
The Dragon sovereign Is Reborn

I reached the peak of cultivation but later found out that the peak of cultivation was not the peak. I was just a bird trapped in my own story, so a broke free of my story and found other stories out there, some bigger than my story and others small. Although I will start from the absolute beginning once more, I have billions upon trillions of years' worth of knowledge, and experience to allow me to reach a new peak. this is my journey, the journey of the dragon sovereign. I shall conquer many stories and shall take the pen away from all those who dare to try and control my story,

Itachi102 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
18 Chs

Shiro Vs Vegeta

Surrounded by an army and Earth's mightiest warrior, the 2 Saiyans were slightly shocked. To their knowledge, no one on this planet should have a power level of over 1,000. yet before them, the lowest power level other than the soldiers had a power level of around 250, the others had a power level as low as 825 and the highest was 3,500, more than twice that of Raditz.

this came as a slight shock, but they quickly got over the shock. As Krillin ordered the soldiers to stand back so that they don't throw their life away, he and the others got ready to face the enemies, although unwilling the soldiers were ordered by King King Furry to stand back and leave to them and only land them support.

The man with the M-shaped hairline was none like Vegeta, the prince of the Saiyan race. although there were only 3 Saiyans currently alive. Nappa, Goku, and Him who was currently rushing back.

The scouter also act as a communicator, the main reason they were here was to get their hands on those wishing orb. but the two Saiyans didn't simply fight and kill them, they instead planted 6 seeds and dripped some stage liquid into the ground which went on to birth monsters that had a power level of 1,200, they were known as Saibamen

there was a total of 6 of them, one for each person. Piccolo had a power level of 3,500, Gohan had a power level of 980, Krillin with a power level of 1,770, Yamach with a power level of 1,480, Tien with a power level of 1,880, and Chiaotzu with a power level of 840.

To buy time, Piccolo and the others went on to play with Vegeta who wanted to play with them. seeing as there were 6 Chiaotzu and 6 of them, why not have some fun, each of them takes turns fighting a Saibamen.

So they fought, Shiro watched them battle from afar, not knowing what to do. Piccolo and the others were not matches, and Vegeta gave her the worst feeling of all. she knew this, but should she step in or stay away from this?

If she stepped in, she would be going against Sora, and knowing Sora the hell she would go through would be a lot. but she saw these guys as her friends, how could she look away if she could step in to do something?

But when Yamach was about to die, she was unable to look away. gritting her teeth, Shiro disappeared grabbing the Saibamen and pulling it off Yamach seconds before it exploded and would have killed Yamach. at the same time, she destroyed the remembered Saibamen with great ease, stunning everyone.

"Shiro..." Krillin said in shock before joy filled his eyes. With these Shiro around, he was sure that things should be turning around for the better... right?

"I should be able to hand the bold one, the short one isn't my match... Sora is locked away working on the dragon ball, I don't know when he would pop up. So let's buy time." Shiro said seriously, two of which the group nodded slightly.

"I will handle the short one, you all work together to at least buy me some time," Shiro said as she reached out her palms, which faced the Vegeta who was sizing her up, slightly stunned by her beauty. but he was a Saiyan, not the type to be so easily charmed,

"I can feel it... your strength is far higher than those around you. sure I will play, and the name is Vegeta, you would do well to remember that." Vegeta said with crossed arms, Shiro stepped forward, and out of nowhere her body exploded with lightning, a wind slash mixed with the power of lightning shot out at high speed

Nappa's pupils shrink, gathering his Ki he got ready to defend himself. but the wind slash was destroyed by Vegeta who suddenly appeared before the attack.

"I thought your battle was with me," Vegeta asked with a laugh, slightly shocked by Shiro's show of strength, currently Shiro's strength just reached 13,888 in this current state she was within. Nappa only had a power level of 7,500, being caught off guard, Nappa would have died from that sudden attack.

"..." Shiro took in a deep breath and shot towards Vegeta, and the two instantly disappeared in the sky, moving so fast that Nappa and the others couldn't even follow their shadow. Vegeta punched Shiro, but Shiro quickly dodged and sent a palm toward Vegeta's stomach, but Vetega caught that palm,

Vegeta frowned slightly as his palm was being burned by the lightning aura, in fact, just touching her, he had to break through the lightning aura which also damaged her. Looking closely he could see Shiro was burning herself as well by using this technique.


A huge Fire Ball currently shot from Shiro's mouth, slamming into Vegeta and sending him shooting far away. Shiro didn't stop, she had to land as many blow as she could before she reached her time limit.

Shiro clapped her hands, the ground below came to life, and countless earth spikes shot toward Vegeta. Vegeta seeing this, quickly moved, kicking the side of the spike shooting towards him, using that as a chance to push himself back while at the same time dodging the other incoming spikes,

But he suddenly moved, trading many blows with Shiro who suddenly appeared before him, and so the two fought with Shiro being on the losing end through it all. meanwhile, down below, Piccolo made the first move and attacked Nappa who was off guard watching Shiro fighting Vegeta, even though he was caught off guard, he quickly reacted blocking the attacks.

So, a 6 v 1 started on the ground, and in the sky, a 1 v1 began. the battle was huge, and Nappa and Vegeta both looked as if they were going to win their matches. the first person to hit the ground was Chiaotzu, who blew himself off trying to take himself down with Nappa, being the weakest there, Nappa had already badly injured him, so he took himself out while inflicting as much damage upon Nappa as he could.

Next to fall was Yamach who was stabbed through the heart by Nappa, followed by Tien used up all his Ki, killing himself in the process of injuring Nappa. but before they could go on, they stopped as something filled the sky

More lightning exploded off Shiro, but this time it gathered in her palm. the cries of a thousand birds filled the air. Lightning rained all over the place, destroying the land below, Shiro held her palm which was swallowed in Lightning before rushing forward.

another one of Sora's technique, The Lightning Blade, technique that gathers so much energy from the palm, and convert that energy into lightning. this Lightning Blade has the power to cut through anything, even better than most blades.

but it has a few drawbacks, Sora called it a forbidden technique as it could cause great harm to the user and use up a lot of energy if not mastered. It also boosts one speed to a high degree, giving them something like tunnel vision if their eyesight wasn't high enough,

With the lightning Mode, Shiro's speed reached the limit. shooting forward, Shiro cut through the Fire Ball she had launched moments ago, catching Vegeta who had his hands stretched out, to block the fireball by shock,

but he quickly reacted and at the least moment, he moved. Blood rained from the sky, followed by an Explosion as someone hit the ground. on the ground, Nappa and the others looked over there and saw a hand slowly reaching out of the dust.

Slowly, a figure got out of the dust while holding their stomach. their eyes widened seeing who it was, but they heard something else hitting the ground. looking over, they saw Vegeta who was holding his stomach through gritted teeth, there was a hole in his stomach, but there was no blood, as the hole was burnt by what caused it.

"You damn woman," Vetgeta said through gritted teeth, Shiro breathed heavily while looking at Vegeta, before looking at Piccolo and the others, but seeing the dead bodies around the place, her heart grew heavy.

Shiro took a deep breath before she clapped her hands, forming a hand seal that would better help her control her energy. fighting through the pain, she channeled the element of water and fused it with lightning, before she held her palm out, forming a gun seal with both hands.

With a scream, Shiro's body exploded with lightning once, entering the lightning mode, she unleashed one last attack, the strongest attack she has mastered. with the fusion of white and lightning, it birthed an element that Sora called Storm.

A water Blue Beam of Lightning from the Gun Seal, shoots toward Vegeta, who quickly but his hands together to defend himself. and with a boom, the lightning beam swallowed him and kept flying off the edge of the planet.

"Vegeta!" Nappa screamed in worry while trying to see through the smoke, everyone held their breath, while Shiro weakly fell to her knee, out of breath. Krillin rushed over to help her up while looking forward at the dust cloud where a figure could barely be seen.

Slowly Vegeta was seen, he was injured by the attack, but he managed to power through the attack. but he could still fight at 100%, the injury he suffered was not so huge that his combat power dropped. the whole in his stomach was sealed thanks to the lightning blade, and the beam which Shiro shot towards him, it took time for her to power it up, giving him time to get ready and show just how different in power they were

"You not a bad for a woman. but this is where you die." Vegeta said with a cold smile while holding his palm out toward Shiro, before shooting an energy blast at her. but at the last moment, a blur appeared, slapping the attack away.

"Goku!" Krillin and everyone else jumped for joy seeing Goku arrive, Shiro sighed softly, before a chill ran through her spin as she looked towards a rock that Sora was standing on. He was there the whole time?

Sora had just arrived, how else could Goku arrive from the afterlife so soon? Sora sent a clone to Kami and sent Sora to the afterlife to get Goku. Sora of course had his reason for this, if Kami could travel to another dimension and back with his weak strength, Sora wanted the technique he used along with a few other stuff, which Kami agree without hesitation,

Sora had many techniques, this world was not the same as his world. he could use the technique he used for teleportation here, some techniques needed a person to reach a high cultivation realm. but Sora could get around this by getting this world technique and slowly changing his technique to be useful in this world by studying this world techniques,

Sora left, heading off to see Kami before the old man kicked the bucket, and once he got the knowledge he seeks, Sora turned into energy disappearing. he was only a clone after all.