
The Escape of Stigma

What happens when culture interferes with love? Love conquers all but will it stand against a norm that is already existing? Deborah is a woman who was forced by society to abandon her love, education, and future. She got pregnant by Dave but he didn't know he was the one responsible and failed to stand up for her when she was denounced. Join this interesting story as we explore the life of Deborah.

BlackMoon0724 · Urban
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17 Chs

Chapter 14

Not everyone must like you but you still need that one person to like you.

Eric carried Naomi inside. Eric came face to face with Miranda. She was all dolled up in her tight body fitted gown with deep cleavage opening. Her gigantic breast was on display. Eric was not teased in any way. He was rather disgusted. The fact that she came all the way dressed like that meant she was a slut in expensive dress. Eric only glance at her and continued his way upstairs.

As if Miranda was brought back to reality, she followed him ranting.

"Here was I thinking there was something wrong with you as a man but you showed up with a pregnant woman." Miranda said shouting as her breasts moved up with her panting.

Naomi woke up with the noise. She wanted to go down from Eric's grip but he heard her right and wouldn't let go. He whispered something inside her ear and her eyes light up in exictment.

" So the slut is awake. See how shameful of you to open your legs and get pregnant for a man yet to be your husband. Girls this days are so shameless" Miranda ranted

Naomi narrowed her eyes, giving Miranda proper look. She turned back to Eric.

"Honey is it my eyes or this woman breast is too big for her size. It makes me think of my village teacher. Her breast scares children away." Naomi said pouting her lips.

Eric couldn't stop laughing. He had only ask her to play along. He never knew she was a time bomb.

Miranda fumes in anger

" Eric you watch this wretched thing call me names?"

"Wow, who is the wretched one here huh? You can't even afford a cloth to cover yourself properly. Between us who is wretched?" Naomi asked easing her eyebrow.

Eric must have been doing a great job torlating this woman for God knows how long.

Miranda's face was heat up in wrath.

She stretched her hand to slap Naomi but she got slapped instead. She was in daze but Eric had really slapped her. No man has despised her the way he did. Every other person thought her breasts were beautiful. Only Eric was not moved by it. He even curse her about it.

"Well, Miss Miranda, I will advise you donate your breasts to the orphanage. I think the babies there will more than happy to have your gift." Naomi said.

" Eric, you slept me because of a small matter with this slut.

" Please Miranda, I don't have your time and I won't want to spend a minute of my time with you. If you know what is good for you then you better break off this engagement." Eric said nonchalantly.

Miranda stump her feet on the ground and goes out of the house.

" Eric you imbecile, if not for the deal I have with Desmond, I won't even tolerate your rotten behaviour." Miranda thought clebching her fingers. She drove off in her BMW sport car. Fair enough, she was the daughter of the Ex commander in charge of the Army. Her family was rich too. But Miranda was just a tool for business connection.

"Aunty Jane, why didn't you tell me that woman was in my house? " Eric asked putting Naomi down.

" Well, you were too busy for any interruption" Jane said looking from Eric to Naomi.

Jane was Erics nanny since he was a kid. When he was brought to the mansion by his father after his mom passed away, Jane was the only staff who never mistreated him. She had willingly pledge to take care of him. When Eric did something wrong as a kid, she took strokes for him. She was the mother he ever knew. Just that, Eric could never have anyone replaced his mother, that's why he never called her "Mom".

" Aunty Jane, this is Naomi and Naomi this is My aunty Jane, she is like a mother to me."

The middle age woman walked up to Naomi and held her in a hug. Naomi felt at home with her. Her charisma was free like that of mama Suleja.

Jane on the other hand felt Naomis spirit was pure, she was not like those city girls with fake vibes.

" So, I am handling Naomi into your care. Forget about how well she looks, her pregnancy is a time bomb. So please don't let her stress herself." Eric said

" Are you the father?" Jane asked with excitement.

"No" Naomi answered before Eric could say a thing.

"oh" Jane mouthed in disappointment but she soon flashed a smile and gave Eric that " you have a lot to tell me" look.

" Please also tell Maria to prepare a room for her and measure her, so she could shop cloths for her. Remember to tell her to get bright colored dresses. It will help lighten her mood swings" Eric instructed.

" Why can't I go for me own shopping" Naomi asked with fear that she might be under house arrest.

" Yes Eric, it will be more suitable she goes her self. So she can even pick some babies things for the baby" Jane chipped in.

" No way! I just said she is having a complicated pregnancy. She won't be walking beyond this property" Eric maintained. He wasn't keeping her from stress alone but from his prey of brothers. She will only be safe under his roof and around him. He would not want her to be caught in his predicament.

Jane wanted to insist but Naomis warm hands heard her back. She looked into her eyes and a flash recognition crossed her mind

" Dammn! This girl had my sister's eyes" Jane thought. But she pushed the thought down her heart. " Even if Emily now has a daughter Naomi's age, she won't be her in the capital city. Moreover, this girls skin is too fair to be birthed by Emily. Unless we have a white blood in our lineage. Oh come on Jane what are you thinking. The world probably isn't that small that you meet your sister's pregant daughter" Jane laughed at her self lightly.

Eric looked at the lost in thoughts Jane and chuckled. He looked at Naomi who was looking at Jane with narrowed eyebrow and laughed the more.

" Aunty Jane, don't you think it's too hot to be daydreaming?" Eric teased. Jane woke upfrom her dreams and playfully spanked his shoulders.

" It's not write to be playing jokes on your elders " Jane said giggling.

Naomi smiled, this is what a family should look like. Thank God her baby will be born into this love and live environment.

" One more thing, please tell Ben to add more vegetables to supper tonight. And please I need to head to office, do take care of Naomi. If she feels uncomfortable anywhere, please ring me at once" Eric said.

" Geez Eric, I am not sick. Stop babysitting me already" Naomi pouted.

Eric smiled and headed out before stopping again. " Please Aunty Jane don't gossip about my childhood experience with her" Eric said with a pleading tone.

Naomi laughed, this 30 year's looking man was so dramatic and funny.

Aunty Jane said an okay. She was pleased her self. She could tell from a glance that Eric likes Naomi. She felt said that the girl was already carrying another man child.

" Eric, you must have been a bad person in your last life to experience this type of life. You have to fight and share what you like." Jane said in her mind.

with Eric finally gone, the two head straight to the kitchen, the gossip center for women.