.

With the anger comes a strange sensation, a warmth spreading through my hand. I look down at my hand that seems to be growing warmer, beginning to glow a faint red, almost as if it's burning from the inside out.

What's this? I feel...


Confusion and curiosity intertwine my mind as I feel a flicker of warmth dance along my fingertips. Then slowly, the heat consolidates to a point in the center of my palm, and dissipates.

Then there's nothing visible, just a reddish hue and the sensation of something powerful surging through my veins.


I quickly place my hand on my lap, trying to quell the strange feeling. I shake off the occurrence, dismissing the momentary unease. It must've been my imagination.

"Princess Wu!"

Lady Hera calls out warmly as she walks towards me, her presence calming like a gentle breeze as she stops before me and bows.

I stand up and return her bow with a respectful smile, then gesture towards the empty seat next to me, "Please, have a seat."

As she settles down, she glances around and remarks, "Isn't this seat reserved for the King Regent?"

I nod, smiling wistfully, "It is, but he hasn't arrived yet."

"I see. So.." she gazes at me affectionately, "How have you been? Enjoying the banquet so far?"

I smile softly, "I am, it's splendid."

She sighs softly, "A pleasant change of air, amidst all the tragedy our lands have faced lately."

If only you knew what changes are about to come.

I nod, "Indeed. So, is there any particular reason you were looking for me?"

"Ah yes," she reaches into her robes and finds a letter sealed with an elegant insignia, "Prince Xiumin sent this letter. It arrived not too long ago."

Intrigued, I carefully break the seal and unfold the letter, Lady Hera leans in slightly to read it with me.

"What does it say? Any word on the fight against King Wang?" she asks, her eyes filled with anticipation.

"It's Prince Xiumin, I'd lower your expectations to more...material things," I chuckle as I begin to read the letter,

Dearest friend Wu Yao Gongzhu,

I apologize profusely for my dilly-dallying. Being pursued by bandits and hooligans is not conducive to communication, but such are the times. I hope with all sincerity that you continue to be safe. But onto more important matters....

"Here we go, finally, some news," Lady Hera sighs in relief.

Are you still wearing your hair in the same style? I had a dream that you'd turn it into something truly wondrous!

"He provided a sketch," I laugh heartily, showing her the intricately drawn design.

She shrugs, looking thoroughly disappointed, "Well, it does look pretty that way."

We must reconvene soon so that we can overthrow King Wang, and before you forget entirely about your most devoted friend, me.

"At least he's loyal," Lady Hera remarks, sighing deeply. I nod, it's indeed hard to find loyalty.

"Anyway, I should be going now. There are some matters I must attend to," she stands up and bows politely. I return the bow, before she gracefully departs.

●☆" Yifan's POV "☆●

The scent of blood fills my senses as I indulge in my regulative sustenance. It's a solitary moment, one of rare stillness amid the chaos constantly surrounding me. As I feed on blood with my usual customary intensity, I hear a knock on the door.

With a final gulp, I lower the chalice, the deep red leaving a faint trail as it drips from the corner of my lips. I retrieve a pristine white handkerchief from my pocket and press it against my lips.

"Come in," I command brusquely, as I fold the handkerchief and tuck it back into my pocket. A subordinate enters with haste, breaking the silence.

"Lord Zhan has returned with news," he informs, bowing respectfully as I turn my gaze towards him.

"Good," I mutter, pushing myself up, heading towards the secret chamber.

The dimly lit chamber, adorned with torches, casts eerie shadows on the stone walls. In the center, the large wooden table serves as a focal point where the three of them are waiting for me. Zhan is leaning on a chair, leisurely munching on an apple like it's some fucking feast. Yibo, stoic as ever, is sitting calmly beside him like a statue, his eyes glued to the table. And Tao is standing beside my seat on the table expectantly.

Settling into my seat, I glance at Zhan. I lean forward, my eyes never leaving his face.

"Update," I demand sharply, my words short and to the point.

Zhan shrugs nonchalantly, swallowing his apple before responding, "There's a grand banquet going on. Wu Yao Gongzhu is there, and there's some talk of a ceremony. Such a shame we aren't invited," he giggles playfully, "Free food going to waste. I wouldn't mind sneaking in to stuff my face and-"

The mention of the princess instantly catches my full attention. I couldn't hear a single fucking word he muttered anymore. Not that I give a fuck about it or anything, but the thought of her being in that place with those fuckers makes me feel..uneasy. I feel a hint of something odd stirring within me.

Curiosity gets the best of me. Unable to suppress, I close my eyes and take a deep breath, taking it upon myself to delve into Zhan's mind. I'm too fucking impatient to waste my energy on useless inquiry. I'd rather see what he discovered on my own.

As I enter the labyrinth of his mind, I find myself submerged in a vivid flashback, a scene unfolding before my eyes, Zhan gossiping with those soldiers, talking about the banquet and her.


Zhan deftly wove inquiries into the banter with his fellow soldiers without raising suspicion. The soldiers, not realizing his true intent, shared their excitement about the banquet and rumored ceremony.

"I wonder what kind of ceremony it'll be," one soldier mused, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

"I don't give a damn about the ceremony. I just want a chance with that Wu Yao Gongzhu," another chimed in, a wicked grin spreading across his face.

"Yeah, she's a real stunner. I'd kill to get her in my bed," a third soldier added, waggling his eyebrows suggestively, eliciting crude laughter from the others.

The others joined in with such remarks and laughter, their conversation devolving into something distasteful, each trying to outdo the other in their inappropriate comments about her.

Zhan, while trying not to show his disdain, continued to probe for more information discreetly.

"Come on, spill the beans, any of you had the pleasure of seeing her before?" Zhan asked with a sly smile, feigning casual curiosity.

The soldiers exchanged knowing glances, then one of them grinned mischievously, "Oh, you bet we have! During the hunt, we caught a glimpse of her from distance. She's something else, that's for sure."

"Must be even more tantalizing up close," another soldier commented dreamily.

"Her beauty could make any man weak in the knees," another added with a lecherous grin, eliciting approving nods from the rest.

Their suggestive comments and giggling grate on my nerves, making my blood boil. I feel my fists clenching, an unwelcome twinge of irritation, and something else that I don't acknowledge.

As I delve deeper, the pain becomes evident in Zhan's expression. I've gone too far, too deep into his mind, and it damn near hurted him.


Tao acts quickly, pulling me out of the flashback before I cause any more damage. Zhan tumbles backward, almost losing conscious. Before he can hit the ground, Yibo quickly catches him, ensuring he's alright.

As Zhan regains his bearings, Tao steps forward, his gaze fixed on me with a mix of concern and caution. He knows the risks of delving too deep into someone's mind, and he's always there to ensure I don't overstep my bounds.

I nod to Tao, acknowledging the unspoken warning. He takes a step back, trusting that I'd handle myself with restraint.

I try to shake off the lingering feelings from that fucking flashback. What was it that got to me? Fuck it.

She ignited something intense within me, and I'm determined to get to the bottom of it, to unravel the truth behind this fucking sorcery.


I think to myself, trying to bring my mind back to the present, reasserting my usual stern and unreadable facade.

"Enough of this crap," I say, my voice tinged with irritation at my own lack of control, "I have work to do."

Despite the turmoil I feel inside, I try to push it all down. But the nagging feeling in my gut refuses to fade. There's something about her, something intriguing and alluring, that called to me. But I'll be damned if I let anyone, especially myself, see how much she really affected me.

"Prepare writing arrangements. I need to send a letter," I command through gritted teeth, my voice low and deliberate.

"To whom?" Tao asks, his curiosity piqued.


To Be Continued »☆●