
The Dragon sovereign Is Reborn

I reached the peak of cultivation but later found out that the peak of cultivation was not the peak. I was just a bird trapped in my own story, so a broke free of my story and found other stories out there, some bigger than my story and others small. Although I will start from the absolute beginning once more, I have billions upon trillions of years' worth of knowledge, and experience to allow me to reach a new peak. this is my journey, the journey of the dragon sovereign. I shall conquer many stories and shall take the pen away from all those who dare to try and control my story,

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs


Upon Goku's arrival, he and Vegeta went on to have a standoff with each other. Goku only had a power level of 8,000, and Vegeta had a shocking power level of 16,000. the difference in power was huge, but Goku could keep up thanks to his training and the technique he had learned. the Kaioken, a technique that could boost Goku's power level up to 20 times.

of course the higher the boost, the greater the backlash shall be from using this technique, if he does more than his body could handle, his body shall explode. the two fight was something that Sora wanted to watch, so put some of his attention on the battlefield,

Vegeta and Goku took their battle far away, The battle was something that left Shiro speechless, just 6 years ago she was sure she could defeat Goku and Piccolo even if they teamed up, but now Goku alone was showing the capability to defeat her all on his own.

their battle was felt by everyone across the planet, leaving many horrified by the level of power which was being shown. But Goku even with everything was no match for Vegeta, unable to remain within the Kaioken for long, that short temporary second when his power level was equal to Vegeta's wasn't enough,

But that's when Goku noticed the injuries Vegeta left behind by Shiro. So he began targeting them, turning things around in his favor. seeing this, Vegeta grew enraged, although these injuries were sealed, Goku was opening them up.

What drove Vegeta even more mad was when Goku, a low-class Saiyan overpowered him, leading to him coughing up a mouthful of blood and falling to his knees. how could he take such humiliation?

Enraged, Vegeta shot into the sky and got ready to lunch an attack that would destroy the whole planet. A power level of at least 10,000 was needed to destroy a planet, of course, such a person with a low power level like that would need to charge up such an attack for some time,

Seeing Vegeta really about to destroy the planet, forced Goku to unlash his Kaioken times 3 Kamehameha, which clashed with Vegeta Galik Gun. but the two energy beams were equal in strength, forcing Goku to use KaioKen times 4, which overpowered Vegeta, sending him flying away, and pushing toward space with the attack.

But barely, he rolled to the side, and fell off the energy beam, getting away with some injuries. swallowed by rage, he began searching for the moon, he was not going to accept defeat so easily, but he couldn't even find the moon,

stunned he landed next to Goku and went on to create his mini-moon. With this moon Vegeta began to transform, turning into a huge ape. before the transformations, Vegeta had a power level of 7,000. thanks to the injuries he had suffered, his power level dropped. but now, his power level increased by 10 times, reaching a shocking 70,000.

"Take me back there, Goku is in danger," Shiro said weakly feeling this shocking level of power that had appeared, only Sora should be able to take on Vegeta, luckily for them, Vegeta was not even at 50% of his strength when he transformed. If Vegeta was at 100%, he would have a power level of 180,000. by then, would Sora even be able to fight him?

"Yeah, let's go," Gohan said seriously while looking towards the battlefield far away, Krillin hearing the two words grew uneasy. Krillin hesitated for some time, but in the end, he nodded as he shot towards the battlefield carrying Shiro who couldn't move,

"How did that guy transform into an Ape?" Shiro asked softly, hearing this Krillin was shocked for a moment, but went on to explain in the end what was happening. Saiyans had a tail that could allow them to transform during a full moon, into Great Apes.

There were two known ways to deal with this, the first was to destroy the moon, and the second was to cut the tail. With Vegeta's current strength, the hardest thing to do would be to cut his tail, and destroy the moon... well, that would be even harder, since there was no moon to destroy. so how did he even transform?

They soon arrived and saw Vegeta who was currently crushing Goku under his feet, but before they could do anything, they were stopped by a fat man with a sword. but they quickly explain to him the plan before they moved, splitting apart, and went on to catch Vegeta off guard to cut his tail off,

but every time they trade, Vegeta sensed them and reacted quickly to dodge, but the fat guy being so weak couldn't be sensed, allowing him to cut the tail off. even so, Vegeta returning to normal form put him above everyone here. but Gohon proved strong enough to hold Vegeta off on his own,

"Shiro, I will give you the power from the spirit boom," Goku said weakly, unable to move even in the slightest. Shiro who was laying next to Goku covered in her blood looked at Goku in confusion,

Goku went on to raise his hands and channeled the energy from the spirit boom into Shiro's palm, slightly stunned by the power given to her, she went on to absorb it, restoring her energy which had been used up,


Vegeta who was beating up Gohan suddenly felt something slam into his stomach, his eyes widened, and his mouth opened to cough up a mouthful of blood, before being sent off, slamming into the ground, knocked out.

"That was a nice technique," Shiro said with a smile while looking at Goku, who just laughed weakly. Shiro sighed softly before she fell to the ground, too tired from all of this, Gohan and everyone else also hit the ground, catching their breath...

"what's that?" Gohan said softly as his eyes landed upon a glowing orb in the sky, his heartbeat suddenly began to race, while his body began to transform. sensing this, Shiro turned to look and her pupils shrink seeing Gohan turning into a Great Ape,

Throughout today, Gohan has been tested by Nappa and Vegeta, pushing him to break his limit. As he turned into a Great Ape, Gohan's power level reached a shocking, 9,000. it would have been higher if he was not so injured, but his current strength made him the strongest person on this battlefield,

Without Control like Vegeta, Gohan went on to target everyone. but with a scream from the ground, Gohan's tail was cut off and went on to land on the ground with a heavy boom, everyone looked towards who launched that attack and saw Vegeta getting up, covered in blood.

"Haha," Vegeta laughed seeing how everyone was all out and couldn't fight, while holding his injuries, he slowly walked towards the person with the least injuries. Krillin, making Krillin slowly back away from him in fear.


Vegeta screamed in pain as he was hit by an attack, and was sent falling to the ground. The fat guy with the sword seeing this cheered in joy, to think he would be the one to defeat such a powerful enemy.

But Vegeta instantly turned around, throwing a sharp glare at him, seeing this he grew scared and quickly began falling back, but he was sent flying with a kick from Vegeta, only for Vegeta to be sent stumbling backward from a punch from Krillin, only for Vegeta to lunch a stronger attack which Sent Krillin falling.

Breathing heavily, Vegeta grabbed the sword on the ground and was ready to end this, but a battle cry was heard, turning around, Shiro was sent covered in lightning, and her fist slammed heavily onto Vegeta, sending Vegeta falling flying.

Shiro stepped forward to follow up with an attack, but her pupils lost all light the next moment, and she fell to the ground, out cold.

"Damn..." Vegeta said as he slowly got up, breathing heavily, he looked around he gritted his teeth before slowly pulling out a device that he used to call his space pod. He was too injured, and this planet still had an army, he should fall back and return once he was at 100%. plus, his injuries were reaching a state where he couldn't ignore them anymore.

slowly crawling to his space pod which had arrived, he slowly opened the door which had opened, but he turned when he heard heavy breathing behind him. there Krillin stood with the sword, seeing this Vegeta gritted his teeth, was he going to die from such a weakling?

No, Goku shockingly stopped Krillin, allowing Vegeta to leave as he wanted to fight him again someday. next time, Goku wanted to fight Vegeta and win all by himself. this time was barely a drawl, next time it shall be different...

after Vegeta left, a ship landed on the battlefield and went on to check everyone and place them on the ship. Bulma, who was angry went on to collect everyone's dead body and went on to go to Sora's mansion.

"n-no, don't bother Sora," Shiro said weakly, making Bulma angrily turns to look at Shiro. if Sora join the battle, would anyone have died? how could Shiro defend Shiro even after knowing all of this?

"Sora has been locked away for a month working on something, I don't know how hard it is to create them. but I can understand working so hard and being unwilling to drop a month's worth of hard work and no rest." Shiro said softly, making Bulma angry was that a reason? now that she thought of it, why is Shiro always so... good to Sora? did Shiro have a thing for him or something?

"Sora is the one who got me on Snake away, he saved me a few hours," Goku said weakly, confusing everyone for a moment. how did Sora do that if he couldn't leave? but SHiro explained it was just a clone.

"This is a pain in the ass," Sora said softly while looking at the dragon statue in front of him, creating a dragon that grants wishes was the easy part. but Sora wanted more, Sora wanted to be able to fuse with the dragon. Sora wanted to be able to have the dragon's power and his own come together as one to allow him to gain an unmatched level of strength,

'I wonder if I can find others like Piccolo... If I can collect all of their bloodlines and trace them back to their ancestor, I could better do something like this. I only had some parts of Piccolo to absorb, if I can have a few hundred... well, that would be for the best.' Sora thought as a cold light flash through his eyes, but he shook his head. He shouldn't jump to such ruthless means at every cool race he stumbles upon,

"Well, for now, I should be working on punishment for Shiro... she is going to get in the way of the flow of the story. If Goku ends up developing for the worst, would I not have a worthy rival? I can feel the story trying to get me out of his way, So I will not focus on it." Sora said as he sat down cross-legged, and rested his head on his fist.

Sora could feel the story forcing him to get in the way of Goku at times, the first time he felt this was 6 years ago when he and Shiro were late for the tournament. that was the plot doing, not his doing. hell, the reason he didn't force Bulma to give him the dragon ball was because of the plot.

The things he want would come naturally, so he simply had to sit back and wait for the moment well the plot reaches a level where he could do as he wished. He was not sure if he could do as he wished right now, but what if the author of the story ends up doing something like killing him or erasing him from the story? follow the plot and remain low-key, and only do things that wouldn't affect the plot too much, while slowly comprehending the plot to steal the pen from the author.

Sora's eyes narrowed for some time before he looked at the sky, his eyes narrowing as if he was looking right at someone.

on a small planet, King Kai, the king of the universe North area instantly felt a chill-looking Sora right at him.

"you would do well not to go around watching me," Sora said sharply, thanks to the soldiers he was able to cultivate his QI and Soul Cultivation, with His soul cultivation currently at level 9 Soul tempering, it had a power level of 10 times higher than his other cultivation if they were to be on the same level.

This was because of Sora's will. A person's will couldn't be stronger than his soul cultivation, but it was always balanced with his soul strength, this brought out a perfect fusion, allowing for both his soul and will to show to come together to be stronger than the other.

That was a power level of 3,080. cultivation of the soul brought upon many abilities, Soul Tempering, allowed one soul to be strengthened to a point where they could affect and sense the world through Soul sense.

this would show itself through telekinesis, Telepathy, and many other mind-based abilities, the higher Sora cultivation gets, the more abilities shall be awakened. Soul cultivation gives its user an energy called Ji, a powerful and mysterious energy, which could ignore and bypass most types of barriers and defenses.

Sensing someone watching him, was something that could be done, and with him cultivating the Dragon Sovereign Cutlivtion art, his senses were sharp than sharp. the main reason the dragon couldn't even go against Sora's wishes was because of this Aura.

no matter what life this was, Sora's will be still that of the Dragon Sovereign, once Sora has the blood of your race, it would be funny if you could still be normal around him.

after sensing King Kai no longer watching him, Sora went on to do his own thing. first thing was to deal with Shiro, and second thing was to find a huge amount of energy to absorb and grow stronger, if all of his cultivation were balanced currently at level 8 of the second stage of cultivation, Sora would be able to unleash a power level of 1.6 million, but he needed a huge amount of planet.

He could just absorb the whole planet's life force, but he was not that type of person, instead, he planned to travel the universe seeking lifeless planets and absorb them all to grow stronger. people like Vegeta, and Sora showed no interest in them. maybe he has some importance to the plot, so the plot allowed him to escape,