
The Embroidered Shoe

A princess from the steppe on the run finds herself fighting for survival, revenge and power in the imperial palace. Princess Atu, the daughter of the Khan of the Tumed Borijigit Clan, never imagined that she would one day be forced out of her clan with a target on her back. Seeking to survive and exact vengeance, she defects to the imperial palace. Will new revelations, long-lost relations and the pheonix throne throw her off track?

DaoistrrNoVc · ย้อนยุค
1 Chs

Chapter 1- Serving a master

The week after the lunar new year, the Imperial Household Department would officially send in new workers to the different palaces in the Forbidden City. These young maids ranging from 14-15, across the Manchu, Han and Mongol banners within the empire, would serve until the age of 26, after which they were free to continue working or marry. Taking the ultimate vow of chastity, only the highest of manner and temperament was expected of these young women.

However, it is not incredibly difficult to see what the emotions running in these young women's heart were. Some of the young women came from illustrious clans; the thought of serving another made them squeamish. Others came from the lower banners and working in the palace was the only way they could bring honor to their clan and family. However, the overwhelming desire of all these women was to serve the emperor and join the imperial harem.

Had it been the reign of the early emperors of the dynasty, this would have proven to be an easy task. The palace had been filled with descendants, and scores of young palace maids had been promoted to the rank of imperial concubines. The current emperor, merely 19, was a tough nut to crack. His harem consisted of his former princess consort and legal wife, of the illustrious Hitara clan, and four concubines, two from Manchu clans and two from Han clans. Apart from his visits to Kunning palace every 15 days, the emperor stayed away from the harem. Even the Empress, who had borne him two daughters, was not particularly favored, however due to the Emperor's brimming love for his princesses and respect for legitimacy, she remained the most powerful figure in the palace. However, rumors of her inability to have any more children due to complications during childbirth meant visits to her palace had decreased significantly, and the likelihood of a legitimate successor seemed bleak.

The other concubines regardless of their natal families were long ignored and forgotten; a number of servants attempting to seduce the emperor were put to death. Therefore, servants were petrified of raising their gaze in front of the emperor. In stark contrast, the emperor's younger half-brother had 10 sons, and it was beginning to look like the next emperor would mostly come from Prince Qin's household.

Atu had managed to gather all this information despite only coming to the Forbidden city a couple of months ago. Her past plagued her nightmares everyday, and any appetite for food or wealth had long been distinguished. Her only desire was to survive, for only then could she hope to avenge the betrayal she had experienced. Hearing her fellow servants hope blissfully about the life in the palace made her feel bitter and cynical. To serve a master was to dedicate oneself to their cause, and attempt to gain their favor. How was that an easy task?

Her thoughts were interrupted by a sudden announcement: "Listen up, of you girls can anyone read and write Manchu and Mongolian?" Atu's ears perked up and she came forward; "Wen gonggong, this lowly one can." Deputy Head Eunuch Wen carefully examined her; her appearance was not that of the Han young ladies from Beijing. A slight tan adorned her face, and she seemed taller than the average woman. He then questioned: "Are you Mongolian? What Banner do you belong to?"

Atu replied without any change in facial expressions: "This lowly one belongs to the Tumed banner" Deputy Head Eunuch Wen nodded with satisfaction; despite her young age she did not seem particularly moved by opportunity and she was of high enough birth for the role. He signaled for her to follow him and left the place.

On the way to the inner palaces, Deputy Head Eunuch Wen began speaking: "Listen to me carefully, the emperor is looking for a tutor for the First Princess. Her education is of utmost importance and His Majesty wanted a woman of clean background and no ulterior motives to teach Her Highness. A wrong word, and your head will be parceled back to your clan." Atu merely acknowledged his words and continued to walk."

In time, she found herself in front of the Palace of Heavenly Purity, the Emperor's palace. Never had she imagined that she would meet face to face with the Emperor in this lifetime. But then again, she had never imagined she would leave her home and come to such a foreign place. After Deputy Head Eunuch Wen went in and introduced her, she was announced. Upon entering, Atu did a full kowtow, without even raising her head, and greeted the emperor: "This servant, of the Tumed Borijigit clan, greets the Emperor. A thousand years of peace to Your Majesty." After a momentary pause, a calm and emotionless voice rang: "Rise."

Upon getting up she finally saw the Emperor, a young man, dressed in immaculate yellow with a nonchalant expression of his face, calmly assessing her. For a good 10 minutes, only silence filled the room, as if it was a ruse to intimidate her. How could the only legitimate daughter of the head of the Tumed Borijigit clan be so easily scared, Atu thought. Without any trepidation, she silently waited in deference. Finally the Emperor spoke "You are from the Tumed clan? How come the records of your entrance to the palace are so vague?"

Expecting such a line of questioning, she calmly answered "Replying to Your Majesty, this lowly servant is an illegitimate daughter of the late Khan of the Tumed clan. As I was a born to a maid, this one never entered the genealogy records and grew up as a servant of the legitimate princess. After she was killed, I was sold off to the imperial capital." The emperor lightly tapped his fingers on his study table, and responded: "A daughter of the late Khan...isn't your status a little too high to be a servant for the imperial palace?" Atu replied without a hitch: "This lowly servant has no such reservations. Once a person experiences being sold into servitude and the feeling of hunger, such emotions have no place in their heart. Survival is all this servant cares about." Upon hearing her words, for a singular moment, the emperor's moment softened, almost empathizing with her, then quickly went away. After a pause, he replied: "Very well. My daughter is my very heart. Teach her well, and serve her well. I will however keep an eye on you. You must have long heard stories about me; my intolerance has no limits, therefore suppress any ulterior motives." Atu bowed in deference, and was then dismissed.

Upon her leaving the Emperor could not help but glance at her another time, and felt the resurgence of an emotion he had not experienced in a long time.

Hi y'all! For some context the setting of this story is that of the Qing Dynasty and the Mongolian Banners. Very much fictional, but I love this time period.

About our characters...

Atu is a very practical person; her feelings of grief and betrayal, while very real, take a back seat in the face of survival, so her pursuance of revenge is not gonna make an appearance for a while.

The emperor is highly cynical and emotionally detached, for good reason. His relationship with Atu, for this very reason is incredibly tumultuous.

DaoistrrNoVccreators' thoughts