
The End Of Fantasy

What is a soul?" It is a deep question, with some people thinking that souls are made from our creativity and the core of our being.] - Some people think it is the essence of a person. None of those claims are correct; the concept of a soul remains a enigmatic phenomenon in our world, and is likely to remain so for the near future. The full potential and functionality of bringing a soul into existence and eliminating it will always remain unknown. However, what happens when the core is unknown even to itself? This may sound confusing, but consider if two neutron stars were to crash together and combine, what would happen? They would burst, and the ensuing shockwave would journey for millions of light years. Souls had a special experience where they could intersect and merge without any explosive reaction, due to their low mass and light density comparable to that of air. The only change that would take place is its size will slightly increase due to its margin, and who am I and how do I know this, and who am I really? Simply put, I am GOD, the sole creator of this universe who reigns over all beings that have ever existed, even gods who are inferior beings to me and have little power compared to me. I, the one who is the creator himself.  "I hope you have a pleasant stay," "At times, you may question the purpose of life or your own existence, but it is not up to me to determine this. The world is not a mere game controlled by human thoughts."  Remember, it won't be me who gets the final laugh. It would be....

KM_Mad_Man · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs


The doctor said, glancing at the report, "I haven't seen anything like this before."

My parents are standing in front of him, looking worriedly at me from time to time as I sit in the chair next to the doctor.

I reached my zenith when I saw the doctor's report; I was just as perplexed as my parents.

My eyes grew wide as I read the sentence printed on the report.

It makes a unique statement about my MANA core, which is also my soul.

It is larger than usual and surrounded by two distinct kinds of MANA.

My breath caught and my eyes widened as the realization that I was reborn struck me like a death sentence.

The reincarnation caused the souls of Zero and me to merge; as a result, our separate MANA swirled around our cores instead of combining and growing larger.

"How?" I asked in confusion.

I now understand why I felt that pain and why, as I ran towards Maria, my strength suddenly increased.

My two MANA made it possible, but there is something that I overlooked.

My two MANA are incompatible with my body, so I either need to learn how to control them or give up on my goals and remain hidden as a cripple.

But what would happen if I was weak to defend myself? In the event that I have to defend or engage in combat.

Examining the circumstances, I saw that there is only one viable choice.

No, I had to become stronger—so strong in fact that I can't decide between my two MANAS. '

My parents took me home as the conversation came to an end. The never-ending streets rolled past our car, and I lost myself in thought.

I was confused by one sentence in my report: "My core is surrounded by two different types of MANA."

'But how?'

My eyes narrowed as I meandered through my history. How can I have MANA when I, Roy Wilson, lived in a world without MANA?

Did it happen as a result of my merging? Or is there another factor in action?

Although I don't currently know the solution, I do know one thing.

I am a mystery to this world, unconstrained by its laws.

Besides, I'm afraid of only one thing: is this the entity that sent me here? I do realize that I am here because of someone or something after a week of living in this world.

Since taking someone's soul and fusing it with his other self is unheard of and the stuff of fiction, magic does not exist on Earth.

'Why, and who?, can do something like this?, is that the author?, but why, I don't even know him" countless questions filled my mind.


A tiny, menacing smile began to appear on my face.

"Let's see how this plays out. You will pay for your sins, regardless of who you are—even if you are the god or that "MC-Legion," the author. Don't worry, though; I won't kill you—I'll just torment you for a while, as I must make up for my debt for bringing me here."


"Sis is brother alright?" Through the empty living room comes a sweet voice.

"Yes, Aunty assured me he's fine; just eat, since you haven't had any since the morning,"

Ana insisted, "No, I want to eat with my brother."

After listening to her grievances all day, Maria gave a dejected sigh and raised her gaze.

Her thoughts strayed back to their earlier altercation.

She remembers Zero's state when he collapsed, his body twitching, and her stomach turns.

Being a mage, she is able to sense that Zero's MANA is behaving strangely and has nearly gone insane; if Zero's parents hadn't intervened, his body would have burst due to an overabundance of MANA.

Her body tensed up as she recalled the terrifying scene.

Although Maria has heard of people going crazy from MANA overload, this was the first time she actually witnessed it.

Her body shivered uncontrollably in fear. 'What if it was her instead of Zero?. Her thoughts lingered to that question.

She was startled out of her daze, though, when the doorbell rang.

Her gaze widened to the front door, where she observed her uncle and aunt walking in with zero.

Her heart softens a bit, and her thoughts briefly return to their early years spent playing together with Zero and their other siblings.

Even though she mostly makes fun of Zero, she still values him as a member of the family despite their growing distance as siblings. Her intentions were good until they grew older.

Ana jumped off the couch and ran to give her brother a joyful embrace upon his return.

I stroked her hair, grinning, and she let out a contented giggle.


I hurried to my room as soon as I got inside my house, but Ana grabbed my legs and her puppy-like eyes glistened.

My cheeks crawl from within, and my heart skips a beat with the urge to pitch these tiny things.

I ruffled her hair while bending down, my body still a little sore, but I forced the urge to go away.

I went to my room as my talk with my family was coming to an end, my smile going away and becoming neutral.

A faint blue tint enveloped my eyes as I pounded information into my brain.

With my gift, "Eye of Dominance," you can activate the overclock mode on your brain and improve both your eyes and your cognitive abilities.

I immediately closed my skin and eyes to a wide range of options.

My thoughts stopped on a particular page after reading The End of Fantasy's fifty auxiliary chapters.

I was happy and grinned. I now have hope that this MANA problem will be resolved permanently.


Hey, I'm back. I apologize for being a bit late, but I had to work or I would go hungry to death.

And tell me how this story is developing.

I'm hoping it surpasses the last one.

And tell me about grammar; for grammar and paraphrasing, I have used "Language tool."

Until tomorrow, see you! Goodbye, peace.