
Returning Home

They both arrive in front of Balgruuf who was already going through his new agenda as Jarl of Solitude when he sees Vincent not believing what he is seeing and says, "And I thought the Wing has eaten you alive."

"Why are you saying that?" asks Vincent confused.

"We had the door surrounded because it's been a week since you disappeared. I send a letter to Whiterun to inform them. Your children are still here as well as the dragon. But the dragon was in a bad mood when he found out you disappeared he brought my letter to Whiterun. Your wife wrote back saying we shouldn't worry until you appear again," says Balgruuf as he turns to Falk and says, "Bring the children they must be worried about their father."

"Yes, my Jarl," says Falk as he leaves to get the two girls.

"What is it that you are holding by the way. It gives me the same vibes as the Artifact back in Whiterun," says Balgruuf nervous.

"Right Sheogorath gave me the staff as a recompensation for passing his tests and wasting my time. He called it the Wabbajack. It's was quite useful to beat the shit out of people," says Vincent when Falk arrives with the children.

Sofie and Lucia jumped onto Vincent and begin to cry out of happiness and Lucia says, "I thought you left us."

Vincent let's go of the Wabbajack and puts his hand on both of their heads and begins to caresses them while saying, "I would never do that. I was just busy clearing something for your uncle Balgruuf."

Vincent then hugs them and puts them on his shoulder and says, "Now how about we go and eat something."

Both became happy and Lucia says, "Cheese."

"How about something else. I don't want to see cheese for a while," says Vincent remembering how that beggar turned into a piece of cheese.

"Then how about some wild. We bought some yesterday," says Dagny, who had respect for Vincent like all the other children of the Jarl.

"That would be nice," says Vincent as he picks up the Wabbajack and puts it away before following the girl and her two brothers to the dinner table with Balgruuf.

They sit down and the cook serves some wild that he brought from the market today. Vincent eats with the other until Balgruuf asks, "So you meet Sheogorath if I understood you right. Was he-"

"Yeah, he was mad. He turned the beggar into cheese the moment he was summoned. Also, he is the Hero of Kvatch it seems. Or at least he said so," says Vincent with a cup of mead in his hand.

"By Ysmir. That would explain why the Hero never returned from the Shivering Isles," says Balgruuf being preoccupied about it and continues, "It would be better not to tell that to someone else. It could destroy the image he had before turning in a Daedric Prince."

"My lips are sealed. I will also keep the Wabbajack under close eyes. Don't want someone else to use it," says Vincent as he finishes his drink.

"Good idea, you don't want to rule over a kingdom full of chicken," says Balgruuf making Vincent laugh. "That's not a laughing matter," says Balgruuf seriously with a smile on his face.

"Come on, you can't tell me it wouldn't be funny to govern over chickens," says Vincent laughing again just thinking about it.

After eating Vincent takes the girls to the Radiant Raiment and enters to find Endarie instead of Taarie. "If you are here to buy something make it fast. I don't have the whole day for you alone," says Endarie that was completing the clothes that Vincent ordered eight days ago.

"The clothes look good. You are very talented in this," says Vincent seeing that the clothes were really well done.

"Mister those clothes were ordered by one of my favorite customers that has some nice fashion sense," says Endarie sewing on the clothes ignoring Vincent and the girls completely.

"Is Taarie around?" asks Vincent wanting to talk to a familiar face now.

"She must be with her husband. Since he lost his arm against the Stormcloak she takes care of him more than before," says Endarie when Taarie enters the shop.

"Sister, I'm back," says Taarie, who sees Vincent and says, "Look who is back. I thought that I should send you the clothes."

"You know this man?" asks Endarie.

"Yes, he is your favorite customer for who you are sewing the clothed right now," says Taarie making Endarie feeling embarrassed.

"I'm sorry had I known," says Endarie wanting to apologize.

"Don't worry, you couldn't know that after all. How about we find some nice clothes for those two," says Vincent with a smile pushing Lucia and Sofie forwards.

"We have some cute clothes here. Wait a minute," says Endarie as she leaves to get the clothes they have for children.

After returning with plenty of clothes the two girls tried them on. They felt like little princesses that they soon will be without knowing.

"Is it true what I have heard?" asks Taarie curious.

"That depends on what you heard," says Vincent.

"That you and Elisif are getting married and you becoming High King," says Taarie.

"The Moot decide who becomes High King and no one else," says Vincent to Taarie.

"So it is true. Now we have even Royalty visiting our shop this will make us even more popular than we are right now," says Taarie as she already had a picture of many clients in front of her.

"Don't dream too much we are still in Skyrim even if the Emperor would buy from your shop the Nords aren't into fancy clothes," says Vincent waking Taarie from her daydream.

"Let me dream at least a bit," says Taarie back when the girls walk up to Vincent.

"How do we look?" ask Sofie and Lucia.

"Like two little princesses that this knight needs to protect with his life," says Vincent with a smile putting one knee on the ground then he asks, "Are my clothes also ready?"

"Yes, let me give them a final look before handing it over. They were pretty difficult to make with the wings on the back and horns on the tiara," says Endarie as she takes a final look then she hands it over and says, "Do you have more of these schematics. I would like to make more of them."

"If I get more I will come here. And like always do as you like with the schematic," says Vincent as he accepts the clothes and puts them away for now. Then he takes the clothes of the girls and puts them away too.

He wanted to pay when Endarie says, "No need to pay with the new design we will make more than enough profit once it hits the market trust me."

"Well, then see you both," says Vincent as he leaves with both and arrives in front of the barracks and shouts "Odahviing" and after some minutes the red Dragon landed.

{You are back. Good to know. I was a little worried about you. When that mortal told me that you disappeared.} says Odahviing that was relieved to see and hear Vincent again.

{I was in Sheogorath's realm I think. But I can't tell that it was it for sure. Now how about we leave for Whiterun.} says Vincent as he helps the girls up.

{Aye my King.} says Odahviing as he waits for Vincent to sit on him before flying off towards Whiterun.

They arrive at the house and Vincent jumps from the back of Odahviing and helps the girls down. Then Odahviing flies again and leaves them there. They see light coming from the house and sees Behemoth and Lily already at the stable. Both Chocobos were happy to see Vincent and the girls that they rubbed their heads against them to welcome them.

"What is going on out there?" asks Mina as she leaves the house to see what made both Chocobos so excited and sees Vincent with the girls and she hugs the girls and then Vincent and says, "Don't give me a scare like that again."

"Don't worry won't do it again. Meeting Sheogorath once was good enough trust me," says Vincent before kissing her.

"Aela wanted to ride to Solitude to find out what happened and Elisif was a little worried even if she wouldn't say it," says Mina as they enter the house and Vincent finds it completed with everything already in it.

"When did you-?" wanted Vincent to ask when Mina interrupts him.

"Some days ago. Just because you aren't around we won't stop working on it. You need to thank the Companions for their help too. Aela brought them over to give you a surprise when you arrive from your misadventures in Solitude," says Mina as she shows them around the house the girls were running around the house to find out about every corner of the house finding their room.

"So what do you think did we do a good job," says Mina wanting to find out what Vincent thought of the interior.

"You all made a great job. It's all in its place and I can see that a woman's touch was needed since it all looks better than I had it imagined it," says Vincent as he walks through the house.

"Nice to hear you like it," says Mina as Lydia comes out if the kitchen.

"Vincent you are back," says Lydia happy to see her Thane was alright and goes to one knee and says seriously, "I should have been there to help but was here. I need to be punished for that."

"Now hold your horses you couldn't do anything even if you were there," says Vincent but Lydia didn't move and stayed there and Vincent says, "*sighs* Alright, let me think how about you prepare more food as a punishment since we are hungry."

She looks up and gives up in being treated seriously by Vincent and goes back to the kitchen when Mina says, "Lydia was very worried when she found out about your disappearance. So take her more seriously alright."

"Alright, I will talk to her right now serious about her punishment," says Vincent as he enters the kitchen. Lydia put more vegetable and meat into the soup and Vincent says, "You wanted to get punished. You will get punished as my people do it in Ishgard. You need to prove your innocence by fighting against me."

"Is that really how you do it in your home?" asks Lydia confused.

"Yes, the winner will be called innocent and the loser will be the sinner. Since Halone is the one judging over us and it is her will that decides if you have the strength to win or lose. Be ready tomorrow morning we will spar and if you lose you will accept any punishment that comes your way. Understood," says Vincent seriously looking at Lydia before continuing relaxed, "Don't worry it won't be something that goes against my morals."

Then he walks towards the door to leave the kitchen and says, "May Halone watch over you tomorrow."

He reunites with Mina that looked at the windows and says, "So the windows represent one of your divines or gods as you said before right."

"Yes, everyone is represents something. I put my life under this one here. Halone is the patron of Ishgard and I was born under her moon. I hope that the girls won't only pray to the nine divines but also to my twelve gods," says Vincent seriously.

"But who is the thirteenth one over there represented by a crystal?" asks Mina curious to find out.

"That is Hydaelyn. She was the one to send me here remember. She doesn't have a human body or at least I never saw a human body except for the body of her voice," says Vincent as he remembered the friend of Bultechu. Minfilia, who became the voice of Hydaelyn.

"So how about we grab something to eat and go to sleep tomorrow will be hard for me," says Vincent and Mina hugs him.

"It's been a week how about we go to bed earlier and you show me your specialty in bed," says Mina dragging Vincent to bed.

Hope you like it.

Deathseekercreators' thoughts