
(1) new beginnings

As Sophia woke up she felt an odd sense of sadness, today was the day aria had been destroyed but until now it had never affected her, so she doubted that was the cause of her worry.

She got dressed before looking in the mirror, her eyes a lovely shade of sapphire and her hair a black marked her a beautiful woman not to mention her figure was superb. She never cared for things traditionally expected of a noblewoman, she enjoyed hunting and excerise to the point some thought she was a boy.

Despite that she always loved to dress up, today she was wearing a light blue dress with simple crescent moon earrings and black slippers.

When she wandered down to eat breakfast she sat down, thanked her maid, and started to eat, skipping over the proper etiquette due to laziness she cleaned up before grabbing her sword and school supplies and heading off.

Like most 16 year old nobles she attended silvereye academy in in the capital of elden(the western elf kingdom)studying magic, swordsmanship, and more.

Today however she heard a scream and went to help only to discover a C-rank cat monster attacking a woman and Sophia jumped in the way to block a swipe and yelled to the woman, "run or else you'll get hurt" the woman listens instantly and left.

Sophia ended up getting slapped away by the dragon into a tree, but when she got up she had a plan.

She assessed that the dragon was a small wyvern (7ft-8ft tall 10-11ft wingspan) with gold stripes going down it's black body and a weak point under its neck if she remembered correctly.

She activated her skill "wind dance" to catch the dragon off guard with slow movements building up wind to launch herself at the beast, and while she missed th neck she scratcythe wing it used to shield itself before barely dodging a lightning blast from it.

As she somersaulted away she noticed the dragon had an ankle chain on it which meant someone owned it. And maybe if she freed it it would leave so she activated her skills "magic hand" and "flaming fist"to first grab the anklet before burning it off. She knew wyverns were prideful yet tankful but didn't expect what happened next.

The wyvern screeched a thanks before coming towards her and holding out it's wing. Sophia healed the spot where she damaged it and in turn the wyver did an odd gesture of kissing her neck and leaving a mark that resembled a wing. Confused and curious Sophia decided she'd ask her teachers about it when she got to school. "WAIT, I'm gonna be late!" She screamed before sprinting full speed to her school.


Away in a magical forest sat a man, normally when people saw his red eyes and brown hair they would run. But now, his hands were sealed and he was nowhere near his past title of strongest man in aria. As he wandered he come across a mountain with a sealed door, frowning he kicked through the stone gates.

Inside there was numerous treasures, potions, and artifacts. Here he stayed waiting and studying so that one day he may pass along what he knows.


"Yo sophi!" She heard her friend Alex yell as she slowed down. "What do you need, im in a rush," she replied noticing his short black hair was spiked to accent his golden eyes, he was wearing a white shirt with a black jacket that had golden accents around the cuffs and collar and a pair of black training pants and dress shoes. "You didn't show up to sword theory today I got worried," he said as he matched her pace.

"I'm fine trust me, just woke up late," she lied

"If you say so…" he said noticing her slight limp. She thought of all the times they'd shared practicing magic and swordsmanship, he was always popular due to his good looks while she remained more quiet.

"Isn't there a field trip today in history?" Alex inquired. "Apparently we're going to some mountain range where a tomb was discovered" she said trying to remember who it was that found it. It's a bit dangerous so we'll have some B-rank adventures to help us in case of any trouble.

As they arrived to their history class they sat down and waited for the teacher to take them down to the mounts which would be earth dragons (who resembled raptors) about 6ft tall.