
The Dragon sovereign Is Reborn

I reached the peak of cultivation but later found out that the peak of cultivation was not the peak. I was just a bird trapped in my own story, so a broke free of my story and found other stories out there, some bigger than my story and others small. Although I will start from the absolute beginning once more, I have billions upon trillions of years' worth of knowledge, and experience to allow me to reach a new peak. this is my journey, the journey of the dragon sovereign. I shall conquer many stories and shall take the pen away from all those who dare to try and control my story,

Itachi102 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
18 Chs

Planet Namek

"Sora there are dragon balls on other planets?" Sora asked calmly, Bulma nodded slightly before she angrily looked at Sora when she realized Sora didn't care about those that died, but instead cared more about the dragon balls on these other planets.

"I will come with you guys this time." Sora calmly. Sora of course wanted to go to this other planet to see what it was like. Bulma glared at Sora, was that not clear he would come over here?

"But I will not step into your battles unless I see it as necessary. Goku is more than capable of doing this, you should have more faith in him. Those who die will be brought back to life, I will make sure of it." Sora said calmly, Bulma frowned deeply for some time before she turned around and left, not looking back.

"... You should treat her better," Shiro said softly, Sora shrugged slightly. He didn't put Bulma in his eyes, going out with her was just him playing around. She was smart, but nothing shocking smart. if he wanted he could have created his dragon radar, but he chose not to.

If Sora took Bulma seriously, he wouldn't have dated her, he would have married her there and then. But he didn't and simply played along with her games,

"Well, we should begin your punishment. We have 10 days to make you worthy of going to Namek." Sora said making Shiro freeze in horror upon hearing this, Sora held out his palm, and clothing flashed on Shiro, making Shiro feel as if she was carrying a mountain on her shoulders.

this was one of the abilities he got from Kami, it was called Magic Materialization. Namekians of the Dragon Clan can create items like clothing out of thin air. Prodigies of the Dragon Clan can even use to create Dragon Balls.

"Well, using lightning, fire, water, wind, and earth, come at me," Sora said calmly, Shiro almost cry, the last time she did something like this, she couldn't walk for days without feeling pain all over her body.

Shiro stepped forward and quickly took the first step to attack Sora, but she was countered got punched in the stomach, and was sent stumbling backward.

"The 5 Elemental Divine Dragon, true power comes in the power in its ability to fuse all elements. So far you can only fuse just two elements... water and Lightning, which is one of the hardest elements, so you have some talent," Sora said calmly, making Shiro helpless as she remember she even learned that.

forced underwater, she was forced to use lightning and fuse it with the water around her. She was burnt many times by lightning and water, but that was something of the past. but now, it seemed like Sora wanted her to learn something else...

Bulma and the others were planning on leaving Earth for planet Nemek in 10 days, Sora and Shiro would be coming with them. all but Goku who was currently in the Hospital, he punished himself too far and was left bedridden.

So 10 days passed in the blink of an eye, on an island, Sora slowly floated down with Shiro, where he saw Chi Chi, Bulma, Master Roshi, Krillin, Gohan, and Chi Chi's father. they all looked at Sora and Shiro for some time, with Bulma ignoring Sora completely.

"Piccolo," Bulma said calmly, and with that, the ship they stood before them suddenly opened. from the bottom of the ship, a part slowly came down, to which Krillin, Gohan, and Bulma stepped on.

"..." Sora blankly looked at everyone before his eyes landed on Gohan, looking at the weird clothing he had on. for some time, he couldn't take his eyes off him, before he looked away, this brat was disgraced his father's name.

Gohan lowered his head, unable to even look up. he could feel Sora's eyes, it only made him want to cry. his mother forced him to wear this clothing, what could he say?

"wait, before you guys go. Please look after my son," Chi Chi said as she lowered her head before Sora. Sora looked at her for a moment before smiling and nodding slightly.

"Don't worry, I'm a lot stronger from a few weeks ago," Shiro said with pride, she managed to break through to level 9 Body Strengthening, and currently if she fused all 3 cultivation, her power level would shoot up to 13,860. adding the lightning mode which she got a better mastery of, her power level was at 37,500

"yes, she should be more than enough to handle the likes of Vegeta if he pops up again," Sora said calmly, to which everyone looked at Shiro in shock. Sora floated up, entered the ship, and went on to enter the ship, followed by the others.

"So, you guys tell me when we arrive," Sora said calmly as he went on to lay down, placed a phone on the ground, and went on to watch his Anime. Krillin and Gohan looked at Sora, Gohan quickly changed his clothing, and with slight unease, after some time they spoke up.

"Sir, Sora... we wish for you to train us." Gohan and Krillin said at once, they heard many times of Sora's strength. how has his power level reached over 100k, who would be a better teacher than this?

Sora paused the anime, before looking at the two. he looked at them for some time before speaking.

"for a 5-year-old, you're already fighting grown audit, you're worthy of my training. Krillin, although not as talented, you still have potential... plus, I like that technique you used, The destructo disc." Sora said with a smile, making the two eyes brighten slightly.

"I will place you two under an illusion, your power levels should at least double before we land," Sora said calmly, Gohan and Krillin's eyes instantly went blank as they found themselves trapped in an illusion, before they fell to the ground, lifeless,

"Alright, we have 1 month to make you two get closer..." Shiro said with a smile, but that smile froze as Bulma glared at her. why was she so interested in their business,

"Why do you keep putting your head in our relationship?" Bulma asked with a deep frown,

"well, it's simple... you're my friends and I want you two to get along," Shiro said while looking away, making Sora and Bulma speechless. She was not a good liar, but Sora was not interested in the reasoning as well. Shiro wasn't in love with him or anything, so why did she care so much?

"I-I..." Shiro panicked seeing Sora and Bulma just looking at her, she stepped backward, not knowing what to say for some time. But with Sora looking at her with such a look, she couldn't bring herself to lie.

"... I'm your mother." She said weakly, stunning both Bulma and Sora. but was she not like... 16 years older than Sora? but with this information, things clicked in Sora's head,

she was kicked out of her parents at the age of 16, mostly because she was pregnant, and she moved in with her then-boyfriend, but he passed away. leading to her giving Sora up for abduction as she was not well off for it.

She managed to track Sora down, and she went on to try and get closer to Sora. Being Sora's only friend in this world. this explains why he wanted him to start dating, what mother didn't want grandchildren, this could have been her way of being the mother she couldn't be for Sora.

back then, Shiro was nowhere ready to have a child. sure she had her future planned out, but the first thing she didn't see coming was her parents rejecting her and kicking her out, and the second thing was her then lover up and dying of an illness. not in the right mental state and having the money, she could only give Sora away.

"..." Bulma went quiet, she might have stepped onto something she shouldn't have. She knew Sora grew up with no parents, but she could also put the pieces together to know Shiro's past,

"Sora, didn't you hear her. she is your mother," Bulma said seeing Sora just returning to his Anime, not bothering to show much care.

"I heard, what about it? I see her more as a friend than a mother, I will not treat you any differently because of that small new detail." Sora said calmly, making Shiro's eyes slowly water, before she suddenly jumped on Sora, and just hugged him while crying away, making Sora annoyed to no limit.

"I was so scared to tell you, I thought you would hate me," Shiro said making Sora helpless for some time, but it didn't take long for her to leave him alone before she went on to sit down with Bulma and speak, leaving him alone. Sora was not the emotional type, he found it hard to even show emotions at times.

time passed, and a month quickly went by before they landed on Namek. Within this time, Sora did no training, the only training he did was cultivation, energy control, and so on were already at their peak, and his combat skills and all type of techniques were at their peak. he only needed to study techniques of this world, and slowly change his technique to best fit this technique's laws.

Cultivation arts didn't need to be changed at the early stages, but once they start touching upon the law of the world, he would need to start changing them. As for techniques related to the laws of the world, such as space and time technique, Sora needed to study the space and time of this world, which was far different than his world,

but things of the 5 elements, such as Lightning, Fire, earth, wind, and water, Sora had already comprehended to a good level. They were around him, so he had more than enough time to study them.

once the ship touched the ground of planet Namek, Sora awakened Gohan and Krillin from their illusions, once they were awakened. their body exploded with Qi, which Sora absorbed, and concerted to Spiritual energy which he used to increase his soul cultivation, which have been stuck due to a lack of energy to absorb,

with this, His soul cultivation reached level 2 Nascent Soul, which was the second stage of cultivation for the Soul Cultivation system, which went as.

First Stage- Soul tempering

Second Stage- Nascent Soul

Third Stage- Infant Soul...

"wow, so much power," Gohan said in shock, his power level had jumped to 4,000. meanwhile, Krillin's power level had jumped to 6,000. a huge difference from a month ago when they had a power level lower than 3,000

"Alright, I will be leaving to do my own thing. remember I'm not the strongest thing on this planet, that title goes to the person with a power level of around 300,000. I feel like he is holding back, so it's far higher. be careful out here." Sora said calmly as he left, not giving them a chance to say anything.

Bulma slowly almost left her body hearing that someone on the planet held a power level higher than Sora. She instantly regretted ever coming here, she brought herself to be crushed like a bug,

meanwhile, Sora flew around the planet, his aura perfectly hidden while searching for something. the Nemekain on this planet was far stronger than humans back on Earth, their elite warriors reaching a power level of 3,000, a level of strength the first human from Earth broke thanks to Sora.

Anyways, there were many dead bodies belonging to Nemekains, and the person with the power level of 300,000 was going around killing them and searching for something. thanks to the improvement in his soul cultivation, Sora could easily sense what he was searching for. the dragon balls,

Sora didn't care much about other things, he wanted to create his dragon balls. so, he went around absorbing the dead bodies he found of the Nemekain, slowly increasing his Energy cultivation which was now lagging behind his other cultivation,

after absorbing more than 100 Nemekain, Sora sat down and began tracking back their DNA back to their ancestor. it took some time, but slowly Sora found it and began fusing with that bloodline. A flash of golden Nemekain-like skin flashed across Sora's body before they disappeared,

letting out a deep breath while seeing the power of this bloodline, Sora went on to convert this power, spreading it out to his soul and energy cultivation, having it increase the two cultivation up until they matched his Body cultivation. most of his energy form his was spent on Soul cultivation, which needed more than twice the energy as the others.

'Now, with the Dragon Sovereign Sense, Dragon Sovereign Will, and Dragon Sovereign Armorment. I'm set.' Sora thought with a smile,

Dragon Sovereign Sense was gained from cultivating his energy, and would one day allow him to sense everything in existence. but for now, it allowed him to sense the whole planet, and see everything as clear as day as if he was there to sense things with his 5 senses, but far better than the 5 senses.

Dragon Sovereign's will was gained by cultivating his soul and will. with this, Sora can use his willpower in battle. but currently, he couldn't do that yet, instead, he can unleash his will to the outside world, causing those with weaker wills than himself to be knocked out or disappear.

Dragon Sovereign Armorment was gained by cultivating his body, it allowed him to turn his energy into a layer of armor around his body or item, increasing its durability and attack power. at its peak, it becomes the ultimate armor and attack.

Sora created these 3, although he couldn't remember where he gained the idea to create such a cool technique. but they did remind him a lot of Two Piece techniques...

these 3 techniques can also be fused to show many effects, but they must first have reached their peak, which Sora couldn't do for now as his cultivation was too low.

Dragon Sovereign Armorment gave Sora 5 times boost to his power level, but it would increase as Sora's cultivation increased. to help you guys understand Sora's cultivation and strength, let's draw it out on a stat window.

Name: Sora

Age: 30

Bloodline: [Saiyan Bloodline] [Ancent Nemekian Bloodline] [Human Bloodline]

Body Cultivation: Level 9 Body Strengthening {PL: 4,000

Energy Cultivation: Level 9 energy Condensation {PL: 4,000

Soul Cultivation: level 9 Nascent Soul {PL: 40,000

Peak Combat Level: 20,000,000


Body Mastery: Supreme Grand Master (You have such a high level of mastery, that you can show 10 times the power level your body holds.)

Energy Mastery: Supreme Grand Master (You have such a high level of mastery, that you can show 10 times the power level your Enegy holds.)

Soul Mastery: Supreme Grand Master (You have such a high level of mastery, that you can show 10 times the power level your soul holds.)

Energy Megrn Mastery: Supreme Grand Master (You have reached a High Level Of Energy merging, it increases the power of two energy coming together by 10 times.}

Energy Conversion: Supreme Grand Master (You have reached a High Level Of Energy Transformations that you could convert all energy with little as possible waste, turning the said converted energy into its most powerful and purest state.}

Sora was an absolute monster, one shouldn't forget combat skills, senses, and so on. Sora could even fight someone with a power level of 40 million and still fight as if they were equal.

But Sora could still grow stronger. there were many note-worthy races here, surely there were some that he could use. As for the dragon ball, he shall work on it once he returns to Earth.

Sora Dragon Sovereign's senses spread out, allowing him to see everything on the whole planet. He looked around for some time before he flew toward a few dead bodies of the aliens, the more bloodline he has, the better, as he shall trace them back to their Ancestors. He always wanted to trace back the Saiyan race back to their Supreme Grand Master,