
The End Of Fantasy

What is a soul?" It is a deep question, with some people thinking that souls are made from our creativity and the core of our being.] - Some people think it is the essence of a person. None of those claims are correct; the concept of a soul remains a enigmatic phenomenon in our world, and is likely to remain so for the near future. The full potential and functionality of bringing a soul into existence and eliminating it will always remain unknown. However, what happens when the core is unknown even to itself? This may sound confusing, but consider if two neutron stars were to crash together and combine, what would happen? They would burst, and the ensuing shockwave would journey for millions of light years. Souls had a special experience where they could intersect and merge without any explosive reaction, due to their low mass and light density comparable to that of air. The only change that would take place is its size will slightly increase due to its margin, and who am I and how do I know this, and who am I really? Simply put, I am GOD, the sole creator of this universe who reigns over all beings that have ever existed, even gods who are inferior beings to me and have little power compared to me. I, the one who is the creator himself.  "I hope you have a pleasant stay," "At times, you may question the purpose of life or your own existence, but it is not up to me to determine this. The world is not a mere game controlled by human thoughts."  Remember, it won't be me who gets the final laugh. It would be....

KM_Mad_Man · Fantasy
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4 Chs

3. MANA issue

In the evening I found myself standing inside an empty stadium, adorning by mana lights.

I looked around and found my family sitting in the viewers sitting, they wore a soft smile, and my little sister, she sat on my mother's lap, adorning a Massive smile while giving me a thumbs up.

Beside my mother sat a man with soft brown hair, and blue eyes, just like mine, his jawline is pointy and has very attractive features.

He is my father Rodrick Elway, a man who has reached level 7 at the age of 37, a feat incomparable to many.

I then looked at my front. Standing in her fighting attire is Maria, who wore a smug look.


I sighed and looked back at the conversation we had at the lunch table.

it was a total chaos, my parents and my aunt were in a call when suddenly they advanced to a bet.

I can't help but to get furious, I wanted to rest at least for a week before I go find those items, but now I am in a situation where I can't leave.

And I don't know if I can fight like Zero does in his previous confrontations.

I sighed.

Thankfully I do have a cheat at my disposal, a smirk displayed onto my face.

Unsheathing my Katana from my waist, I gripped it firmly.

Maria, who is a mage stood in position as she channeled her mana, and wind started to swirl around her making a natural barrier then gathered into one single orb which floats on her palm.

I arched an eyebrow, 'looks like she has grown a little stronger'. I mutter under my breath.

Now let's do this...

The beeping sound started to resound, growing our anticipation, it came to an halt with a loud ding sound.

I gripped my sword tightly, and muttered under my breath.

[Eye Of Dominance]

A gift that has been granted to only me.

A gift is something that appears randomly, and is very powerful, the person who has a unique gift can even alter the reality.

And mine is also a unique one.

As soon as I muttered those words, my eyes started to glow, and my view turned a slight blue, the world around me started to get slower and everything started to get clear.

I could even see the dust on the stadium wall, which is at least 2 hundred meters away.

I could technically increase this skills strength further, but...


A agonizing pain pierced my brain.

Yeah it has a limit to how further I can use this.

And this is even at its first level, and I am having my second thoughts about using it.

Gritting my teeth, I entered my battle phase, and dashed towards my enemy.

Maria who momentarily looked at my eyes, felt a chill running down her body, her spell momentarily cancelled, but she gritted her teeth and threw a wind wall towards me.

My eyes traced the wind ball and quickly found a blind spot and side stepped to avoid it.

And it worked.

I channeled my mana into my legs enhancing it further.

My leg bent then with a large shockwave my body was lunch forward.

I smirked, but the smirk didn't last for long.


A sharp, piercing pain shot through my body, my body felt like bursting, and blood started to pour down from my mouth and nostrils.

My parents quickly came to my aid, with their faces filled with concern, Maria was too stunned to do anything so she stared blankly then coming to her senses she also came for my aid.

My body felt like burning, and I felt.like dying again.

My mana started to act harshly and leaked out from my body without any restraints.

My father, feeling my mana's unusual behaviour, his eyes widened and asked my mother to help me sit up on the ground.

He then placed his hands on my back and released his mana inside of my body.

Feeling the foreign mana dominating my own, my mana started to calm down.

I felt like I had been resurrected from the dead, I turned to look at my father's face between large breathes, and saw her eyes open wide, his face Describing confusion and worry.

I looked at my mother who has a tear in her eyes, probably because of my state.

A heavy sensation landed on my heart, 'it was all so good, but why?, did I make some mistake while using mana?'

I asked myself, but looking through Zero's memories I found that it wasn't the case.

"S... Son..." Said my father, whose face filled with sadness.

I looked at him, in confusion, under the pressure of my heavy consciousness.

My mother defended me and as my consciousness slipped away I saw my parents talking me out of our guilds stadium.


As my eyes gradually opened up, I found myself inside of what seems to be a hospital room.

As my eyes wandered, they spotted a woman wearing a nurse uniform, her attention was elsewhere.

I tried to get up but a sudden pain forced my body to lay down.


Hearing my soft agonizing moan, the nurse turned around and her eyes wide.

" Oh you have woken up?" Wait here let me call a doctor, and please don't more, you are still in the recovery season.

I nodded at her words and waited.

But before the doctor could come, my parents rushed in without any restraints, if it was some other people they would be dragged out but not them because of their status.

To be continued.