
The Escape of Stigma

What happens when culture interferes with love? Love conquers all but will it stand against a norm that is already existing? Deborah is a woman who was forced by society to abandon her love, education, and future. She got pregnant by Dave but he didn't know he was the one responsible and failed to stand up for her when she was denounced. Join this interesting story as we explore the life of Deborah.

BlackMoon0724 · สมัยใหม่
17 Chs

Chapter 13

Life is a place filled with stories.

Naomi sat down on the hospital bed. She was discharged today and Eric plans to take her back to the capital city. Naomi decided to follow him to the capital city. Well, she has no second choice. She felt comfortable around him and believes that he was the help God sent.

" Are you ready to go?" Eric asked.

"Yes," Naomi said tugging her little bag. She had asked Mama Suleja to gather some of her things.

Eric looked at her bag and feel irritated by its shabbiness.

" Come on Noami. You don't need that bag. I will get you something better when we get to the city." Eric said throwing the bag in a waste bin. Within the few days they have spent together, Naomi came to realize that Eric was a spoilt brat when it comes to spending. Contest to wealthy parents. He spends money like they are some piece of paper. He rented an apartment for Mama Suleja and her kids. Naomi was so happy he did because she didn't have the heart to leave them under that bridge.

"Anything the master says," Naomi said teasing him.

" Seriously? I am not some old man, Naomi" Eric said faking seriousness.

" I don't remember calling you an old man," Naomi said. Eric can't say two sentences without mentioning her name. It is as if he can't get his point straight without adding Naomi to it.

" Fine! On this note, I beg to walk my lady to her ride." Eric gestured majestically.

Naomi stood up with new energy. Her stay in the hospital helped improve her health. She felt lighter and stronger. Even her belle was beginning to get bigger. You could see her navel shooting out from her lost flower gown.

Their ride was the latest Benz c300. Naomi being a lover of good cars could not hide her excitement. The car smelt of money and Naomi was shut of words. God did send a rich asshole to her. She was so happy.

Both Naomi and Eric sat at the back. The car drove out of the hospital premises.

" Ok I have this question on my mind," Naomi said looking at Eric with narrowed eyes.

"For these few weeks, I came to you better, you are always filled win questions. Well spill it out pumpkin" Eric said pinching her nose.

Naomi looked at him instensfullly, as if trying to get the question out of him.

" Are you sure you are just a doctor? I mean Bonerum is not a country that pays doctors that huge for you to be able to avoid a Benz." Naomi said still looking at him.

A sad expression flashed through his eyes but he quickly got rid of it.

" Well my father is a politician and he sometimes gives me his peanuts," Eric said freely.

" Hmm, so he calls this Benz peanut," Naomi said. She would soon agree with him that the Benz was peanuts compared to what his brothers get.

" Well, I guess your parents must be so rich. You are so lucky you know" Naomi said.

" Quit asking so many questions and sleep. The capital is 3 hour drive. Enough time to rest and add weight. So your stomach will become bigger and your feet will be swollen" Eric teased. Naomi pouted

This guy was so free and happy as if nothing bothers him in his life.

Sometime later Naomi will have to take back her words. Happiness is not what everyone thinks it is but what one wants it to be.

Naomi soon falls asleep with her head in his lap. Eric patted her head gently while driving her beauty. Her lips were the strongest attraction. Pregnancy looks good on her. Her skin has lightened up during her stay at the hospital. She looks like a half-cast mulatuo. Eric was cut short by his phone ringing. Seeing the name of the caller. Hus's expression changed. But he picks up never less.

" Hello Father"

" Where are you? Aren't you supposed to be back from fieldwork three days ago?"

" Something came up and I had to stay longer"

" Something came up? " the voice on the other end was now shouting.

"Something more important than your engagement to Miranda? Why are you this stubborn? Always giving me heartache. Did I do wrong in bringing you unto this life? Why can't you be like your brother? You are always a rebel. Going against my word is your merit" the voice starts to cough. Then another voice takes the phone.

" Eric, you know Father's health is bad. Isn't it heartless of you to make him suffer more? I know you want him dead but just know that his being alive is the reason you still enjoy all this opulence of yours. Think twice before you anger him next time. Your engagement is in two days and you must attend." Eric ends the call and threw the phone outside the car. He clenched his fist and repeatedly hits it on the door.

" Dorin stop the car I need some air," Eric said with rage.

The car stopped. He was about to step outside when he remembered, Naomi was still lying on his legs. The effects of her routine drugs help her sleep deeply that she can't wake up to environmental noises.

Looking at her beautiful face made him breathe in relief. He couldn't bear to wake her up. He pats her hair and finally got hold of himself.

"Drive" he ordered.

" Sorry, I brought you into my life so filled with mess. You brought light into my darkness and I want to be selfish enough to keep you around me. " He touched her stomach and rubbed it. " I don't care about who the father of your baby is. I found you so you are mine from now henceforth. My enemies are now your enemies so yours are mine too."

Soon the car drives into a beautiful mansion. A glass house. The environment is filled with all kinds of flowers. The air was fresh and soothing.

" You are back," a woman said running to hug Eric when he urge her to stop. That was when she noticed the beautiful girl sleeping on his lap. She looks at Eric with eyes filled with questions.

" Stop trying to force out answers from my aunty," Eric said as he carefully carried Naomi into the house. That was when Jane ( a middle age woman who has been taking care of Eric since he was little. She has been his closet person especially after his mother passed away. More like his nanny.) noticed that the girl was heavily pregnant.

" Did Eric secretly get a girl pregnant and decided to bring her home so he won't be forced to marry Miranda?" Jane asked herself.

Well ever the case was, she was likely to find out.