

The air was cool and fluid, many of the watchmen were dozing off in the warmth of the sun. It was always a normal day in Aria, the eastern most continent on phlegin. Elven and human children playing after school those who were of age working under apprenticeships and combat training. The queen, aeir was working on paperwork after meeting with her advisors, blach hair contrasting with her bright blue eyes, had her closest friend and strongest warrior Chaol (prenounces cole) Goldwyn keeping her company. However they suddenly received a report of the golden walls being breached by a large number of soilders, and an S-class level dragon terrorizing citizens. Chaol agreed to go after the soilders while Aier went after the dragon.


Chaol arrived just on time to save a elven child from being shot with a volley of arrows "watch out there kiddo these are dangerous," he said while the arrows bounced of his back.

He looked around before devising a battle plan in 1/10th of a second. Using his dragon style technique "lightning dance" he swiftly delt with 100 C-class soldiers.

"Awww am i too fast for you, I figured you wou-," Choal began and then got cut off by a swift punch to the left side of his head. He saw the next one aiming for his gut and grabbed the perpetrator, an A-rank specialist in close combat judging by his uniform he was from veld, the northern most continent."ok, now I'm pissed off," he said before screaming and letting lose a wave of energy killing half of the remaining 50,000 soilders.

Now only A- A+ level fighters remained as well as 5000 medics who he made sure not to hurt (his mother was a medic as well). Now with his golden robes soaked with blood to match his red eyes he yelled out "either everyone of you can leave right now or none of you will!" A man who looked to be in his 30's with black wild hair matching chiale height of 6'0 tall with bulging muscles ( still smaller than Choal's) and a deadly aura wearing only combat boots and black pants walked forward and declared, "I am the master of the black serpent clan and I have come to burn you kingdom in honor of our nation."

Enraged and surprised at the audacity the man choal asked in a mocking tone,"you and what army?" "Why, the army behind me obviously" the man replied almost confused. "Well all I see-," he said before using the skill "dragon lord's rend"and turning the remaining soilders to dust and mere whispers "-is an emty street," he finished with a evil grin.

"Oh well, they would just get in the way" the opposing warrior said before drinking countless speed, strength, mana, and regeneration potions and launching himself at choal.

Choal barely had time to react redirecting his punch before using his technique "dragon venom" on the black haired man, "is that all the great guardian of the queen can muster?" The man mocked. Choal then activated all his boosting skills greatly increasing all his stats before backhanding his asialent and using "Draco Lightning" in conjunction with his follow up palm strike to knock him back causing him to spin to land on his feet 20 feet away. "Plenty more where that came from" he remarked before being rushed and knocked up to the placate step and seeing his opponent reappear "I'm a master of many martial arts and have tamed a midnight panther," the man said as he grew more animalistic with extended canines and black lines under his eyes. The man went for a drop kick to the top of choals head, which he barely dodged, before catching him and slamming him down. "You will never, never leave her alive for what you threatened to do," Choal screamed before launching a energy beam from his mouth which would have killed the man had he not used his " shielding evil eye" skill and teleporting out of his grip "you know I have to say I never expected you to be so pacifistic," the man said. "I'd say you're quiet lucky that I'm holding back to avoid destroying the city." Choal shot back with a grin before coating his body in Draco lightning to rush the black haired man breaking his nose with the punch and kneeing the man's head. He followed up with a right hook which the man caught before throwing Choal at the foot of the gate.


Aeir raced back at top speed praying that Choal was safe. When she got to the gates and found him sealed to the wall by a bloodied and beaten human she didn't hesitate in drawing her sword and swinging at his neck.

The man caught her sword before activating some wierd skill and taking it and weakening her stats.

She yelled at him," You will pay for the lives you've taken, I swear it as queen of aria-,"


As the man's steel severed his best friends head choal was blinded by rage and cast a curse so that when the world remembers this day, the man would die.

(30 years later)

A man sits alone in a cell weapons aimed at him and his hands sealed in a tube of iron, the only thing to surpress magic.

He feels the soul of his lost friend tell him it's time, and so… he listens, breaking out of prison, killing the A-rank guards and decides to find an apprentice.

sry the prologue is so long but there was a lot to share to get to the starting point trust me

Chipsandsalsacreators' thoughts