
High King Vincent and High Queen Elisif

The next morning Vincent and Lydia were outside in position to fight and Vincent asks, "You ready?"

"Yes," says Lydia as she storms Vincent and tries to attack with a shield bash. Only to find out that Vincent evades the attack by jumping over her and he pierces with his spear beside Lydia's cheek making a small cut on it.

"You would be dead right there if I pierced you seriously," says Vincent as he still was in a position to attack and says, "Now come again."

He and Lydia were fighting the whole morning until Aela arrived and hugged Vincent and says, "It seems Mina was right and I worried because of nothing."

"I heard that you wanted to take a horse to Solitude to get me out of there," says Vincent returning the hug.

"Right can have my toy disappear after all," says Aela licking her lips.

"Not now, how about tonight?" asks Vincent.

"Alright, but don't let me wait," says Aela as she enters the house to see the girls.

"We will stop here Lydia. You only won one out of 30. Will you listen now if I punish you even if it's not really a punishment," says Vincent seriously.

"Yes," says Lydia feeling happy and sad at the same time.

"Good," says Vincent smiling as he continues, "Now rest and let Mina take care of the scratches to not leave a mark. I will go to the city to inform Elisif that I returned."

Lydia nods and enters the house while Vincent walks towards Whiterun. Once inside Dragonsreach Elisif stands up and says, "Thank goodness you are alright."

"Nothing can kill me that fast," says Vincent with a smile.

"Don't challenge your luck!" says Elisif angry remembering her dead husband.

"Alright," says Vincent when he gets hugged by Elisif and says, "It seems someone was worried about me even if she doesn't show it."

"You are my future husband. Of course, I would be worried about you. What a wife would I be if I wouldn't," says Elisif serious while being in Vincent's arms looking up to his face.

"The girls are at home it would be nice if you could see them even if it's only for a while," says Vincent while petting Elisif's head.

"I will see what I can do," says Elisif happy but not knowing why.

"Good we will await you there," says Vincent he releases the hug and continues, "The girls will be happy when they see you."

The days passed quite fast and it was time for the Moot that was held in Whiterun instead of Solitude like normally. Vincent and Elisif were now officially married the same as Mina. He was beside Elisif the whole time and most Jarls that were on Ulfric's side were a little fearful of Vincent.

"We are here to vote for the new High King," says Balgruuf that summoned the Moot and continues saying, "I vote to appoint Vincent Highwind and Elisif the Fair as new High King and Queen."

Most Jarls decide quite fast while two weren't that confident in their vote. But once they understood that they wouldn't be replaced it felt easier to accept them and voted for them.

"It seems we have a new High King and Queen in Skyrim let the Nine Hold know that their names are High King Vincent Highwind and Elisif the Fair. Do you have some words for your Jarls my Lord and Lady," says Balgruuf with respect.

"Nothing much to say except that I want you to follow the orders given to you without questioning them and serve Skyrim as you did before," says Vincent showing a little of his aura to the Jarl he didn't know to convince them not to betray him while the ones he knows were agreeable towards him being a little cold to show his supremacy.

"I have something to report my King," says Balgruuf.

"What do you have to report?" asks Vincent curious to find out.

"We have a flood of vampires in Skyrim lately. We have to do something against it. We caught one in Solitude thanks to my Court Mage and we questioned it until finding out of a prophecy between the vampires of the Dark Sun. It's worrying me that why I'm reporting this," says Balgruuf.

"Maybe I should visit the Dawnguard they might know more about this," says Vincent remembering how they together finished the vampires near Morthal.

"That would be wise my King. I saw you with the Dawnguard and a Vampire working together finishing this Vampire Crisis," says Idgrod stating that she had a vision of it.

"Then it should be so. Elisif will take care of everything until I have dealt with this Vampire Crisis. I want you all to inspect the people that enter the city to be sure no bad vampire hides between the people," says Vincent confusing the Jarls except for Idgrod.

"What do you mean?" asks Elisif.

"If I worked with a vampire to stop the crisis it means that not all of them are evil or bad. So it would be bad to start a genocide because of a few of them doing bad things. Just chain them up in the prison until the crisis is over and leave people that already lived under people peaceful alone. If they didn't do anything before they won't do it now," says Vincent explaining to them how he wants to deal with this crisis.

"It will help us in the long run since they could be useful to the empire against the Dominion," says Vincent now getting the attention of the Jarls seeing what he meant.

"Yes, my King," say the Jarls agreeing to Vincent's proposal.

"Good, then we should finish the Moot and begin to fortify the security in the cities and villages until the crisis is over," says Vincent as he announces the end of the Moot and everyone leaves the room except for Balgruuf, Vincent and Elisif.

"Everything went smoothly with this you are now officially High King and Queen of Skyrim. Now we only need an heir to succeed the throne once both of you are too old to govern," says Balgruuf seriously.

"We are working on it," says Vincent with a smile while looking at Elisif, who blushes and rams her elbow into Vincent's ribs.

"I can see that. It seems you passed the forced part and act like a couple after three weeks together," says Balgruuf happy that it did end well for them instead of hating each other.

"Well we had some help from the girls and Mina," says Vincent explaining Balgruuf how it happened.

"Too much information," says Elisif angry at Vincent.

"I should also leave and rest before returning to Solitude. I'm happy that my old hold is still standing," says Balgruuf happy.

"Yeah, it will stand for some centuries before we might have to rebuild it to make it bigger to fit more people," says Vincent.

After the feast that was prepared for Jarls did Vincent and Elisif return to their house and once there Vincent says, "I and Mina will have to end this crisis as we did it before with the Dragons."

"This time it won't be that simple as to kill a weakened Dragon," says Mina worried about the adventure this time.

"We need to do something and our best bet is the Dawnguard. We should be able to resolve this crisis with their help," says Vincent with confidence in his voice as he continues, "Also if they were to get here I would never forgive myself if something happens to the girls while we were just sitting around doing nothing. When everything could be over before it even spread to here."

"*sighs* Fine, I will have to ask Aela and Lydia to look over the girls while Elisif isn't around watching the city," says Mina sad to leave the house.

"It's for the best. Once this is over we could have some peace again," says Vincent with a smile that isn't a smile while saying, "I also want to stay but my people have a saying that only dead people can rest while the living have to suffer."

They prepared to leave in three days from that day on passing as much time as possible as a big family. Vincent got his new weapon from Eorlund as well as the armor and reinforced Summoner's set and saved them. He was walking in a Weathered Bale set and had a Weathered Shadowbringer on his back. He learned the Dark Knight class from Bultechu in the last month instead of the White Mage class that Bultechu was a specialist in.

"You know if you painted your armor white you would look like a Templar," says Mina, who sees Vincent in the Bale Set.

"Too bad the class is called Dark Knight and not Templar. In my homeland, people that were Dark Knights were chased after to hang them for devoting themselves to the Darkness. Even if they only use that Darkness to help people," says Vincent as he looks at his girls and says, "I will do the same here protect everything important to me until my last breath is breathed out."

He changes back into his Drachen Set with his Gae Bolg in his right hand and Mina says, "With this armor, you look more like a knight then with the other."

This makes a smile appear in his face as he says goodbye to the girls and kisses Elisif while saying, "If something happens scream Odahviing as loud as you can and the Red Dragon shall appear to help you. We will use the Chocobos to get the Dawnguard HQ."

"Just take care you two," says Elisif to Mina and Vincent as they were already on their Chocobos.

"Don't worry we will be back before you know it," says Vincent trying to calm Elisif down since the girls were already adjusted to them leaving and coming the whole time.

"Just don't forget my gift this time," says Lucia wanting to finally have a pet like her sister.

"Don't worry I will find you one this time," says Vincent with a smile.

"Promise," says Lucia earnestly.

"Promise," says Vincent as Mina and he slowly leave towards Rifton.

Hope you like it.

Deathseekercreators' thoughts